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Comments Thread For: Angulo Rips Allegations He Threw His Fight With Canelo

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  • Comments Thread For: Angulo Rips Allegations He Threw His Fight With Canelo

    Junior middleweight contender Alfredo Angulo blew off the allegations that are being made by certain fans, who believe the tough boxer took a dive in his recent fight with former WBC/WBA junior middleweight champion Saul "Canelo" Alvarez at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

    Against Canelo, Angulo did not possess the same drive, the same power or the same high punch output - that many fans saw in Angulo's gutsy loss against Erislandy Lara last June. He took a beating from start to finish, until referee Tony Weeks stopped the match in the tenth round.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    I don't thing el Perro threw the fight. But I knew something was wrong in walk to the ring. It looked like he was depressed or on drugs. That was not Alfredo el Perro Angulo in that ring that night.


    • #3
      like he's really going to say that i took an extra 1 million to make canelo look like an outstanding fighter.


      • #4
        Is the whole world blind? Canelo hit angulo with horrendous heavy shots to the head that would have knocked 90% of fighters the phuck out. (In the first round)

        He took the dog out of Angulo with that first left hook he landed.


        • #5
          GBP is 2 for 2 this month, #respect


          • #6
            He is a overrated punching bag. He LOST his fight to lara why would people think he was gonna be something other than a sparring match for Canelo. Promoter did his job here. No way was Angulo gonna win this fight. But don't insult the man and say he took a dive. He got his ass beat for 8 rounds that is not a dive in the making its a mismatch in talent.


            • #7
              Ehh.....Perro did look like he was punching like he didn't wanna hurt his little brother or something......but Virgil Hunter is a snake oil salesman and sucks ass as a trainer.


              • #8
                Virgil hunter is a total s hit trainer... He s only done a good with ward but with khan and angulo, he's made them worse boxers than when they started with khan.. No doubt khan was always best with Freddie but Freddie can't make him take shots better... Angulo performance against has been canelo has got to be the worst of any rated fighter.. He fought like a 50 yrs man lol


                • #9
                  Ahhhh the punching bag finally speaks, everyone ****t*ng on virgil now lool, i dnt think hes that bad at all look what he did with him against lara i've never seen angulo like that but hes deffinitely shot now, and give khan a little time maybe we will see an improvement


                  • #10
                    Angulo looked bad, because the opponent made him look bad.
                    From the 1st round the pace was dictated by Canelo.

                    But of course because Canelo has so many doubters and haters, people will think his opponent was paid off.
                    Heck if he were to KO Lara, they'd say the same thing.



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