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Why Do People Still Defend Gamboa?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Rip Chudd View Post
    You act like it was giving him abnormally high levels of testosterone when in fact the medical evidence shows that it only brought his levels up to that of a normal guy his age. If I were scheduled to fight a guy and they had the the paperwork in order and the facts to back that he was taking the medicine and it in no way gave him an edge then i'd still fight him.
    So it's not testosterone, a steroid agent that he's taking anymore, it's just "medicine" now.

    Sorry but I wouldn't want my opponents pumped full of testosterone from an outside source. No bum ass doctor's note should allow you to bypass the banned substance list in boxing. These things are banned for a reason.


    • #32
      The Peterson case is a really important one for people to think about.

      First of all, his testosterone levels were elevated. Normal TE ratio for a healthy adult male is 1:1. Peterson's TE was 3.77:1.

      Secondly, what Peterson did was undergo a procedure for which he could have availed of a The****utic Use Exemption. The doctor his people consulted said Lamont's T levels were low, and stuck a testosterone pellet in his ass to address this. The doctor and Peterson's people believed it would be fine because his T level was not going to beyond the 4:1 point. The only reason he was caught is because VADA conducted a CIR test which detects synthetic testosterone.

      The problem here is twofold. Firstly, testosterone replacement therapy is known to be rampant in MMA, and some commentators suggest it is the same in boxing. Remember that only VADA and USADA conduct the CIR test which looks for synthetic testosterone, and VADA caught someone using it in one of the very first fights they were contracted for.

      The second issue is whether or not we are to believe Peterson has never done this before? Is it really that plausible that he just happened to use TRT for the first fight where there was testing in place that could catch him? After all, he could have been doing this for years and no one would know any better. Peterson is an earnest and grounded kind of guy and people have a tendency to believe him, but the story he has on this one seems a little convenient it must be said.

      The reality is that TRT is doping by stealth. Peterson's T-levels, to the extent that they were actually depleted at all, were probably only depleted because of his training schedule. If there was or is any other underlying condition, then that is something that should have been fully diagnosed by professionals before they started loading him up with testosterone.

      A final point that's pretty important here is that only 1% of athletes have a natural TE ratio of greater than 4:1. It makes you wonder why the Nevada State Athletic Commission decided to make 6:1 their threshold. Why is the NSAC deliberately adopting a testing standard that is so generous to drug cheats?


      • #33
        Originally posted by thuggery View Post
        Medical backing???? No....just no. Bloody cheaters, both of em are.

        "Medical backing" is a cop out excuse that will be used in the future of these drug cheats if we let these things slide.
        I hate Berto but thats not fair! He had contamination! A small trace of something that wouldnt help him perform better! Something that he didnt take to cheat! I have NEVER been a fan of his, but that aint right man! I felt bad cuz it came after his first loss! I heard, even if he took huge dosages of what he was caught with, it still wouldnt help him! Contamination is when you drink some gatorade, and then you turn up possitive! Peterson was sneaky and it let me know that he had malice intent! Gamboa probably did too!


        • #34
          Originally posted by Russian Crushin View Post
          He's hoping people will just forget about it, and they pretty much have. Steroids dont ruin boxing careers, just ask Peterson and Berto
          and Shane, Salido, Chavez JR, etc etc


          • #35
            Time will tell.

            The situation remains as it was, an iffy source who is not credited as an expert of any field has a list and some claims...some of which he has already changed. If there is anything to it, it will be found and all involved deserve to be banned. If there isn't, all we have is people believing a dodgy source over the athletes.


            • #36
              Gamboa is clearly stalling and from what I can tell, he's waiting to see what happens to A-Rod, who is the key to this whole investigation.


              • #37
                I've been a fan of Gamboa since day 1 in Germany. So its disappointing to say the least. The only thing he can do now going forward is to volunteer to do VADA testing in all of his fights to show he's no longer juicing.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by PACnPBFsuck View Post
                  Gamboa is clearly stalling and from what I can tell, he's waiting to see what happens to A-Rod, who is the key to this whole investigation.
                  i agree

