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Comments Thread For: Marquez Denies Fifth Pacquiao Fight, No Decision Yet

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  • You're NOT clean you ****ing idiot you just hired the
    notorious PEDs dealer named Angel Heredi. who's fooling
    you Mr. Peeds drinker? not me!!!!


    • Originally posted by Chicago_Brown View Post
      I'm not making any PED accusations against JMM. However I do find it very ironic that he keeps speaking of suing Freddie Roach, an easy uneducated target, for making one indirect comment regarding the potential for PED use while at the same time Victor Conte (a professor and expert on PEDs) has flat out stated on no uncertain terms that he believes JMM was a PED user for the past two years. Check his official Twitter account for reference. BTW- News flash JMM local commissions don't test for BPO, PEDs, etc. They do NO random blood testing which neither you nor Pac (to be equal) participated in. They are basically pointless formalities that don't prove much of anything. Stop please stop it with I pass the NSAC test so I'm clean wrap. Any well educated drug cheat as JMM's chief S&C coach is could and would be those test with his eyes closed. He passed WADAs testing for years. Why not the NSAC? I'm just sayin... ;-)
      Conte has also stated under no uncertain terms that he believes Pac is juicing, yet Manny didn't sue him. So I don't see your point there. (Btw, Heredia supposedly did file a lawsuit against him). In any event, Conte should be the last guy to point fingers, considering two of his athletes have tested positive for peds during the past year.

      For the record, Roach has since backed off from those accusations, Pac never made excuses, and Ariza actually dismissed them altogether. Although, Roach still owes him that ass kissing.


      • Originally posted by Check_hooks View Post
        I know when a fighter is shook and when he says he has to ask for his wife's permission to fight that means he shook
        Originally posted by !! Shawn View Post
        HAHAHAHAHAH! Yeah, because Beating Manny 3 times then Knocking him out really shakes you to your core....

        I hope he retires. Or, if he takes a 5th fight, it would be good to see him go for another title in his 4th division.

        He should already be a four division champ, if Arum and Bradley didn't rob Pac of his 147 title, but that's Arum for you.

        Just on that point, why do people keep calling Marquez a four division champ? He's not a four division world champ. An Interim Title is nothing. It just means you are in line for a title shot. It is not a world title.

        He's only the WBO Interim champ at 140. He is not a world champion. I can understand if you called him a 4 division world champ cause he just beat Manny, and we all know that Manny was still the 147 champ in reality, but officially Marquez is not a 4 division world champ.

        Anyway, I'd rather see him go for his 4th legit title rather than take another Pac fight if he's going to do one more. There is simply no need for a rematch. They've had 4 fights, and Marquez is the only one to have won clearly and this was the fight meant to prove it. He proved it. What's the point in another go? To give Manny a chance at redemption? He's already got two 'wins' over Marquez. If he got another one, what does it prove? Will they just have to fight again? What if it's close? It's just ******. No point at all.

        I'd like to see him beat Malignaggi, or someone at 140 for a last title then go out on top as the legend he is.


        • Originally posted by AsianBigfoot View Post
          You're NOT clean you ****ing idiot you just hired the
          notorious PEDs dealer named Angel Heredi. who's fooling
          you Mr. Peeds drinker? not me!!!!
          "Who's fooling you Mr. Peeds drinker? not me!!!!".....

          Ariza trained under Heredia. Everything Heredia knows, Ariza learned too. Conte's fighters have actually been busted lately for PEDs, none of Heredia's ever have and he's now a federal informant and works for the feds. Don't bring up this 'I know 20 undetectable PEDs' because they all do, including Conte...or have you already forgotten that he admits a million athletes he supplied never got caught despite being juiced to the gills?

          You really think, considering the amount of surveillance Heredia would be under and the fact that he nows works for the feds specifically combatting PEDs that he would be ******ed enough to still peddle them?

          Four months of cross training, plus an entire year before that, including another training camp just as intense, in which Marquez did full on weight training, along with all manner of brutal plyometrics stuff, for the first time ever in his career. You really don't think he would get as buff as he was?

          You think that month upon month, week upon week, day upon day and hours spent in daily training from two camps across two years, using new exercises to shock the body into a new shape wouldn't affect him as it did?

