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Comments Thread For: Brandon Rios Stops Mike Alvarado in a Seven Round War

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  • Rios Beat Who???? Have Rios Fight Gesta, Morales, Maidana, Marquez, Then Let's Talk!

    Rios finally showed up in shape, not over the weight limit, to fight a no name who stood right in front of him and exchanged. See if this loud mouth can show up two fights in a row, in shape, making weight, and fight a credible warrior. I'm hardly sold on Rios just as Im not sold on Donaire or Broner.


    • Originally posted by Realizniguhnit View Post
      It really doesn't matter If he "looked" like he was in good shape. He looked in good shape at the weigh in but in the ring he looked dry he was only 153 Alvarado is 32, he doesn't naturally weigh 153 lol and he was tired after the second round that means he was drained... Alvarado needs to move up to 147 simple as that..
      He made the wrong fight. Punched himself out too early. That's all.
      He was doing great using the jab, but chose to brawl with the brawler, and got into Rios fight.


      • Originally posted by SpeedKillz View Post
        interesting comparison, but marg had skills. rios has power, and that is all. guys like rios wont make it far against top shelf boys, he just isnt good enough and never will be cause hes a brawler and thats all he can do. its tough for fighters to leave their bravado behind and NOT brawl with a guy like rios, too macho for their own good. guy boxes rios, guy humiliates rios. simple as that.
        all of a sudden Tony has skills when before he was just a plodding bum who throws looping punches.

        you cats kill me.


        • Originally posted by SpeedKillz View Post
          too slow?!?! and rios is so fast he'll blind danny right. danny would murder rios. danny can hit harder than alvarado, and hes a tough kid who will punish rios in all kinds of ways.

          fellow boxingsceners, MIKE ALVARADO is not good. yea i wanted him to win too, but he fought a sloppy lousy fight and lost it for himself. rios did nothing special, not even close, mike lost it himself. rios is a D+ fighter, period!
          OMG! Are you ****ing kidding me right?


          • Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post
            I can't believe all the haters on here. you would think a great night for boxing would be something fans would appreciate, instead they hate on a warrior like Rios. Props to both fighters for putting up a great show we need more nights like this in boxing. This place is full of a bunch of keyboard warriors don't know the first thing about what it takes to be a pro fighter.

            Posted from App for Android
            funny thing is, they picked Alvarado to win. " he looks great. Rios looks like crap"


            • So simple for Alvardo to box the entire fight and cruise to a dec but considering he really isn't a true boxer and is more of a brawler he did his best impersonation of a boxer and yes it worked but only in spots quite humorous to think he could of kept that up with the kind of pressure and pace Rios was forcing

              Alvarado throw so many punches bcse he had to , to keep Rios out of his grill he didn't fight the wrong fight he got beat by a better fighter doing what he normally does but he got it done to him so what does that say about Rios he may not be the most sound fundamental guy but what he does he does well and it's not something most fighters are used to or can handle
              Last edited by BattleAxePurist; 10-14-2012, 12:11 AM.


              • Originally posted by SpeedKillz View Post

                lol @you guys talkin like rios just took out a p4p guy. yea he made mike fight his fight and took him out. good for him and glad he won, now he can step it up and fight someone who can box his ears off, and see how bad he gets humiliated. rios gets hate cause people make him out to be this brawler god. he jus has alot of power and is good at makin fighters look like trash and fighting his fight. wait til he fights someone with brains, he cant fight nobodies forever...
                He just took out a guy you hyped up while clowning rios

                Stop acting like you know **** and admit you were wrong. its kinda hilarious how you are such a butt hurt fan

                You were wrong, just eat it bro


                • Originally posted by SpeedKillz View Post
                  interesting comparison, but marg had skills. rios has power, and that is all. guys like rios wont make it far against top shelf boys, he just isnt good enough and never will be cause hes a brawler and thats all he can do. its tough for fighters to leave their bravado behind and NOT brawl with a guy like rios, too macho for their own good. guy boxes rios, guy humiliates rios. simple as that.


                  • Rios won! He was the better man tonight. If anyone discredits got to be a moron! Rios proved he was a badazz tonight. He took it and did what counted most....He gave back better! Live with it haters! Oh.... and STFU!!!:


                    • This fight is known as the survival of the "Am-Mex" chin.

                      The Rios dude can take a lot of punishment. Alvarado's chin just didn't held up.
                      Simple is that.

                      btw, I am one of them "Rios haters" who thought Alvarado would win. Good stoppage.

