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Would you root for a boxer who beats up women?

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  • #61
    it depends on the situation not all women are angels and not all women tell the do some feel about arturo gatti wife?


    • #62
      Originally posted by letsgobrady View Post
      it depends on the situation not all women are angels and not all women tell the do some feel about arturo gatti wife?
      most fans think she should be hanged even though it's obvious arturo beat her up


      • #63
        Originally posted by Freedom.
        Personally I think it's very low for a man to beat up a woman. Men should always be gentle with the weaker ***, and a man of honor would never physically hurt a lady.

        I would never count a Juergen Braehmer, a Carlos Monzon or a Floyd Mayweather among the fighters I want to see win.

        How about you?

        Would you be rooting for a man who beats up women like Floyd, or for a good man of strong character who loves his wife like Robert Guerrero?

        Posted from App for Android


        • #64
          chico beat the crap out his girl while pregnant she ended up in the hospital he was shunned but after that people forgave him

          Posted from App for Android


          • #65
            Originally posted by edgarg View Post
            I'm talking about role models for children. In the opinion of many, Clinton took mean advantage of a young and silly girl, and disgraced his eminent position as the leader of the free world. He had several similar situations with others. I can well believe that his wife was turned away from such a notorious philanderer.
            And I can't believe that as the most powerful man in the world (at that time), Monica Lewinski was the best he could do


            • #66
              Considering the Background of Many Boxers PAST AND PRESENT...why would I expect them to be perfect outside of the ring?

              Ray Leonard and Ray Robinson had domestic issues outside of the ring, does that effect their All Time Ranking?

              Me personally I just don't care enough!


              • #67
                I guess you could like his boxing skills.

                Most normal people would look at Mayweather as a wifebeater as thats what society does. His offense was public, and something we can all relate to and look at in disgust. So yes, if you look at Mayweather and cannot root for him because of the type of person he is, that's perfectly normal and justifiable.

                If you don't care about his personal life, then whatever thats up to you. There's a reason criminal offenses are public. But no probs if you feel inclined that way, however, there's no way to justify supporting him as a person - what he did was inexcusable. I don't have a problem with people ignoring his personal life as long as they don't justify or sugarcoat it


                • #68
                  fuck no. they're the same level as child ******ers, rapist and murderers


                  • #69
                    I'm not ****** enough to invest personally with anyone so wholly unconnected to me. Looking for personal heroes in people you know nothing about is naive and foolish. Either you have an ideal (such as faith of on kind or another) or someone you know, love and respect for who they are (despite their flaws). This is entertainment and if Ifind someone entertaining, I tolerate them.

                    Also looking to cast aspersions on other fans for the love of one fighter or the hate of another is a b***h move.


                    • #70
                      Absolutely, one reason, I don't give a **** what they do outside the ring, no concern of mine, all I care about is if they entertain me in the ring.
                      These guys are making a living from punching each other in the head, they aren't supposed too be role models.

