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Floyd Mayweather: Numbers don't lie... He's nothing but 44. (new FH interview)

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  • #81
    Originally posted by IIG View Post

    I'm on my phone or otherwise I would copy all the text over, but there's some interesting stuff there. Particularly his thoughts on Canelo trying to force him to agree to a September date. I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet.
    Good read my dude, green sent !!


    • #82
      Originally posted by C E L L View Post
      ohh i know what context is and i know floyd wasnt speaking in context, similes, analogies, in satire etc...

      Floyd is a literal fella and in his deluded and conceited mind he truly believes he's the reason why canelo is famous. There is no context, i mean you have suckzfloydc*ck daily on your title, no need to pretend you didnt do that. You're known as a repugnant flowmoe here, you of all people should know floyd's history of saying idiotic incorrect things.

      Now you want to play journalistic editor to floyd's words? GTFO you floids infested flowmo***ual single celled amoeba.

      ****ing simpleton.
      Did you really just call somebody an amoeba? Like that's somehow an insult? Might as well call him a jellyfish while you're at.



      • #83
        Floyd helped make Canelo more famous, I don't know if people are being willfully ignorant or looking at things from a boxing fans point of view. Obviously boxing fans have known about Canelo for some years but the casuals found out about him when he featured on Mayweather undercard. After he fought Mosley I got a lot of people asking me if he was any good and asking about his chances against Mayweather.

        Anyway he spoke the truth. Canelo isn't in a position to try and place an ultimatum on someone who has dedicated his 20 years to the sport.


        • #84
          Originally posted by Bushbaby View Post
          I don't even like Floyd, but what he said is true. The fact is canelo Alvares cannot give demands to Floyd. Who is he but a golden boy hype job. Besides that, personally I'm glad Floyd is on his mind so. After April they'll be begging the networks for any date they can beat. As a comeback fight. Maybe then him & Cotto can headline dat ppv they're so thinking they're worth.

          I dont think it was so much about Canelo giving Floyd demands and instead him asking Floyd to keep his word about facing off in Sept if he appears on Floyd's ppv card and if both win their prospective bouts.

          Floyd reneged on a verbal agreement and Canelo moved on to do his own thing next month against Trout.


          • #85
            Originally posted by Bushbaby View Post
            But that if is gigantic, now isn't it??
            Yes it is a big IF. It's his first credible fight so he needs to show us (fans) something.


            • #86
              Originally posted by Deevel916 View Post
              Floyd reneged on a verbal agreement and Canelo moved on to do his own thing next month against Trout.
              Canelo moved on to fighting on cable. It's not like he's headlining his own PPV now.


              • #87
                So Floyd made Canelo famous huh? I guess he must have been creeping deep down in Mexico back in the day helping the Freckled face kid draw more fans than he could ever dream of too. FLoyd just scared and jealous, it's his norm though.


                • #88
                  There are two parts to Canelo's fame, the fame from Mexico his original heat is all Canelo. I don't exactly understand it but hey that is all Canelo.

                  Now that certainly aided him coming to the US and gave him a ready made fan base but it is not like he came in was was a straight superstar that needed no help. Now he has slowly raised his name in the US and is a bit more known beyond certain circles you would expect him to be known in that has something to do with the sound backing he has but he also gained a bunch of exposure from being on Floyd's card and having his name associated with Floyd's.


                  • #89
                    How Canelo can behave as if he has leverage is beyond me. Maybe he's hoping to capitalize on some of the popular delusions of the Pacquiao faithful that Floyd's a "ducker," so if they pull out of the fight card it will appear as if Floyd is the guilty party, trying to duck the "dangerous" Canelo. When a fighter(s) makes a claim far bigger than is apparent for them to handle they look un-serious/clownish and run the risk of marginalizing themselves.


                    • #90
                      Originally posted by Slip Stream View Post
                      How Canelo can behave as if he has leverage is beyond me. Maybe he's hoping to capitalize on some of the popular delusions of the Pacquiao faithful that Floyd's a "ducker," so if they pull out of the fight card it will appear as if Floyd is the guilty party, trying to duck the "dangerous" Canelo. When a fighter(s) makes a claim far bigger than is apparent for them to handle they look un-serious/clownish and run the risk of marginalizing themselves.
                      Shoot man, you know dag on well Oscar has been telling him is the next mega star at least 4 or 5 times a day for the past 2 years. He has Canelo on cloud 9 thinking he is a king or something.

