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Would you root for a boxer who beats up women?

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  • #11
    Originally posted by ИATAS View Post
    it's not a good thing.

    But I will say when you're trained to throw punches and be aggressive since the age of 8-10 or whatever, and do that day in & day out your entire life, it's not as easy to simply press the "off" button. Sometimes, I'd imagine, a boxer's instinct when angry is to strike or get physical since it's in his nature and has been programmed to do so his entire life. Obviously some guys are better than others and don't have the problem, but for certain people, maybe specific personality types, it's not that easy.

    But if we are going to make a list of boxer's who have hit a women, the list would be MASSIVE.
    lol very true. In Floyd's case we've found out the woman in question has a history of hitting him as well. If I was a woman I would observe the same policy I do as a civilian male: Don't Hit Boxers.

    I got a better reason not to root for Floyd. He's a ducker.


    • #12
      What can you expect from a coward!


      • #13
        Originally posted by Freedom.
        That's not fair, no one is exploiting his wife's life threatening illness for fans. He gave up boxing for many months to look after her - he's a good man.


        • #14
          nah, I have class. Only delinquents would support a women/old women beater


          • #15
            Originally posted by Freedom.
            That's not fair, no one is exploiting his wife's life threatening illness for fans. He gave up boxing for many months to look after her - he's a good man.
            He's a good man, who's told the same fucking story every time he fights. It's like his entire career is based off that. He makes De La Hoya using his mother's death for promotion a rarity.


            • #16
              Originally posted by Freedom. View Post
              Personally I think it's very low for a man to beat up a woman. Men should always be gentle with the weaker ***, and a man of honor would never physically hurt a lady.

              I would never count a Juergen Braehmer, a Carlos Monzon or a Floyd Mayweather among the fighters I want to see win.

              How about you?

              Would you be rooting for a man who beats up women like Floyd, or for a good man of strong character who loves his wife like Robert Guerrero?
              It's ****** to follow a sport let alone boxing and actively avoid rooting for the best.

              Why would I watch boxing and not root for Jack Johnson, Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, Mike Tyson, and Floyd Mayweather?


              • #17
                Sure, I rooted for Tyson after he ****d that girl, I rooted for Corrales after he mashed his girls face serious. I rooted for James Toney after he damaged an old man's neck.

                I don't feel much sympathy for them if they get caught up for being ****** either, but boxing is not a natural business so expecting people taking part in that business to be stand up guys is being real naive. Boxing is nasty and dirty, ant it will always be that way until they outlaw it.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by The Gambler1981 View Post
                  Sure, I rooted for Tyson after he ****d that girl, I rooted for Corrales after he mashed his girls face serious. I rooted for James Toney after he damaged an old man's neck.

                  I don't feel much sympathy for them if they get caught up for being ****** either, but boxing is not a natural business so expecting people taking part in that business to be stand up guys is being real naive. Boxing is nasty and dirty, ant it will always be that way until they outlaw it.
                  Was there a story behind this? I don't care if they punch their wives for being annoying, but beating up a sr citizen sounds a bit extreme


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by PAC-BOY View Post
                    Hell to the NO!

                    Man i hope Guerrero wasnt offered a deal for this fight...
                    Hell yes he was offered a deal. Show up May 4th to fight Floyd and make the largest purse of your career. WTF are you talking about


                    • #20
                      Guilty. I was a fan of Mike Tyson, Diego Corrales and I'm sure others that I can't remember off the top of my head. Guess personal lives of fighters don't bother me that much.

                      Plenty of boxers throughout history have allegedly assaulted women: Joe Louis, Carlos Monzon, Arturo Gatti, Sugar Ray Robinson and plenty of others I can't name of the top of my head.

