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That's what happens when you try to be Mayweather!

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  • That's what happens when you try to be Mayweather!

    What was Alvarado thinking using that ****** damn philly shell defense? If you have serious defensive liabilities that's the last thing you should be trying. If you have slow reflexes and are easy to hit, especially on the inside, then using that leaves you very open and vulnerable to big shots and guess what? Alvarado got caught trying to use boxing techniques that no trainer in his right mind would have him using!

    Now, not to slag on his trainer cause I'm sure I heard him saying to Alvarado to stop using it as it wasn't working, but he just kept doing it thinking that he was the one with the boxing skills. This is what happens kids when you try to fight like Mayweather and Toney without having any of the skill, speed, reflexes, general savvy and experience in that style. You get KTFO!

    Why did he think that would work? If you're a slow, power punching guy with major defensive liabilities that breaks guys down and uses strength and power to win fights rather than defensive counter punching, then coming into your biggest career fight using a style that shouldn't even be thought about is just incredible. I could not believe my eyes when he came out using it. I thought he was taking the piss for a minute then he just stayed in it while getting hit with right hand and left hook over and over on the inside.

    Really hate it when fighters do ****** **** like that and lose a fight because of it. Maybe he would have lost anyway, but from what had transpired in both of their offensive games, it looked to me that Alvarado could have certainly won it without such a moronic game plan.

    What could he have been thinking? "Hmmm, maybe with my complete lack of any defensive skill, using one hand to block shots will be better than two! Lets do it!"

  • #2
    it was working fine until he got hit way too many times...


    • #3
      I dont know what fight you were watching but I saw absolutely no emulation of Floyd last night whatsoever. LOL.


      • #4
        using the philly shell automatically = trying to be like floyd mayweather


        • #5
          For a second I thought they were showing a replay of Broner/Ponce De Leon last night when I read the thread title.


          • #6
            NO....You are way off.... he was trying to be Abril....Abril keep putting his shoulder right into the face of rios to stop him from throwing anything effective and get the ref to break the two, which worked extremely well.... Alvarado when he boxed did well, but he chose to give us a show .


            • #7
              Originally posted by Deevel916 View Post
              I dont know what fight you were watching but I saw absolutely no emulation of Floyd last night whatsoever. LOL.
              That's largely the point.

              Don't get me wrong, he wasn't trying to do a Broner and be like Mayweather, I'm just using mayweathers name as an example, but he was using a defensive technique that he shouldn't have been.

              Whether it was Abril or Mayweather or whoever else doesn't matter, it shouldn't have been tried by Alvarado because he got hit very easily inside when he was using it. He would have been much better served with both hands up and pushing off Rios to get space.

              Defututus: he's the obvious name to recall being the most popular exponent of it today and the most recognisable name.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kingjosh View Post
                NO....You are way off.... he was trying to be Abril....Abril keep putting his shoulder right into the face of rios to stop him from throwing anything effective and get the ref to break the two, which worked extremely well.... Alvarado when he boxed did well, but he chose to give us a show .
                I agree, he was emulating Abril's game plan against Rios more than anything. What I did notice was that Alvarado should stayed on the outside more often, that's when he kept having success but he chose to stay in close quarters and make it an inside brawl with Rios.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BennyST View Post
                  That's largely the point.

                  Don't get me wrong, he wasn't trying to do a Broner and be like Mayweather, I'm just using mayweathers name as an example, but he was using a defensive technique that he shouldn't have been.

                  Whether it was Abril or Mayweather or whoever else doesn't matter, it shouldn't have been tried by Alvarado because he got hit very easily inside when he was using it. He would have been much better served with both hands up and pushing off Rios to get space.

                  Defututus: he's the obvious name to recall being the most popular exponent of it today and the most recognisable name.
                  yea, i also saw some jabs to the body from rios, i think he was emulating floyd


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kingjosh View Post
                    NO....You are way off.... he was trying to be Abril....Abril keep putting his shoulder right into the face of rios to stop him from throwing anything effective and get the ref to break the two, which worked extremely well.... Alvarado when he boxed did well, but he chose to give us a show .

                    Way off? Abril, Mayweather, Toney, Hopkins, whatever. They all use the same techniques in their own way. When inside they use their shoulder, elbow, right arm etc. It worked for Abril because that's how he fights and that's his style. That's what he good at.

                    What Avlarado did would have been like Abril going in against Rios and trying to out brawl him. Using something that worked against him. Luckily Abril wasn't that ******.

