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Comments Thread For: Miguel Cotto Praises Orlando Cruz For Coming Out

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  • BPP see what you have done? stop making troll threads.


    • Originally posted by chaos View Post
      When I said that it was to address those who say "it's ok because they're born that way." That's a mistake many people make and that's why I use the *****phile example, because it's a clear way to show that even if it is nature that doesn't mean it's not an aberration. That's not the way people were meant to be. But, I've never said whether I believe it's nature or nurture, because it has nothing to do with this discussion. It's just what you buffoons think is an easy answer that will settle the argument but as I've proven, it's not. You know every time you think you have a point you just prove that you're a moron with no reading comprehension skills or ability for critical thought. You take the easy way out and lie about what I've said and then base your argument on that lie. It shows the weakness of your position when you have to lie and insult to further your argument.
      Guess what's missing fom this post, child? Proof that *******uality is immoral. Because I don't care if something is not "meant to be", period. You don't see me railing against people with missing fingers. There is also no "meant" to be. I know you're a closeted religious ******, and that's mental illness in my book. Just admit it.

      You're not even using the word wrong with any real conviction. Do you mean it's immoral or just "not normal"? Because if all you're saying is something isn't normal, who gives a ****? Not normal doesn't mean immoral. You're purposely using the word wrong ambiguously.
      Last edited by samouraļ; 10-08-2012, 05:17 PM.


      • Originally posted by chaos View Post
        Jeez another essay. Listen, I don't need to hate in order to recognize that something is wrong. You want to lump everyone who doesn't agree with this stuff in the same category then that's on you. You're obviously too closed in you views to understand that people can disagree with you without being bigots. What do you think that I go beat up every f@g I come across? I couldn't care enough to do that, we're just having an online discussion, it has nothing to do with hate. Also I don't know why you're obsessing over a latin term that anyone who didn't grow up on a farm would know.

        Fyi I never say "african-american" or "caucasian" I say "black" and "white" cause it's easier. You act as if we're writing formal papers here.
        I agree,you are 100% correct that you do not have to hate to recognize that something is wrong. And I actually have had disagreements with people on this subject that I believe may be misguided but they aren't bigots. However, you simply aren't one of them and that is evident by the hateful language that you choose to use. Such as f@g and ass bandits and comparing them to ******. They are just downright hateful and hurtful words and most normal people would agree with that.

        And who said anything about you putting your hands on anyone? But, are you really trying to say that you are only a hateful bigot if you physically put your hands on someone and offensive hateful words really mean nothing?

        Just so we are clear I am in no way comparing you to him. He is just the best example I could think of to make a point. Hitler was one if not the worst bigot in the history of humankind. I believe that everyone would agree with that, right?

        With that said I am sure, no really I am positive, that Hitler didn't physically touch anyone as they marched into the gas chambers at Auschwitz. But his hateful words sure were responsible with getting those poor souls stuffed into those cattle cars and on their way. So, I would say that words especially hate filled ones can be pretty powerful and sometimes even outright dangerous and deadly.

        As far as my essay's are concerned you really don't have to read any of them. But, I will say this you have responded to this thread over thirty times, that is thirty freakin times. And so far I have only read one that actually had anything to do with boxing. I bet that is at least twice as much or even three times as many responses as the next person. Don't you think that is a bit obsessive and maybe even a bit of grandstanding on your part? After all this is only an online discussion we are having.

        In closing I will say that just like you and I *******uals can't change who they are because they were born that way. You even admit that. However, you have the ability to change how you think and feel. Simply because you were not born that way and it is a learned behavior. I know because I changed but only when I had the willingness to do so. Simply because as I stated earlier it takes way to much energy to hate. And as much as you try to spin it or split hairs you are in fact a hateful bigot. And its strange how you were actually the first to use that word within are discussion. Good luck to you!


        • I always laugh at guys who say that *******uality is wrong but then go and ogle lesbian scenes in adult movies. LOLOLOLOLOL.

          In fact, double LOLOLOLOLOL.


          • Ravens Fan,

            ***ual feelings are innate. They come automatically.

            Behavior-wise, everyone has the ability to choose how they behave ***ually. One can be chaste, one can be promiscuous, one can be's all within a person's control. However, I wouldn't expect a *******ually oriented person to refrain from *** any more than I would expect a hetero***ually oriented person to refrain from ***.


