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NYTimes openly su****ious of PED use by JMM

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  • Originally posted by FeFist View Post
    Sweet sweet irony.
    I love this!

    Im with you and the

    Testing is good!

    Current standards are fine!!

    He didnt fail the

    Im loving it!


    • Originally posted by New England View Post
      i agree with everything they've said. they've got a right to be su****ious. they're not making accusations.

      he's 39 years old. he's never looked like this.

      his s and c coach is one of the world's experts on using steroids and avoiding detection.

      if you're a journalist and you aren't su****ious you just might be on the take.
      exactly, honestly, people will argue about anything, marquez is as su****ious as one could be without testing positive or coming out and admitting it

      shane mosley sometime before fighting floyd, i think he was getting ready for berto, said he can't train as hard as he used to
      roy jones says he can't run as many miles as his legs can't take it, i believe that was sometime before the calzaghe or or maybe trinidad fight

      marquez trained harder than he ever has, actually that's why at his age it gets so hard to put on that pure muscle, not only the testosterone decrease but your body will break down too fast

      like i said before the fight many times, marquez is juiced to the brim, the "so did the muscles help? juan: No, my muscles dont mean sht, it was all skills" is just icing on the cake

      i didn't care that he was on steroids, i still dont, i didn't expect him to get so tremendously powerful, but i guess heredia was one of the best for a reason, and it also got me thinking about donaire and conte, these knockouts, the massive strenght

      but anyway, my point is how can you blame anyone for suspecting him?

      in my opinion i'd be shocked if marquez was not on steroids
      at 39 suddenly can train harder than ever, get more ripped than ever and has new found power(spare me the "he jumped into it" "super-mega-flush punch" talk, the 3rd rd kd proves he has new found power) all coincidentally after joining with heredia when he could have avoided all this heat by choosing a S&C without such a history

      but nothing will be proven unless someone admits it, so all this sht is pointless, hopefully juan puts a beatdown on someone else before retiring, he's a knockout artist now and i love it


      • That is the day and age we live in, it kind of sucks no doubt but you can find reasons to be su****ious of any athlete.


        • Originally posted by BrokenHat View Post
          Yea, the 3rd round knock down showed 40 yr old JMM is waaaay more powerful than the young one, that didn't have a ridiculous body with bulging muscles. And like you said, Manny has taken that shot many times, but after JMM hires a famous drugs cheat, that shot becomes a monster just like JMMs body.

          Its like the NYtimes said, its impossible to ignore JMMs bulging shoulders and muscles at 40 yrs old right after hiring a drugs cheat from BALCO. Whether people like it or not, JMMs win is tainted, and rightfully so. Anyone with a brain knows 40 yr old JMM juiced, they don't need a drug test to tell them what is obvious.

          The sad thing is, just like Mark Maguire and Sammy Sossa inspired other baseball players to start using PEDS, like Barry Bonds, now JMM is going to inspire A LOT of boxers to start experimenting with PEDs.
          The sad thing is your pathetic posts! Many Pac inspired the whole boxing world to cheat by drinking the special shakes and lettign the commission do their jobs with the testing, no he get knock the fawk out and you cry a ***en river! really!
          Yeah JMM added some bulk but that isnt very hard to do and if you knew what the fawk you were talking about and watched the fight with an unbiased eye you would see that JMM was much much slower and threw far less punches because he knew pac could get hit and he is a great counter puncher and he timed it perfect! Deal with it! I didnt hear you crying about how pac moved up 5 weight divisions and knocked fools out you were too busy sucking his co ck blinded by the giz in your eyes to see that what manny did was super su****ious!


          • Manny Pacquiao got ktfo and fell on his face. And now his fans are accusing Marquez of cheating by hiding behind a NY Times article, lmfao!


            • Originally posted by TheHolyCross View Post
              exactly, honestly, people will argue about anything, marquez is as su****ious as one could be without testing positive or coming out and admitting it

              shane mosley sometime before fighting floyd, i think he was getting ready for berto, said he can't train as hard as he used to
              roy jones says he can't run as many miles as his legs can't take it, i believe that was sometime before the calzaghe or or maybe trinidad fight

              marquez trained harder than he ever has, actually that's why at his age it gets so hard to put on that pure muscle, not only the testosterone decrease but your body will break down too fast

              like i said before the fight many times, marquez is juiced to the brim, the "so did the muscles help? juan: No, my muscles dont mean sht, it was all skills" is just icing on the cake

              i didn't care that he was on steroids, i still dont, i didn't expect him to get so tremendously powerful, but i guess heredia was one of the best for a reason, and it also got me thinking about donaire and conte, these knockouts, the massive strenght

              but anyway, my point is how can you blame anyone for suspecting him?

              in my opinion i'd be shocked if marquez was not on steroids
              at 39 suddenly can train harder than ever, get more ripped than ever and has new found power(spare me the "he jumped into it" "super-mega-flush punch" talk, the 3rd rd kd proves he has new found power) all coincidentally after joining with heredia when he could have avoided all this heat by choosing a S&C without such a history

              but nothing will be proven unless someone admits it, so all this sht is pointless, hopefully juan puts a beatdown on someone else before retiring, he's a knockout artist now and i love it
              but Manny Pac hasnt been su****ious in your book at all these past 5 years?? you ahve to ***en be lying


              • Originally posted by strikefury View Post

                "The Mexican pharmacy was better" - Erik Morales

                Everyone knows he was on something, but karmas a b*tch eh Pacquiao fans?
                I love this post! jsut like everyone sane knew that Pac was Peding his way to move up 5 weight classes and he did but he never got caught so props to him
                if anyone is su****ious of JMM then they ***en best be su****ious of Pac
                all JMM did was KTFO a fighter no a brawler with little defense and the wars finally caught up to manny sorry


                • I just think Pacquiao was looking for the KO, got careless, and ran into a great shot. He's human and can be KO'd like any other fighter out there. Maybe I need to see some comparison shots, but JMM didn't looked as bulked up as everyone claims. I could see if he came in at 147 and solid as a rock, but he was 4 pounds lighter than Pacquiao. Pacquiao is 33 almost 34 and that's around the age Ray Leonard started looking bad. Some guys just lose it faster than others and we have seen a noticeable decline in Pacquiao's performance in the past 2 or 3 fights.


                  • Something tells me Arum is behind the NY Times article.


                    • Originally posted by Chuckguy View Post
                      but Manny Pac hasnt been su****ious in your book at all these past 5 years?? you ahve to ***en be lying
                      wtf do you have to be super su****ious of pacquiao for? he has never ko'd a welterweight, when in the lower weights have you seen pacquiao use that "hands-up, i'll just stand here and now you can get in some free uppercuts" in the lowerweights? that came as soon as he fought at welterweight, his stamina was showing and that's how he took breaks

                      pacquiao was also 28 when he moved up to welterweight which seems like his platuea or he'll just get softer(as it's been demonstrated coming at the limit of 147) he can actually put on plenty of muscle naturally at 26-28

                      the only thing that would have me su****ious of pacquiao is him wanting a cut-off date from blood tests, but if he was really on steroids his supplier would know how to handily beat a 3 month ost, so it seems ******, so yea, a little su****ious, wouldn't be suprised if he was clean his whole career though

                      i dont believe in the 90% of boxers are roiding non-sense, you guys just aren't in the boxing loop, maybe that sht is cool in america where half of the school jocks on already on roids
                      Last edited by SplitSecond; 12-10-2012, 07:09 PM.