          Marquez never did much weight training before this. If a fighter works hard enough, ie does two four month training courses as intense as he did, it can definitely be done.

          People keep asking "Show me another fighter that at 40 moved up and got ripped too?"

          Here you go: Age 41, jumped two divisions and 15 pounds up over 1 training camp, not even two across two camps and two years.

          Last edited by BennyST; 12-29-2012, 08:28 PM.


          • I knew it was only a matter of time before someone, particularly a blind JMM fan in denial, would point fingers in another direction. Stick to the subject at hand my friend. Besides didn't I say, to be equal, that NEITHER participated in random drug testing. And no the "Rat" didn't file a lawsuit against Conte. So stop with the false rumors. If I was cheating I probably would aim lower than another expert who just rightfully defend his su****ions and potentially expose me. The only reason Freddie "backed off" was for the mere fact that he didn't want to be sued. Win or loss it still cost money and time. He's not interested in losing either. That doesn't mean, his justifiable, su****ions have changed even remotely.

            BTW- Who are the two athletes of Conte's that were under his services when they tested positive? I'll give you the answer before do the homework that you obviously didn't do before you made that asinine ill-informed statement -NONE-. If you start to open your mouth and say Berto please plant your foot in it simultaneously because Conte was not involved with that camp at all. Do you even know what Berto tested positive for? No. I didn't think so.

            FYI- Conte actually works hand in hand with VADA the one and ONLY organization that is near fool proof with their testing. So yes the reformed man has a lot of room to talk on a subject that he's a lot more educated than you and I put together.

            Lastly who cares what self serving Ariza has to say about anything. Manny is not educated on PEDs nor their use and is too classy to make an accusation that he's not certain of. It's just not his style. On the other hand I'll take it from the perspective of an expect (Conte) any day. I may not have 20/20 vision but I can see the obvious when it's staring me right in the face. Can you?.... SMH


            • Check your facts before posting. None of Conte's fighters who were under his program tested positive. In fact Nonito Donaire is the ONLY fighter who has volunteered for year round random blood testing. Not even FMJ can say that. Tried on seeing these ill informed post by people who don't do their homework and make false statements as facts. In the court of law that's called slander and it is liable.


              • If we had seen a fight where Marquez outboxed Pacquiao and then got the KO, it's safe to say "this is over". But Pacquiao was hurting Marquez, and even after the first knock down he was able to recover and knock Marquez down.

                Like i said before.... what kind of fans say NO to a potential FOY candidate? Scared?

                I give Marquez all the credit in the excuses!! And if he's the better man, there will be no problem beating Pacquiao again. Let Marquez get the biggest payday of his career and then retire.


                • JMM said yesterday it will be his last fight. Today, I don’t know, it might be one more fight. If he was offered 6M for his last face-off with Pac, I think he would think more and eventually enticed to continue fighting if he would be offered 10M or more for his fight with Pac tomorrow.

                  But if he will think of his pride and honor, he should retire now rather than taken back his most coveted winning, by Pac. After all, with all those fights he is most-likely financially stable now and I think he is not planning to shoot the star to accumulate all money he is dreaming of. But for fame, he just had achieved this and no more glory aside from winning to Pac. IMHO, all what he got would be emptied with just finger click if he chose staging Pac-JMM 5, and if he will lose which I believe is likely, then Pac-JMM 6 will be possible and he will be 42 years old that time!


                  • I still canīt believe that JMM KTFO Manny Pacquiao. It was EPIC, KO of the year, Round 5 voted round of the year. What a way to win, HAHA Manny Pacquiao will be remembered not by his great wins, but by getting his *** KTFO by the same guy whom he got gift decisions against. History has been written.


                    • Originally posted by boxingfan76 View Post
                      dude you are the most ******ed pacfart ever!!!! shook? lucky punch??? if anything JMM is happy he escaped homicide charges lmao,cry all you want the glory is ours not yours!JMM kicked mannys ass in a way that will never be fogotten even worse than hatton style! worse! Manny was hattoned!
                      Manny was KTFO.... but JMM kicked Manny's ass??? Really??
                      Was he outlanding or outboxing Pacquiao? It was a perfect shot from Marquez.... as simple as that. You guys need to leave the hate and fanatism aside.

