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Who wants to see Deontay Wilder KTFO by a russian cruiserweight?

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  • #41
    Originally posted by #1Assassin View Post
    winning an olympic medal after only boxing for three years and being arguably the best athlete in the sport isnt too shabby either.

    his skills are garbage as is his resume, but his potential is crazy. he needs a new trainer though, i havent seen much improvement under mark breland.

    he only shows it in spots, but i think he's improved under breland. it's really hard to tell with this guy. i don't have a clue about what his identity is outside of his right hand. i've never seen him in a tough round with a live guy. all of his fights are easy, and it looks like he's gotten used to it. he hasn't gone rounds, and he looks that way. what's his style? a right hand alone does not a style make.

    they're trying to put him in there with guys who can go rounds with him, and he's getting knockouts without learning much. it doesn't do a ton for him. they're obviously scared to put him in with somebody who can beat him. he's got so much potential, has learned so little, and has so much more time to learn, that it would be a disaster and a huge mistake to match him extremely tough. i've gone through the HW top 50 and i can't see too many guys who fit the bill myself, but i'm certainly no matchmaker.

    i still think he'd lose and look bad against a top 10 guy, even though the era is so weak. all he's got right now is his big right hand. that's world class. that's one of the gnarliest punches i've ever seen. it is scary when that thing lands. otherwise he's a novice, and he fights that way.

    they're matching this kid too soft, but it's better than putting him in tough early and having him lose. he's an american HW with a huge punch. there's a void there, and if he can fill it he can make millions of dollars. millions. money that doesn't even seem real to guys like us who work regular jobs.


    • #42
      Originally posted by HeroBando View Post
      That site is great, but doesn't even pretend to tally complete records. Russell Jr's record is listed at 26-3, he's probably had 4 times as many amateur fights
      I realize that, but Deontay's record is probably accurate, based on a lot of secondary sources which refer to a very similar number of fights. It's generally been stated that he had about 20 or so fights prior to the Olympics.


      • #43
        Originally posted by Nodogoshi View Post
        I realize that, but Deontay's record is probably accurate, based on a lot of secondary sources which refer to a very similar number of fights. It's generally been stated that he had about 20 or so fights prior to the Olympics.
        Gotcha. Just wanted to caution against relying on the site too much. Try to find Broner's record there. Breazeale's record is listed 2-2.


        • #44
          He was getting dropped like that with head gear on? lol

          Sorry but even before seeing this video, Wilder never impressed me other then his Power I guess

          I swear all of his opponents fight him like they are Forbidden to hit him, so we don't even know if he has a Chin, does he has defense, I know nothing about the guy as a fighter other then he has amazing Power


          • #45
            Originally posted by D-MiZe View Post
            Have you not seen the shit he spews about Fury?

            He's either trolling or actually believes the hype and I think it's the latter. I hate the hype he's getting 'cause when he does get exposed they'll paint all the British boxing fans with the same brush.

            Come on, Mize, you know I havebbeena fury fan since day 1.

            Me , Shawn and Tunney are the only ones on here who rated him at all until like 6 months ago.

            Price is the one with all the hype and the stereotypical British heavyweight chin


            • #46
              I rate Fury, just not that highly.

              Say all you want about Price, he's shown no limitations at this level. He should've fought Thompson after Butler and completely skipped the British scene but it is what it is.

              Where as with Fury, he's unofficially got a loss against John McDermott. He won the rematch but still looked unimpressive. He's improved a lot since by just adding a jab and utilising his physical attributes but still the flaws are there, can you honestly not see them?

              Wait till he fights someone competent enough of getting inside or who can box on the outside with him, he'll look ******. He has virtually no defence and does that ****** lean back, head in the air manoeuvre that Fraudley perfected. I wish him all the best but I'm not going to blind myself to what I see.


              • #47
                Originally posted by D-MiZe View Post
                I rate Fury, just not that highly.

                Say all you want about Price, he's shown no limitations at this level. He should've fought Thompson after Butler and completely skipped the British scene but it is what it is.

                Where as with Fury, he's unofficially got a loss against John McDermott. He won the rematch but still looked unimpressive. He's improved a lot since by just adding a jab and utilising his physical attributes but still the flaws are there, can you honestly not see them?

                Wait till he fights someone competent enough of getting inside or who can box on the outside with him, he'll look ******. He has virtually no defence and does that ****** lean back, head in the air manoeuvre that Fraudley perfected. I wish him all the best but I'm not going to blind myself to what I see.
                Yeah, I do see the flaws, but if he was as bad as people say he is, the "highly skilled" Johnson would have been able to take advantage. Safety Pin is still more than capable of beating Heavyweights just below the top level, just as Leapai.

                I'd take Tyson at 24, who needs to iron out some wrinkles in his style, compared to Price at 29 who has suddenly discovered he has no inside game.

                Price is going to have to hope his power and legs can keep him on the outside, or it's over.


                • #48
                  Originally posted by Earl Hickey View Post
                  Yeah, I do see the flaws, but if he was as bad as people say he is, the "highly skilled" Johnson would have been able to take advantage. Safety Pin is still more than capable of beating Heavyweights just below the top level, just as Leapai.

                  I'd take Tyson at 24, who needs to iron out some wrinkles in his style, compared to Price at 29 who has suddenly discovered he has no inside game.

                  Price is going to have to hope his power and legs can keep him on the outside, or it's over.
                  Of all the fighters you use an example of Fury's quality you pick Johnson, that right there invalidates any claims you make. The guy is a fucking idiot, threw away £32k in the prizefighter and puts virtually no effort into winnable fights. What he did against Lepai was great but that's the only time I've ever seen Johnson like that, against Fury he just posed for a picture - he didn't pose a threat.

                  Price is a lot better inside than what Fury is, neither are effective with it though. Too much emphasis on age, at 29, Price is well-schooled boxer who doesn't make many mistakes. Where as Fury has retained some of his bad habits he learnt early on and will never be fixed because they're being masked by improvement in other areas.

                  We'll see who's right in the end, I wouldn't hold your breath for Fury either Earl. I know you're just trolling now, so we'll leave it at that.


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by D-MiZe View Post
                    Of all the fighters you use an example of Fury's quality you pick Johnson, that right there invalidates any claims you make. The guy is a fucking idiot, threw away £32k in the prizefighter and puts virtually no effort into winnable fights. What he did against Lepai was great but that's the only time I've ever seen Johnson like that, against Fury he just posed for a picture - he didn't pose a threat.

                    Price is a lot better inside than what Fury is, neither are effective with it though. Too much emphasis on age, at 29, Price is well-schooled boxer who doesn't make many mistakes. Where as Fury has retained some of his bad habits he learnt early on and will never be fixed because they're being masked by improvement in other areas.

                    We'll see who's right in the end, I wouldn't hold your breath for Fury either Earl. I know you're just trolling now, so we'll leave it at that.
                    That's your opinion.

                    But you are the only person in the world who has it.


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by Earl Hickey View Post
                      That's your opinion.

                      But you are the only person in the world who has it.
                      Exactly, so lets forget about all the bullshit that opinions entail.

                      Let's deal with facts and fact of the matter is Fury struggled at the domestic level, Price has not. Fury's been down, Price has not. Price's power > Fury's power, Price's boxing ability > Fury's boxing ability.

                      I don't know how good Price's stamina is but Fury's got a good engine, good punch recuperation and a better reach than Price. Price might be another Bruno and gasses late on and those that can take his power beat him.

                      You seem to acknowledge Fury's flaws but you use his age to assure yourself that he has time to change. It doesn't matter how much time he has, some people never change. Let's talk about what we know now and not what we might know in the next few years.

