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Why did Prince Nas stop fighting to early?

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  • Why did Prince Nas stop fighting to early?

    I know he got destroyed by Barrera, but he mustve been around 28 by the time he had his last fight

  • #2
    brittle hands throughout his career im sure he was thinking bout retiring sooner not ot sure tho i stand to be corrected on that


    • #3
      he realized he made a career fighting bums and was way over hype and it was only going to get tougher after barrera so he busted a mayweather and retire but unlike mayweather dude had some class and stayed retired.


      • #4
        Barrera took his soul


        • #5
          Anyone who followed him, knew he was done by what he did in training and out. The loss affected him quite a bit too.


          • #6
            Brittle hands dude. He knew in training camp leading up to Barera that his hands were shot. If he cant punch than what is he exactly?


            • #7
              for a small guy his power was to much for his little hands to take and for a boxer i would say thats the time to retire no need to keep fighting when he had a family of little ones at the time great fighter in his day the original entertainer just like roy was!


              • #8
                I'd say the long camps, being away from his family (something he was always vocal about) and the fact his hands were shot to ****.


                • #9
                  Nothing to do with Barrera really, more to do with his brittle hands.


                  • #10
                    This is in no way a racist comment , but in my country we have alot of refuges from ****** countries.
                    Many of them have what I would call a inflated ego, it has something to do with there opbringing, where musil boys gets no rules and musil girls get very strict roles.
                    What that means is that the boys ither think there are Gods or the completly lose there beleife in them self.
                    The parents dont teach that with hard work and dedication comes succes, instead the get thourgt that the are prince and better the all other people.
                    It has something to do with the husband not being part of the upbringing.
                    Its not all ******s that are like that, but many musilm boys frm the middeleast get that type of upbringing

