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Snake Ellie Seckbach trying to say Manny is racist...

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  • #91
    what an idiot..


    • #92
      Originally posted by U_TALKING_2_ME? View Post
      Man look at yourself first, "***s think non ***s are dispensable" and then look at your sig.

      You obviously should be the LAST person on Boxing Scene talking about anybody or anything being racist.

      But I see you are one of the most vocal, I wonder why that is?
      What is wrong with my sig?


      • #93
        Seckbach is a clown and I genuinely don't understand how he got into the privileged position he's in. He offers no insight or personality at all.


        • #94
          i started to hate smellie since da provodnikoff mom comment somebody needs to sock da **** out his ass he dont know **** bout boxing **** ridin *** boy


          • #95
            Originally posted by hectari View Post
            What is wrong with my sig?
            LoL, nothing.

            Rock on bro.


            • #96
              I think garica knows whats good for his gym, and i think he might stop letting him around as much. Most of the time when elie is interviewing him he seems uninterested, i dont think Rios goes much on him.

              I ****.ing hate his video titles. Most of the time they have nothing to do with his videos. There was a 6 minute title "james toney gives his take on Mayweather v Canelo" Toney said 3 words about that fight. "floyd going to **** him up"

              I really like Chris Robinson and THABOXINGVOICE they do the maddest interviews and aren't afraid to press questions like when they pressed broner as why he wouldnt fight mayweather

              I wish he would release the footage of Lucas Mattyesse beating on Rios in sparing but.


              • #97
                Paulie on Boxing Media (aka people like Sachbach).


                • #98
                  Originally posted by JaYDeuce11
                  Thats why dude is stuck "reeeporting" on youtube with not much paycheck. You would think espn, hbo, showtimes, tnt, fox cbs and sports network would hire tis guy for work, but we can see why now. You cant be biased in the media world
                  "you cannot be biased in the media world" is something i greatly agree with and should be common sense! Now you can't take anything he says seriously.

                  Posted from App for Android


                  • #99
                    ellie has spent a lot of time at wild card. he shouldn't have burnt his bridges.


                    • He really is a horrible snake, but it didn't take this incident to reveal that. I remember some video of his from a few years back with Rios, where Seckbach was trying to **** all over one of Rios' past opponents. Think it might have been Murray. Seckbach was basically calling Murray a bitch and saying that Rios destroyed him etc. and Rios immediately cut him off and said that Murray was as tough as nails and that he refused to give in no matter he got caught with.

                      Summed up the difference between the tow and everything that's wrong with Seckbach. Rios may not be the classiest guy in the sport, but he's not a two-faced snake either. Seckbach is just trash. A self-advancing lowlife who would apparently say anything about anyone for another 1000 views on YouTube.

