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Should Wladimir be warned more for holding?

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  • Should Wladimir be warned more for holding?

    He didn't hold much against Wach (For his standards) mainly because Wach was a standing punching bag.

    But I noticed Wladimir excessively holds and clinches against the vast majority of his opponents. He never even got warned since the Peter I fight.

    I just watched a lot of Lewis fights, Ward fights, Mayweather fights.
    I can't help but notice the refs in America and refs in England tend to break up the holding and warn fighters regarding excessive holding.

    Lewis- Tyson. Lennox got a point taken away. Etc.

    I honestly feel that holding is part of Wladimir's comfort zone. If you take that away, you take away a huge part of what makes him comfortable as a fighter. This is vital. Imagine David Haye fighting Wlad on the inside. Maybe Wlad will freak out and go into panic mode.

    I'm not saying Wlad should get DQED but at least some warning?
    I haven't seen Wlad warned once. He was only warned against Samuel Peter I in the United States.

    And what a concidence? He was floored multiple times in that fight and looked extremely shaky.
    He should be DQED
    DQ is too harsh, but he should be warned and have points taken off
    Nah. It's fine.

  • #2
    If that were the case then Alexander, Ward, Bradley, and Hopkins would have multiple DQ losses.


    • #3
      Originally posted by cawadoody View Post
      If that were the case then Alexander, Ward, Bradley, and Hopkins would have multiple DQ losses.
      You are ******.

      They all fight on the inside. Wladimir just clinches.

      Lennox Lewis and Wlad both holds. But it's very different.
      Wladimir clinches you in a vice grip and that's it. He just holds on. Lewis fights WHILE holding, he's hitting you with a variety of upper cuts, short hooks, body shots, and overall in fighting.

      You are mistaking inside fighting with holding.

      Not to mention.... refs DID warn Ward and Lewis about holding. They pushed Ward away multiple times in the Dawson fight the moment Ward even remotely start to hold.


      • #4
        He has no inside game at all and would be brutally KOed if he didn't hold


        • #5

          I think TS is right, they should punish these excessive clinchers more often, which should eventually lead to a DQ. Would be funny watching Alexander and Hopkins getting DQ'd.


          • #6
            His holding is terrible, the smaller fighters get jabbed to death on the outside and when they move into range Wlad hugs like yogi bear and they have to do it all again. Completely unfair.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Own3d View Post
              His holding is terrible, the smaller fighters get jabbed to death on the outside and when they move into range Wlad hugs like yogi bear and they have to do it all again. Completely unfair.
              yeah, he doesn't even clinch ... he literally dives on top of you with his weight and bear hugs you like a ******


              • #8
                Originally posted by cawadoody View Post

                I think TS is right, they should punish these excessive clinchers more often, which should eventually lead to a DQ. Would be funny watching Alexander and Hopkins getting DQ'd.
                Who said anything about DQ'S or even points taken off?
                I said warned... at least Wlad should be WARNED.

                All the fighters you mentioned? They were all warned at one time or another. Their hug fests were all broken up.

                Take Hopkins Trinidad for example. In the mid rounds, the moment Hopkins began to hold a bit too much he was quickly taken apart.

                Hopkins Pavlik. Go watch the Rounds 10-12, he was forced away from Pavlik pretty quickly.


                • #9
                  Yes, he should. But Foreman should have been warned more for pushing, Holyfield for using his head, Larry Holmes for thumbing the eye, Tyson for punching below the belt, etc. There is a lot of cleaning up to do in boxing.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Skittlez View Post
                    Lennox Lewis and Wlad both holds. But it's very different.Wladimir clinches you in a vice grip and that's it. He just holds on. Lewis fights WHILE holding, he's hitting you with a variety of upper cuts, short hooks, body shots, and overall in fighting.
                    Holding and hitting is illegal in boxing. It's worse than simply holding. That's why refs constantly say "no holding and hitting".

