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What Will People Say About Floyd Mayweather Jr. 25 Years Now?

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  • #51
    One word.


    A fighter that was so scared of losing his 0, he refused to fight the only other fighter who could rival him. The fighter who ended up becoming the fighter of the decade.

    He refused to beat the guy who would have unquestionably cemented his place as an ATG.


    • #52
      Dont know. But he'll go down as one of the greatest and most skilled fighters ever.


      • #53
        Originally posted by A-Wolf View Post
        I've had the chance to see a few top level fighters retire during my years as a fan and it's been interesting to see how reputations have grown in certain cases and diminished in others. What will people say about Floyd in 25 years?
        At the very least, they'll say he has the best defense ever. Like it or not he's the first defensive wizard to put slick boxing on the map, so people will remember him for his D. Kind of like how McDonalds is known for its Big Mac even though the nuggets are also great


        • #54
          Originally posted by ironmike2012 View Post
          He will be remembered as a good fighter. After he got a gift against Castillo, he never faced the best available fighters (he avoided Paul Williams and Margarito at 147, never faced Cotto at 140 or 147, now avoiding Pacman). Hard to go down as the greatest, if you avoid the best challenges out there, he should have just stayed at 140 no higher, if he isn't going to fight everyone, when Duran moved up from lightweight, he faced SRL, Hearns (who he should have never faced) and went 15 rounds with Hagler (could Floyd do that?). Floyd is no one near SRL, Hearns, Hagler, Duran level, he would have never fought them if they were in the same era.
          He ducked Williams??? Williams didn't get a significant win until Summer 2007, than Floyd fought Top 10 P4P Hatton, a fight a ton of people wanted to see and predicted he would lose. Williams than turned around and lost to Quintana.


          • #55
            They will say " Floyds was the most intelligent fighter inside the ring, but the dumbest fool outside, with an IQ of -1, its a shame that he is so broke after making millions in the sport of boxing, then turned ******** addict, now Rival and-once Partner 50 cent is sitting on Millions in boxing, while Floyd is eating canned goods. A humbling experience Floyd needs. hahhahahahha


            • #56
              vs Pacman, Canelo, Martinez and Retire

              3-0 He was one of the greatest
              2-1 He was a pretty damn good fighter
              0-3 He was overrated


              • #57
                Originally posted by 285Kid View Post
                vs Pacman, Canelo, Martinez and Retire

                3-0 He was one of the greatest
                2-1 He was a pretty damn good fighter
                0-3 He was overrated
                If he loses once, I don't think he'll get the other 2 fights. Would he?


                • #58
                  He will be the BLUEPRINT for the generation(s) after him, not only his BOXING TECHNIQUE in the ring will be copied, but also fighters will be more BOLD and won't be afraid to be the Villain in boxing...especially if they see it is as Profitable as it been for Mayweather

                  But the generation behind him maybe can also learn from his mistakes and maybe take on all comers when they reach the top instead of just picking and choosing opponent...and Mayweather is not the first Cherry Picker and he certainly won't be the last, Cherry Picking is done by Promoters and Managers, they are advise fighter which fight to take and which ones not to take

                  But when it is all said and done Mayweather will be held into a more POSITIVE LIGHT then a negative one, despite all the "HATE" he gets and he will be MISSED once he steps away, even by the people who claim to hate will hear people say "BOXING IS NOT THE SAME WITHOUT MAYWEATHER"


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by 4Corners View Post
                    I still feel the majority of people who say he waited till so and so was past it, or he avoided real challanges, are people who didn't start watching boxing till 4-5 years ago at the most.


                    • #60
                      They will say, "Damn, Pacquiao and Margaritos fans sure hated Floyd"!

