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Is there any reason to dislike Manny Pacquiao?

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  • #31
    I Don't dislike Pacquiao...just don't like the arrogance of his fans, having PRIDE is one thing, but a lot of his fans are just flat out IGNORANT when it comes to Boxing

    You can see that they don't care about the Sport In General, all they care about is Pacquiao

    Pacquiao and Mayweather fans need to be down and one more to go! I don't see Mayweather getting Knocked Out like Pacquiao because he is a much smarter fighter then Pacquiao but he will lose eventually especially if he hangs on too long


    • #32
      There's no worse fanbase in the world than the Mayweather fanatics. Not a lot to hate about the Pacman but there's a lot about Mayweather. Go figure.

      I'm not even a Pac fan and I joined because of the almost out of this world, fanatical rabid support of this fanatical fanbase to an arrogant, vile human being like Mayweather. Believe me, most posters who attack Mayweather are not Pac fans. They're Mayweather haters. LOL. Couldn't care less if Pacman got KD'd a thousand times in there. LOL.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Deeznuts View Post
        Only people that don't like Pac is the young black teens on this site that idolize Floyd cuz he represents them and their hip hop culture. His fans always go with whatever he says and his excuses. They are glad Manny got rocked so they won't have to see Floyd take a legitimate challenge he has ducked for years
        See .. here's the thing.

        Unlike you, I know that I don't know Manny Pacquiao to like him. I don't know Floyd Mayweather to like him either.

        Still .. its usually peasants who are sad in life that hate TV personalities as if those men have personally done something to them.

        I don't hate Manny Pacquiao. I hate his racist, uneducated, classless, clueless fans who pose as boxing fans in order to establish a cult on sites like these.

        How many of those "black teens" write about what a good guy Floyd is? How many write about Floyd's personal life at all? I'd say next to NONE. They know that they don't know Mayweather.

        Only Filipinos behave as if Manny is their cousin who they will see at Christmas dinner.

        How many Filipinos on this site write about what a nice guy Manny is? How many write about what a good Christian Pacquiao is? These mother fcukers have never and probably will never meet the man, but they project their own bullshit into boxing debates while using Pacquiao for thinly veiled relevance.

        Manny has cheated on his wife, is currently doing liquor commercials, gambles, fathered a child with a Filipino **********, but Filipino fans continue to drone on about how Manny is a better behaved human being and therefore a better boxer than Floyd Mayweather.

        No other fan base is that pathetic to delve so deep into a tv personality's personal life to defend his status as a boxer.

        Pacterds are relentless is their pursuit of disgrace and what's worse is that facts have absolutely no place in the world that they live in.

        Real boxing fans have always hated the hype that Pacquiao benefited from. no one has time to hate someone that they don't know and will never meet for more than a handshake or autograph if that much.


        • #34
          Originally posted by THE ИATAS View Post
          Steve Forbes

          Wow! Thats seeing pics all over the place of Manny face planted..on basketball courts, lawns,, grocery thats cold.. this man has been a great fighter for so many years..and to see how people can do the man so dirty.. especially when the dude is a good!

          I guess the thing that bothered me seeing it was.. this.. ive boxed since o was 10 years old and im 35 now.. we know that people die in this sport to simply entertain.. every fight youve seen him in he has come to thump..wrather you thought he won or not.. I just feel he's better than for that to happen..but hey people are says no matter who u are and what youve done..if there is a chance for you to be made fun of..guess what? Your not above it.
          Absolutely wonderful and perceptive comment. Unfortunately, its message will get run over by the rampant immaturity and lack of compassion that exists in boxing.


          • #35
            Like everyone said, the dislike is not towards Pac directly, it's really more towards his fans. I feel the same way about wanting to see Danny Garcia get KTFO. Danny seems like a real nice kid but I want to see him beat so his father will want to stop acting the way he does.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Russian Crushin View Post
              If you dislike a fighter because of "his fan", then its time for your balls to drop already and graduate 5th grade.

              Its also funny that most of the people complaining about Pac fans are carbon copy fans but for another fighter
              Pac's fans are a poor representation of him.

              Mayweather's fans are the perfect representation of him.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Uturn View Post
                He's always come to fight and provide some great fights over the years. He's not a trash talker, he doesn't disrespect anybody. He minds his own business.

                Is there anything to really dislike about him? He has surely been a great ambassador over the years.

                I just can't figure why anyone would dislike and be so spiteful. Leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

                A once greater fighter was KO'd, but that's how it goes. An end of an era for a once great fighter. This is boxing. No need to hate.
                Yeah if your hero is labeled a coward for ducking him among others you might dislike him. If you get an erection watching a certain fighter and just love him to death and Manny cast doubts upon him you might dislike him. If you just want the whole world to feel what you feel and Manny gets in the way of that you might dislike him.

                He's like a hurricane on your honeymoon, you just want him to go away so you can get a$$ pounded by Floyd in peace and then it happens. But then you realize it wasn't the hurricane making you a **** it was letting Floyd azz pound you in the first place.


                • #38
                  Most people here dislike Pac because of his nuthuggers (not his knowledgeable fans). Their level of ignorance, racism and sheer delusion was off the charts. Glad most of them are gone.


                  • #39
                    Manny is awesome.

                    Yes, he has a lot of fans who talk nonsense, but Manny himself? Nice guy and top fighter.


                    • #40
                      Let's be honest here. No one dislikes Pacquiao. It's what most people have said: rabid fans. But then again, that's to be expected. In any case, I was rooting for Marquez and am glad he won but I REALLY hate to see Pacquiao go out like that. It would've been more bearable if it had been a tko (too many punches) or corner stoppage. There's no doubt that the result had me awake for a good 3 or 4 hours afterward, but again...what a shame to see such a beloved fighter end up like that. Pacquiao's victories over Marquez may have been a thrill for him, but Marquez had the last laugh, and how...that punch made Marquez feel like all the complaining, all the hard work, all the hard work was worth it. What a tremendous way to set out into the sun.

                      On an added note, I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR WHAT DUMBASS SKIP BAYLESS has to say about the fight. Lmao

                      He'll probably just chalk it up to Pacquiao was shot or past his prime or whatever.

