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Would Charley Burley be Ray Robinson's Biggest Win If He Beat Him?

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  • #11
    Originally posted by billeau2 View Post
    I mean when we start to look at damage control....Someone says to RR "how about Lamotta?" and RR gets to thinking....humm? ok might get my face and ribs rearranged but I can hit back and if I lose? well it will look like this time the brute beat the boxer I mean **** happens."

    Then someone mentions Burley....Well different story altogether...this man made one of the best fighters ever look bad in so many ways.... RR might imagine being outboxed, outthought and outworked, made to look like an amateur.

    And this is no exxageration. Archie Moore was in many fighters opinion....people who know, the best fighter ever...Sort of like Armstrong with more subtle skills and size...and Burley embarrased him....TWICE!! No wonder RR wanted no part of that!
    Burley didn't beat Moore twice. They fought once.

    As to Burley-SRR, one of the most overstated (and relatively recent) arguments made with too much regularity. Think SRR turned down one serious fight once while he was waiting for a Welter title shot. He never ducked Burley in any way that counted. Burley was a Middle by the time Rob rose to prominence at 47 and was retired when Ray won the Middle title. No one thought of it as much of a miss until like 50 years later so that tells you how much public demand it had.

    To answer the original question, no, it wouldn't have been his "biggest." It would be one people pointed to more over time but when you're already a consensus choice for GOAT, it would be just one.
    Last edited by crold1; 03-03-2013, 08:54 PM.

