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Martinez: "I can concentrate on Golovkin after I knock out Cotto"

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  • Martinez: "I can concentrate on Golovkin after I knock out Cotto"

    After I beat Cotto by knockout, I'll begin to concentrate in what could be a fight with Golovkin. He's a very difficult rival, if not the most difficult. Not because of his technique, but because of his physical strength. He's strong enough to take and absorb punches. This is the moment to fight him. In a few years, he'll have more experience and he'll be even more dangerous.

  • #2
    Sergio backs down from no man.


    • #3
      Awesome maybe Sergio will get to shut GGG suckers up personally and ride off in the sunset


      • #4
        Sergio Vs GGG?


        • #5
          Such a funny thread title.


          • #6
            I never doubted Sergio wanting the fight. Lou is the one that seems to be against it.

            We will see.


            • #7
              I believe the opposite of what Martinez said. I think GGG is prime now and a few years he will be past prime because of his tendency to absorb shots. He is 32 years old, in a few years he'll be 34-35 and at the tail end of his career IMO. He is certainly not preserving his chin by any means, taking shots from Ouma, Stevens, and Adama, neither of which are killers. If Martinez fights him after Cotto, he'd be fighting a prime Golovkin IMO, not green like he believes.


              • #8
                None of that is happening.

                He's not KO'ing Cotto and I doubt he beats him. And he also won't be fighting GGG.

                Posted from App for Android


                • #9
                  Sounds good to me. So after he knocks out Cotto bring on GGG is the fight all hard core fans want to see later this year.


                  • #10
                    triple G is not green or else he would be showing improvement in his latest fights hes still the same guy who depends on his power to win he hit his limit

