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Shocking PED revelations by T. Hauser. GBP, Mayweather, Quillin, Morales.

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  • Originally posted by trainhard_187 View Post
    Thanks for telling us something we already knew. No one is being tested YEAR ROUND in the sport of boxing, not even the so called Pro "Cleaning up the sport" advocate Floyd Mayweather..
    Nonito is but hes trained by Conte who is a major player in VADA and can beat tests easily so if we cant trust USADA then we certainly cant trust VADA.

    All sports are lost for me if true


    • Originally posted by The Weebler II View Post
      Crazy talk man. This isn't cycling or swimming, this grown men training for weeks to punch each other repeatedly in the skull.

      You need to read about some of the boxers who have lost their health in the ring, or speak to some of the relatives of those who have died there.

      The last thing boxing needs is to open the floodgates on PEDS.
      word, that'd be gay, i actually believe in clean athletes


      • Floyd failed nothing..he's the greatest of all time..bring me proof ...exactly no proof..just the word of some desperate writer ...there's 5403 people who said pacquiao is dirty..but no one cares because pac is a bum..floyd is the real deal..let the haterz hate..

        Money May P4P #1


        • Originally posted by MikeRo1972 View Post
          Victor Conte was dirty as ***** when he was doing his BALCO dirt but since he did his time this guy has been the single biggest voice in cleaning up sports, its ironic but true. Hate or love him its a FACT.

          He has stated for years USADA is corrupt. He's been illustrating how USADA is not only dirty but HIGHLY POLITICAL and ALL ABOUT THE GREENBACKS. He has outlined the differences between VADA (THE ACTUAL AUTHORITY IN PED TESTING) and the frauds that USADA really are. He asked point blank why in the world does GBP pay 10x more for PED testing through USADA when VADA is not only cheaper, but actually in the business of busting dirt bag users. He has implied for years that GBP are more than willing to pay up the extra money to ensure tests either come back clean or dirty ones get swept under the rug.

          Schaefer and GBP (and by extension ODLH) are implicant in paying ridiculous testing fees knowing full well USADA will hide dirty tests and not report dirty ones. When the ***** hits the fan...and it will. Boxing enthusiasts will be shocked at the sheer number of PED abusers in the game. Its permeated all levels of boxing and we'll look back and think "How the hell did I not notice that dirt bag was using PEDs, look at the record, look at the age, look at his body". Hindsight will truly be 20/20 at that point. The time is coming, its inevitable.

          This is not new news, but the OP deserves 1Mil Green Ks for finding that transcript because when reports try to blow the whistle they get ingnored by sites or threatened by promoters and comissions. MAtter of fact dont be surprised if Boxing scene deletes this thread.

          Thank you!
          Fantastic post.


          • Originally posted by BoxingGenius27 View Post

            I mean the dude found that article in no time. Google couldn't have found that article faster than that.
            You're googlefu is obviously inferior to mine. All I had to search for is montoya maxboxing letter. Third result.

            Last edited by DoktorSleepless; 11-19-2012, 05:38 PM.


            • Originally posted by flat1985 View Post
              I really hope Floyd aint on anything.
              He's seen him take the tests on 24/7..

              Pacman is the roid head in the boxing community...


              • Originally posted by Garcia's Dad View Post
                Pretty amazing stuff.

                Now, if Floyd has tested positive, you really have to wonder what kind of person cries about another man being a juicer when juicing themself.
                that's that cheaters do... they accuse someone of doing something they themselves are doing


                • Originally posted by DoktorSleepless View Post
                  You're talking about this?

                  No, it's not deleted. He just locked it. Everything he posted is still there.

                  Are you part of the boxing industry? How do you know he was spreading stuff and not fact-checking? Do you know exactly what Montoya was saying when he supposedly was spreading stuff? How can you possibly know any of this? You're basing this on what?
                  Nah, don't think that's it.

                  And I might know a couple people in the industry.


                  • Originally posted by trainhard_187 View Post
                    Thanks for telling us something we already knew. No one is being tested YEAR ROUND in the sport of boxing, not even the so called Pro "Cleaning up the sport" advocate Floyd Mayweather..
                    That's not the point. People in high places are covering up the stink.


                    • Originally posted by flat1985 View Post
                      I really hope Floyd aint on anything.
                      roidweather's A sample failed and he used a waiver to prevent the commission and his opponents from knowing... that's some su****ious as shiot

