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Which HBO commentator do you dislike most

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  • Which HBO commentator do you dislike most

    For me it would have to be Max Kellerman this guy is an ass hole & is blatantly biased toward certain fighters. He also cuts fighters off sometimes in post fight interviews. Very disrespectful.

    Jim Lampley is so biased too its actually amusing.

    I don't really like Jim Grey from showtime either.

  • #2
    Max Kellerman.

    I probably dislike his and Lampley's bias equally as much, but at least Jim makes his sound exciting.


    • #3
      Jim Lampley used to be a pretty good commentator til HBO told him to be bias to fit there agenda

      Max Kellerman on the other hand has always been garbage


      • #4
        Most of the HBO announcers I can't stand. Max-Terrible, Jim "**** ****" Lampley-Bad, Merchant-Was bad.

        The only ones that are/were decent- Roy, Big George, Lennox.


        • #5
          Either Lampley or Roy Jones Jr.

          I like them all though, I think they do a fine job those two are just my least favorite


          • #6
            The Worse is Larry Merchant, How dare he every disagree or question THE GREAT MAYWEATHER



            • #7
              Jim Lampley's HBO agenda ...he displayed in his sorry ass show against Marquez was one of the worst things ive seen in boxing.


              • #8
                Take your pick between Max and Jim. Both equally as bad. A lot of people hate on Merchant, but I like his commentary, 60-70% of the time.

                Roy/George are the best. I miss George's commentary.

                Edit: Lennox was awesome too. The best thing about Lennox was, he'd REALLY get into the fights.


                • #9

                  at his best


                  • #10
                    Ninja's please, Max Kellerman is a solid commentator.... he's pretty blunt..i have seen him cave to peer pressure though, which i dont like..but other than that i dont have a problem with him.

                    Jim Lampley is a drunk idiot though....not a fan of him

