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Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. vs Sergio Martinez Post Fight Discussion thread

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  • Sergio has a pretty damn good left hand to the body and is probably the most 2 handed southpaw right now in boxing. Floyd was hitting Cotto all night with the jab downstairs. He can right hook Miguel Cotto too.

    Miguel Cotto lacks the right hand to beat an elite southpaw like Sergio and doesn't function fast enough to control Martinez pace


    • Originally posted by kiaba360 View Post
      Chavez would get Margarito'd. Martinez is gonna blast it like Cotto wish he could've done against Marg.

      Boxing should have its own dictionary lmao
      Modernized dictionary of boxing


      • Originally posted by CubanGuyNYC View Post
        Cońo bro...I don't know about that....
        Martinez has not beaten nobody at Cotto's level and you know it.

        Martinez likes to control the fight with his jab and footwork. Cotto cuts the ring as good as anyone in the game and has a better jab than Martinez. Martinez dont like it to the body, and his chin aint all that. He's been hurt and or drop in most of his fights since Cintron. Cotto would control the pace and hammer Martinez to the body.

        If Cotto's Conditioning is as good as it was vs floyd or close to it, Martinez gets beaten up. Its not like Cotto will win every run and then stop Martinez, but you'll see a early close fight and then mid rounds Martinez face starts looking like that dude from the goonies.

        My prediction Cotto TKO9 in a very close fight in points till that moment!


        • Originally posted by kiaba360 View Post
          I would put every single last point I have on Sergio winning, and I'm a Cotto fan.
          Thats a deal, then!!


          • Cotto would bring it Martinez. I'm a Cotto fan but I don't think he can handle Martinez. If they fought, not only would that be a sick match up/face off/24/7 but it'd be a sick fight. Martinez has passion and heat but hes also calm. While Cotto is way more intense and reserved.

            Someone said it earlier. Martinez would pull Cotto out of his shell, I agree.


            • Originally posted by CubanGuyNYC View Post
              We're all at least a little barbaric to love this sport.
              true, but situations like these remind me why 15 round fights should not be brought back. None of us knew how hurt the guy was really, he's still a human being - he was never staggered, 3 more rounds of that would not look good for the "sport."

              like mentioned, this fight was basically pacquiao-margs for the first 11 rounds with noticeably less exchanges, I mean Margarito at least threw punches until the final bell...that body work by Martinez took Junior out of it. Great performance


              • Originally posted by El C@cique@PR View Post
                Martinez has not beaten nobody at Cotto's level and you know it.

                Martinez likes to control the fight with his jab and footwork. Cotto cuts the ring as good as anyone in the game and has a better jab than Martinez. Martinez dont like it to the body, and his chin aint all that. He's been hurt and or drop in most of his fights since Cintron. Cotto would control the pace and hammer Martinez to the body.

                If Cotto's Conditioning is as good as it was vs floyd or close to it, Martinez gets beaten up. Its not like Cotto will win every run and then stop Martinez, but you'll see a early close fight and then mid rounds Martinez face starts looking like that dude from the goonies.

                My prediction Cotto TKO9 in a very close fight in points till that moment!
                It would be a great fight. I have no doubt about that. But even though Miguel looked good against Floyd, he's seen better days. "Maravilla," even at 37, doesn't look like he's slowing down. The guy seems like he's getting better. Cotto's conditioning will have to be at its peak. I've got Sergio winning an exciting and close UD.


                • Originally posted by -Kev- View Post
                  In boxing terms, he wasn't. Never went down, never appeared to be in any real danger. A left hand in the end of round 4 was the closest thing to Chavez being "hurt" and he took it well.

                  Did you see Margarito get hurt by Pacquiao?

                  They were injured but not "hurt".
                  Like 5 times!!


                  • Originally posted by El C@cique@PR View Post
                    Thats a deal, then!!
                    Alrighty then. Part of me still hopes that Cotto does not take this fight though. I'd rather see Sergio beat the hell outta Canelo lol


                    • Serves the little b1tch right, parading around like a champion while he's getting up at 6PM eating fruit loops and ****.

