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What does it say about Calzaghe that fans give him credit for Hopkins's achievements?

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  • #71
    Compubox, well that means a lot

    at people who use that as proof that someone deserved a decision.

    That doesn't mean hopkins deserved to win though. he didn't deserve a win simply based on the principle of being a shameless flopping actor.

    it's even worse considering the fact that hopkins is one of the dirtiest fighters of this generation


    • #72
      Hopkins beat Calzaghe. I agree with ESPN, BBC Sport, the Associated Press and Yahoo Sports as well as the countless other members of the media and fans who saw it that way. It's laughable to me anyone would try and stake Calzaghe's entire legacy on that match. Really makes the guy look bad. But then that's what Joe apparently wanted. He ran away from the rematch and left a permanent stain on his legacy. In case anyone hasn't noticed yet Joe has become a punchline. Sad outcome for a quality guy.


      • #73
        Originally posted by soul_survivor View Post
        Oh come on, I don't expect this **** from you.

        Taylor was a slightly above average boxer who squeaked past Hops and barely had a title run, fighting faded names as best the could.

        Calzaghe is the greatest SMW ever and has names like Kessler, Bika, Lacy and a few others on his ledger, some of these names are still relevant fighters to this day.

        ****, Americans still pissed hahhaahahaha Mostly African Americans I believe.
        I'm not comparing Taylor to Calzaghe.

        What I'm saying is if every Hopkins win enhances Calzaghe's legacy then why doesn't it enhance Taylor's?

        Just because Taylor went on to lose? What difference does that make?

        But all in all basically my point is saying Calzaghe or Taylor get their legacy enhanced because Hopkins continues to win is just simply very ******.


        • #74
          Daggum owning people left and right in this thread.


          • #75
            Originally posted by A-Wolf View Post
            Hopkins beat Calzaghe. I agree with ESPN, BBC Sport, the Associated Press and Yahoo Sports as well as the countless other members of the media and fans who saw it that way. It's laughable to me anyone would try and stake Calzaghe's entire legacy on that match. Really makes the guy look bad. But then that's what Joe apparently wanted. He ran away from the rematch and left a permanent stain on his legacy. In case anyone hasn't noticed yet Joe has become a punchline. Sad outcome for a quality guy.
            I tend to agree with the judges, Lederman, Lampley and most of all the late legend Emanuel Steward.


            • #76
              Originally posted by A-Wolf View Post
              Daggum owning people left and right in this thread.
              I already smashed this thread a while back. Look into it.


              • #77
                Originally posted by Richard Wadd View Post
                Does it mean his resume is awful, or that his fans are just desperate and insecure? Or both?
                Combo, Joe's resume is pretty thin borderline transparent, they gotta try and rationalize it to themselves every now and then.


                • #78
                  Originally posted by EZ BASH View Post
                  Combo, Joe's resume is pretty thin borderline transparent, they gotta try and rationalize it to themselves every now and then.
                  Please explain how the most title fight defenses in SMW history and a win over an ATG like Hopkins and young studs like Lacy and Kesler = a transparent resume.

                  I'm the first to admit that Joe waited way too long to test himself against the best in the USA but his resume is very solid. Holding a title for a decade, having a lineal championship in 2 divisions and retiring undefeated is no average achievement.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by daggum View Post
                    punch stats were wrong. that's a fact. slow motion analysis proved this.
                    I see. Can you give me the source and in which other fights has slow motion analysis given new results?

                    do you think the world is flat because at first some people said it was flat. the difference is people changed their mind when they found out it wasn't flat. calzaghe fans found out the truth and still pretend which reveals their bias or they simply don't believe facts which is probably even funnier.
                    What facts is it that they don't believe? The scorecards?

                    aggression is not a scoring criteria.
                    Yes it is.

                    its effective aggression and since calzaghe wasn't able to pin hopkins down or land on him while coming forward he wasn't effective. calzaghe fans always say he won because he was coming forward and he was pressing the fight which means diddly squat. was he landing punches? no. was he taking punches? yes. so how was he winning? because he had the confidence to keep coming forward despite being outlanded and because he had the confidence to keep throwing even if he didn't land? i think calzaghe was screaming during the fight "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" he tricked you plain and simple.

                    whether it's a slap or a punch if it doens't land it's not telling.
                    He won the most rounds and therefore he won the fight.


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by Boxing Goat View Post
                      Please explain how the most title fight defenses in SMW history and a win over an ATG like Hopkins and young studs like Lacy and Kesler = a transparent resume.

                      I'm the first to admit that Joe waited way too long to test himself against the best in the USA but his resume is very solid. Holding a title for a decade, having a lineal championship in 2 divisions and retiring undefeated is no average achievement.
                      Just to nitpick a bit. He was not lineal champion in two divisions.

