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Is Anyone Else Concerned With Timothy Bradleys Health?

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  • Is Anyone Else Concerned With Timothy Bradleys Health?

    He suffered a damaging beating against Ruslan that resulted in being cuncussed. He had to take time off and see neuro specialist to get better because his speech was slurred and had memory problems etc.

    He takes beatings from Pacquaio resulting in broken ankles.

    He fights Chavez and gets lumped up bad, but pior to this fight every 122lber was dropping bradley he was slurring his speech again and once again he had to see doctors etc to get his brain right.

    This guy just aint taking bad beating or fights that are tolling they are literally taking part of him with each fight and all these neuro specialist he has to seem often now cause he just aint right.

    I think bradley gonna end up another sad case in boxing. What do you guys think.

    Last edited by Gucci; 05-21-2015, 08:59 PM.

  • #2
    Yeah he gets hit alot, he needs to work on defense more. Or retire soon, he has alot of heart though


    • #3
      I think Bradley will beat Vargas around the ring with boxing skill. Sure, he may have some damage after he retires but he will make a career out of commentating and have several businesses to sustain his family when he retires from the ring. Listen to how RJJ sounds and he still commentates for HBO, so I think Bradley will be just fine.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Easy Work. View Post
        Yeah he gets hit alot, he needs to work on defense more. Or retire soon, he has alot of heart though
        I agree with you. I think he needs to box more. He is not young anymore. He has all the quality for a defensive fighter [Fast Hand Speed (those fast jab to the body), Pretty good reflexes (evading Pacquiao's Flurries in their first fight), granite chin, good footwork (can fight backward)]. It will be good for his overall career and health.


        • #5


          • #6
            Yeah a little but I always feel like I'm going overboard with it.

            Bradley gonna have to stay on the move in this fight...Vargas is one of those guys who doesn't have a ton of power, but is pretty active and throws very good, diverse combinations. So man if Tim gets caught up and isn't able to move that great, he will take a lot of shots in this fight that won't KO him. I'm sure his trainer will keep an eye on him if it goes that way


            • #7
              He went the fan friendly route and it took years off his career. He been taking so much unecessary punishment lately. Lesson learned....fight your fight.


              • #8
                I'm pulling hard for Vargas to win the fight.


                • #9
                  Sort of.

                  The Ruslan fight was a tough one.


                  • #10
                    Don't worry...he will box this fight. I send him emails every week telling him to do what Floyd does, hit and not get hit. Just box him up behind the jab, tie him up on the inside and punish him to the body. Slip the punches and put on a BOXING clinic but....BIG BUT, don't cruise in ANY rounds at all. If he feels that Vargas is taking the round off and he thinks he is ahead, still pounce on Vargas and rip him with combinations. Make sure that the counter shots are crisp and that he slips away after landing.

                    I expect him to stick and move and uppercut when Vargas attempts to close the distance.