            • Originally posted by jasons0660 View Post
              Ravens Fan,

              ***ual feelings are innate. They come automatically.

              Behavior-wise, everyone has the ability to choose how they behave ***ually. One can be chaste, one can be promiscuous, one can be's all within a person's control. However, I wouldn't expect a *******ually oriented person to refrain from *** any more than I would expect a hetero***ually oriented person to refrain from ***.
              That all may be true but I have to ask, are you referring to something I had said or are you simply making a statement? Because if you are referring to something that I had said you will have to refresh my memory. Because I truly do not remember ever mentioning anything about anyone's *** life or even their ***ual feelings.


              • Originally posted by Davis40 View Post
                There is circumstantial evidence that he cheated. The red spot on the plaster pad also seen on his hand wraps after the cotto fight. As well as the extensive bruising and swelling of cotto's face in the first fight and the remarkably different outcome of the second fight.

                A guy doesn't get brutally beaten and stopped in 1 fight then come back to fight the same guy and beat him with ease and not feel any of his punches. Name one time that ever happened so dramatically. look at pac marquez. close every time like almost all rematches aside from a 1 punch knock out usually in the heavyweights. the dramatic difference in the 2 fights should tell you all you need to know.
                Total up the number of punches in both fights and you'll see why Cottos face looked different.


                • Cotto pretty much painted "I'm gay" on his own forehead by saying this. He'll never get another big fight now.


                  • Originally posted by jasons0660 View Post

                    You accuse others of launching personal attacks on you but you are the one who is guilty of this. LOL. You have little, if any, credibility.

                    As I said in my earlier post to you, did your dad suddenly turn gay and cheesed you off? Your sons?

                    Also, are you one of these guys who likes to watch lesbians in adult **** movies? I've heard that a lot of "straight" guys enjoy watching lesbian scenes. LOL. Doesn't *******uality of the female kind offend you?
                    Lol, guys don't necessarily like lesbians per se, they like watching straight girls dyke out. Big difference. Most real dykes look like Rosie, which is digusting. And if you pay attention to the course of the discussion you will see from whom the personal attacks originated. I've made a few remarks here and there but it's nowhere near the amount you lot have been spewing and I don't base my whole argument on insults. Furthermore, I haven't lowered myself to insulting people's family members, as some of you have chosen to do. You guys, and I use the term "guys" very loosely, are taking this way too personally. The anger in your posts is palpable and unless you're a f@g there's no reason for it. You're deliberately misinterpreting and lying about my views, making false assumptions, hurling insults and making gay jokes left and right. What do you think that says about your credibility.


                    • Originally posted by chaos View Post
                      Lol, guys don't necessarily like lesbians per se, they like watching straight girls dyke out. Big difference. Most real dykes look like Rosie, which is digusting. And if you pay attention to the course of the discussion you will see from whom the personal attacks originated. I've made a few remarks here and there but it's nowhere near the amount you lot have been spewing and I don't base my whole argument on insults. Furthermore, I haven't lowered myself to insulting people's family members, as some of you have chosen to do. You guys, and I use the term "guys" very loosely, are taking this way too personally. The anger in your posts is palpable and unless you're a f@g there's no reason for it. You're deliberately misinterpreting and lying about my views, making false assumptions, hurling insults and making gay jokes left and right. What do you think that says about your credibility.

                      1. Is it immoral to be gay?

                      2. Or is it immoral to act gay?

                      If yes to #1, explain that, because it makes zero sense to me. Neither nature nor nurture really matters because it doesn't change the fact that they're gay.

                      If yes to #2, explain what the immoral part of a *******ual act is, and why. Your earlier explanation was simply "because if everyone did it, we'd go extinct". Am I misrepresenting you by saying that? I don't think so, but here's your chance to set the record straight.

                      If you're going to keep replying, answer these questions simply and clearly so there aren't any more communication problems. My view up to now is that you're being purposely ambiguous because you have no argument. "Because it's just wrong" is an insufficient reason for something, for the record. If your answer is "because the Bible tells me so", just say it. We can end the conversation right there.
                      Last edited by samouraļ; 10-08-2012, 08:34 PM.

