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Proof Margarito was ducked by EVERYONE

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  • Margarito's resume without loaded gloves :

    1 win against a bum
    1 defeat by unanimous decision (****)
    1 defeat by stoppage
    1 defeat by getting ktfo by a granppa

    But some ******s are still making threads about him...


    • Originally posted by boxing is alive View Post
      Good points, willybullet. But I still don't get what point you're trying to make about Margarito....was Margarito framed, the incident grossly exaggerated, etc?
      I think “Plastergate” was grossly exaggerated.

      When the scandal first broke I was all for a lifetime ban for Margs if he was truly guilty. But from the beginning it didn’t add up that the fight went on after questionable wraps were found. Granted; money talks. But I was fully expecting a criminal trial like with Resto and Lewis, which never came.

      So we have a few possible scenarios here:
      1) Margs had actual plaster bricks in his wraps and could have killed Mosley, which warrants a lifetime ban from boxing and criminal prosecution.
      2) Margs had actual plaster bricks in his wraps and could have killed Mosley, but Mosley was cool with it so he didn’t press charges. The State of California was cool with it too, since assault with a deadly weapon is also a crime against the state and the state doesn’t need Mosley to press charges to prosecute. The States of Texas and New York were also cool with it because they allowed Margs to fight within their borders after the scandal. The CSAC also appears cool with it, since apparently they’ve reinstated Margs’ license. (I haven’t looked that one up, but it should be the case since all states in the union should recognize individual state sanctions). Cotto was pissed that Top Rank defended Margarito and pledged that Margarito would not “make another penny” from fighting him, but later became cool with it enough to give Margs the rematch at least.
      3) The CSAC found Margs strictly liable for what was put in his wraps as the head of his team, even though it was possible that Capetillo snuck the used pads into Margarito’s wraps without Margarito’s knowledge. The only materials allowed in wraps per CSAC rules are gauze and tape. Water is not even allowed. Because Margarito and Capetillo broke this rule, they were both suspended. Margarito was allowed to fight again but Capetillo has not returned to working fight corners in the U.S., as far as I know.

      The used pads contained traces of calcium and sulfur, elements found in plaster of paris but also in hand lotion. The inserts were described as “plaster bricks” by some people on Team Mosley, while others have described them as used pads that appeared to have been wet and were now stiff and dry. The pads have also been described as appearing to have a white paste smeared on them. Some sources described them as being about as hard as a paper index card.

      I wasn’t part of the investigation and never saw the evidence for myself. I saw pictures of the supposed “cracked wraps” used in Cotto/Margarito I, cited by Cotto on 24/7, but I’ve seen other pictures (of the same wraps) in which the supposed crack in the wraps looks like a black thread. I also saw Margarito (still wearing his wraps) shake Cotto’s hands(and other people’s hands on Team Cotto), after fight one and nobody on Team Cotto complained about Margarito’s wraps feeling harder than normal. Compare that to Billy Collins Sr.’s reaction after shaking Resto’s hands post fight with his son.

      This post got way too long already so I’ll cut it short here. I have no idea why Capetillo tried pulling that stunt. It’s possible Margs did know about the wraps. We can speculate about that forever. What I do know is that there is precedent to charge Margarito, or Capetillo, or both, with assault with a deadly weapon because it was done with Lewis/Resto. I’ve explained why actual injury is not necessary for prosecution. I think you suggested that prosecutors will avoid indictments when it comes to sports, but again, there is precedent here. I’d say the opposite is true in this case, since a prosecutor can make a name for themselves by busting a famous defendant in what should be a slam dunk case.

      Judging from all this evidence leads me to conclude the “plaster brick” claim was grossly overblown. Marg’s was guilty of having an illegal (per CSAC rules), but not deadly (per California law) pad inserted into his wraps by Capetillo before the Mosley fight. The media ran with the “bricks” story because sensationalism sells, and the court of public opinion runs on sensationalism more than it does on facts.
      Last edited by Doc Holliday; 01-20-2013, 04:20 AM.


      • All I know is that EPOsley is a former steroid user who admitted to his use of steroids, like Lance Armstrong.

        All the roids in the world couldn't stop Canelo from retiring EPOsley.


        • Originally posted by letsgobrady View Post
          baldomir was the lineal champ what was margarito?baldomir win over judah was better than any win margarito had at that point in time and when floyd was getting ready to fight judah he was asked why did he not fight hatton or baldomir and was criticized
          How many threads do you see about that big star you call ....Baldomir? The only ones I see is Floyd fans using as an excuse to say that is why he avoided Margarito .... but we all know that Margarito called Floyd out and we all know that Floyd never fought Margarito.

          Baldomir win over Judah just proved the inconsistency of Judah at WW. At WW, Judah lost to Baldomir, Clottey, Floyd, Cotto and Spinks.

          All other threads I see about Baldomir is that he is a bum, D rated fighter and so on.


          • Originally posted by Marvellous1 View Post
            Well, the thread states EVERYONE ducked Margarito. The thread has revealed that isn't true. As far as Paul Williams is concerned, Margarito did a little picking and choosing himself. If the ducking notion makes people feel better about Margarito's shortcomings. Good luck to them. He may have lost most of his big fights, he may have been a cheat, but he was avoided. Take that good feeling to bed with you if it keeps you warm.
            It still is what it is. People like Floyd avoided Margarito. Williams didn't. He beat Margarito. Then fighters avoided Williams!


            • Originally posted by Big Lebowski View Post
              Was Baldomir big name back then?
              He wasn't necessarily a big name but he was the Lineal WW Champ.


              • When you lose to every good fighter you fight you can't sy somebody is ducking you; Margarito is only a monster amongst his fans.


                • pacquiao fighting him i guess carries massive credit, margarito was a beast, i think his loss to mosley was questionable, his mind was somewhere else


                  • Pacquiao fighting Margarito when he was clearly a busted flush and at a weight he struggled to make (catchweight again) deserves limited credit. Let's not pretend that Top Rank were eager to make that match upon Manny entering 147lbs. It wasn't going to happen.

                    So again, Marg was a cheat and lost more of his top fights than he won. If this makes people feel better about that, then goodie for them. I don't think an "avoided" category will help him into the HOF. Attach any agenda you like. It doesn't change things.


                    • Originally posted by Aztec Wanker View Post
                      So before you aks yourself "Who is Margarito" "Who did he beat?" blahzay blahzay, please educate yourselves and accept that no one in Boxing gave The Tijuana Tornado an opportunity in his prime. Not bad for a so called "unskilled, one-dimensional bum".

                      Paul Williams gave him a chance in his prime (a fight which Margarito's team tried to avoid) and beat Margarito. Daniel Santos (wtf is Daniel Santos?) gave him a chance in his prime and beat him. Mayweather didn't fight Margarito because he was a nobody controlled by the promoter Mayweather has just left and Arum wanted options on Mayweather to fight Margarito.

                      Margarito won one match against one quality opponent and that win is questionable because of what may have been loaded gloves. He lost to Santos, Williams, Mosley, Pacquaio, Cotto in a rematch, and was losing to Clottey when Clottey was disqualified. Margarito is and always has been an overrated pedestrian fighter. In other words, he is an "unskilled, one-dimensional bum."

