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Comments Thread For: Broner vs. Burns in The Mix For February Showdown

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  • #31
    wow i really hope this falls through. But i wonder where it will be held at uk or usa?


    • #32
      This is whats up and what needs to go down.

      Perfect fight to kick-off 2013. Broner should spend all next year targeting the remaining world champions should he win, can't see Burns doing that as he is content fighting non-world beaters.


      • #33
        Ricky Burns sucks. Not surprised Broner is taking this fight. I guess he is content cleaning out the weak 135 lb division. He's the best lightweight but I want to see him actually test himself against better opposition. He can only find that at 140.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Julious_cesar View Post
          havent seen much of burns but hes only got 10 kos from his 35 wins broner would walk through him.
          Ill tell you right now, that dude's power is underrated. I used to think the same thing myself.
          Originally posted by liraj View Post
          Burns wants the fight but he already said he's not gonna do it in February. He said the earliest would be March, most likely April.

          Hopefully more money can entice him to fight in Feb.
          When did he say this and why?
          EDIT: Nvm I just saw he has a fight lined up. I wasn't aware of this.
          Originally posted by Mato o Muero View Post
          Burns is crap. Broner is gonna smash that guy.
          That's a pretty ignorant post but understandable. I used to think that myself about Burns but there's no doubt this guy has improved A WHOLE LOT. When I first started watching him I told myself, wtf is the hype about? But as of lately I have been impressed.


          • #35
            Originally posted by -Kev- View Post
            I don't know man, I want him to move up after Burns. The Gesta/Vazquez winner ain't all that, and they're Top Rank aren't they? GBP/Top Rank won't negotiate for such an unimportant fight. If Broner beats Burns, he becomes the 135 Ring champion and can just vacate and move up. 135 sucks. DeMarco and Burns were the only fighters I wanted to see Broner fight, because they're the best there. Looks like Broner is giving me just that. I will be pleased with just those two fights. The really good fights are at 140.
            What about Gamboa?

            I echo you about the burns fight. People calling burns a bum have no idea what they's talking about. He's no litzau. Chin, heart, a little pop, decent skills- enough to change styles if something's not working out.

            No one broner's fought has had more than one level to their game.


            • #36
              Not only is this a good fight for fans and for lw division, but its good matchmaking on broner's team's part. Give him a different type of opponent developmentally
              Last edited by Walt Liquor; 12-08-2012, 06:50 AM.


              • #37
                Unless Broner/Burns happens in the UK Burns gets anialated. He's got zero pro experiance of fighting overseas & could quite well end up being bruitally KO'ed. Far too many Frank Warren fighters hide behind the WBO @ home & when it comes to the push come unstuck when reality hits home!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by WARQUEZ View Post
                  Whitaker has 17 KOs in 40 fights. You think Broner would walk through Whitaker?
                  church!!.... dudes crack me up with judging fighters by their KO pct.

                  good fight for BOTH....I like the moves Broner is making so far....fighting dudes that matter!!


                  • #39
                    For me Burns wins by decision only just but still wins

                    This will be a great match up between 2 great fighters and the americans will see what all the fuss is about when they see burns in action


                    • #40
                      Burns doesn't want a broner fight-Too Scared

                      Ricky Burns won't fight Broner and isn't in the same class as Broner skill wise. Burns is a paper champ more of a joke and undeserving of being called champion.
                      Burns isn't in the top 20 fighters in his weight class watch how this plays out as Burns evades the match-up.

