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Comments Thread For: Miguel Cotto Praises Orlando Cruz For Coming Out

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  • Originally posted by streetwaves View Post
    Lol whatever man. I run into this all the time: the person I'm arguing with posting progressively shorter posts, ignoring more of what I say and pretending "they're just done." Point is, you said you condemn *******ual acts because if everyone did them we'd go extinct. I pointed out the ******edness of that and here we are. Just another easy ***** slap for me man. I could do this in my sleep with idiots like you.

    For the record, I don't expect anything more from you. Bowing out of this conversation is the most logical thing for you to do aside from admitting I schooled your religious azz.
    Your problem is you don't have a response for what I say so you just change the topic completely or you deliberately misinterpret what I say in order to make a comeback. Then you expect me to answer your points which are based on a false premise. Sorry buds, but that's not how it works. You still haven't been able to admit that you're against consensual ******, that's how far you'll go to keep up your false arguments.

    I don't care what f@gs do behind closed doors, if they kept it to themselves no one would give a sh_t. I never condemned anyone for anything, I just stated facts. If humans stopped procreating humanity would cease to exist. Therefore it logically follows that men and women were not intended to mate with their own *** because it would lead to the end of their species. You then start talking about car salesmen and blacksmiths cause you can't refute that point so you change the argument. And I never brought religion into this, not once, so I'm not sure why you keep bringing it up, thinking I'll be insulted by religious jokes. You don't need religion to understand why it's wrong, common sense will do for most people.

    You're the typical pseudo-intellectual who thinks they have all the answers and when you meet someone who doesn't play your game you resort to insults. You take this way too personally which means either you're f@g (which would explain why you felt insulted when I said "aberration") or you have family/friends who are. Either way you're too brainwashed and in love with yourself to accept any kind of logic, which is pretty sad and pathetic.


    • Originally posted by jasons0660 View Post

      You sound as if you have real issues with male *******uality. Are you a self-loathing closet case? I find that self-loathing closet cases are usually the most ****phobic.

      Why don't you just accept that most men are capable of being attracted to men? The strength of this attractiion varies from man to man. Some are weakly attracted, others are strongly attracted, and still others fall somewhere between. It's a natural and normal spectrum. In Orlando's case, it appears that he is strongly attracted to men and has thus formed an identity based on this strength of attraction.

      Get the chip off your shoulder and open your eyes and ears to the world.
      Lol typical pc bullsh_t response. I don't like *****phile's either, does that make me a closet *****phile? I don't like redknecks, does that mean I actually want to be one? I think bestiality is wrong, does that mean I actually want to get it on with animals? Do KKK members actually want to be black? Isn't it possible for someone to not agree with something because they believe it's wrong? Seriously, that's the most pathetic and cliched argument that you fools use and it's laughable. Also, I don't know what kind of people you've grown up around, but if you're mildly attracted to a guy then you're either a f@g or bi, there's no such thing as "weakly attracted." Maybe you think like that cause you have some hidden issues but rest assured, straight men don't have "weak" or "mild" attraction to other men you degenerate prick.


      • Originally posted by subhuman View Post
        Well this thread has gone to ****.
        Common lol, are you actually surprised? I think it's been relatively mellow so far.


        • Chaos,

          False equivalence, my friend, false equivalence. You need to think more clearly next time.

          You clearly have issues. Did your dad turn to men?


          • Originally posted by jasons0660 View Post

            False equivalence, my friend, false equivalence. You need to think more clearly next time.

            You clearly have issues. Did your dad turn to men?
            Here we go again, when there's nothing left to say, when there's no way to refute an argument, what do the f@g loving pc police resort to....? Gay jokes lol. You lot are so predictable. You're the second one to do it in this thread, how very original of you.
            Just for fun though, let's assume for the sake of argument that everything you say about me is true. How does that negate any of the points I've made?

            Fyi, learn the definition of the terms you use before spouting them off. I know you want to use big words cause you think it makes you look smart, but when you use them incorrectly you come off looking like a bigger idiot.


            • Chaos,

              Your points are pointless. They are bile-driven. Opinionated drivel would flatter them.

              As for your dad, I'm serious. If he's turned to men, why would you want to ruin his happiness?


              • Originally posted by jasons0660 View Post

                Your points are pointless. They are bile-driven. Opinionated drivel would flatter them.

                As for your dad, I'm serious. If he's turned to men, why would you want to ruin his happiness?
                You're going to have to try harder little man. You're still unable to make any arguments so you continue with personal attacks. You still haven't realized that half-assed insults mean nothing to me. You're a moron behind a computer who I'll never meet. Why would I be offended by meaningless insults? Go ahead, call my dad a f@g and my mom a whore. In fact, lets just assume for the sake of this discussion that that's the case. What now? What do you have to say about the topic we're discussing? Or are you all about the insults. Jesus, the quality of trolling on these forums has really gone down. You've basically reduced yourself to the lowest common denominator. Congratulations.
                Last edited by Chaos; 10-08-2012, 05:34 AM.


                • Originally posted by chaos View Post
                  Your problem is you don't have a response for what I say so you just change the topic completely or you deliberately misinterpret what I say in order to make a comeback. Then you expect me to answer your points which are based on a false premise. Sorry buds, but that's not how it works. You still haven't been able to admit that you're against consensual ******, that's how far you'll go to keep up your false arguments.

                  I don't care what f@gs do behind closed doors, if they kept it to themselves no one would give a sh_t. I never condemned anyone for anything, I just stated facts. If humans stopped procreating humanity would cease to exist. Therefore it logically follows that men and women were not intended to mate with their own *** because it would lead to the end of their species. You then start talking about car salesmen and blacksmiths cause you can't refute that point so you change the argument. And I never brought religion into this, not once, so I'm not sure why you keep bringing it up, thinking I'll be insulted by religious jokes. You don't need religion to understand why it's wrong, common sense will do for most people.

                  You're the typical pseudo-intellectual who thinks they have all the answers and when you meet someone who doesn't play your game you resort to insults. You take this way too personally which means either you're f@g (which would explain why you felt insulted when I said "aberration") or you have family/friends who are. Either way you're too brainwashed and in love with yourself to accept any kind of logic, which is pretty sad and pathetic.
                  Ouch. streetwaves schooled you for good.


                  • Originally posted by Superflo777 View Post
                    Ouch. streetwaves schooled you for good.
                    Sure there budz lol. The guy who ran out of arguments and was reduced to personal insults "schooled" me. Whatever makes you feel better.


                    • chaos you sound like an intelligent guy, better just leave them be.

