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(Video of TMT on the red carpet) Did Miss Jackson diss Floyd? be the judge

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  • #11
    Originally posted by Cazadores View Post
    Why are people so ****** on here? Use your heads just a tad. A tad is all I ask. I don't even like Mayweather. I dislike him actually, but if it's not entirely obvious to you the photographers were directing them to get photos of each person with each other person then your are just plain ****** and there is no hope for you.
    she had a hug Curtis or hug Floyd in the pic....she chose Curtis...thats what I her facial expression wasn't agreeing with Floyd's presence


    • #12
      You know...she's hot and everything, but.... lol

      I can tell you that would be her last day as my "girlfriend," and I'm not a multi-millionaire superstar athlete. Floyd wouldn't spend much time alone if he dumped her.

      I'm reminded of a story about Mike Tyson I read a few years ago. Cus D'Amato walked in on the young "Iron" Mike one day, crying. Cus asked him what's wrong. Tyson responded (in essence), "I'm ugly! Girls don't like me!" Cus walked out of the room and came back with a baseball bat. He shoved the bat into Mike's hands and said, "Here!" Tyson looked up, confused. D'Amato explained, "You're gonna need that to beat the women off you when you become heavyweight champion of the world!"


      • #13
        wooooooooooooooooow knew she was ****ing 50


        • #14
          Originally posted by SekondzOut View Post
          she had a hug Curtis or hug Floyd in the pic....she chose Curtis...thats what I her facial expression wasn't agreeing with Floyd's presence
          Have to agree, man. She's along for the ride and doesn't even know what side of the bread is buttered. lol


          • #15
            Floyd kind of reminds me of this comedian

            advise for the younger kids

            Wear your hair while you still have it.

            Originally posted by SekondzOut View Post


            • #16
              Originally posted by SekondzOut View Post
              she had a hug Curtis or hug Floyd in the pic....she chose Curtis...thats what I her facial expression wasn't agreeing with Floyd's presence
              I wouldn't mind my lady taking a pic with my best friend and her arm is around him but I would go BIZERK if she kept her arm around him when i stepped into the picture. As soon as I step forward, she should re-position herself.

              It definitely looks a bit-off.


              • #17
                wtf is going on?My women aint gonna touch no man like that.
                Would yall be cool with that?Floyd a dumbazz,Its obvious 50
                hitting up his girl.


                • #18
                  50 is tapping that ass. Pretty obvious.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by blak81 View Post
                    I wouldn't mind my lady taking a pic with my best friend and her arm is around him but I would go BIZERK if she kept her arm around him when i stepped into the picture. As soon as I step forward, she should re-position herself.

                    It definitely looks a bit-off.
                    I take all that back. Why the hell is she taking a pic with another man? Even if it is his best friend, she should have called Floyd in and refused to take the pic without Floyd in it.


                    • #20
                      She was giving Floyd dirty looks all through the red carpet, there was a time when she was standing by herself in the back and an interviewer was trying to talk to Floyd and had no clue who she was and Floyd said thats Miss Jackson. She looked uncomfortable, I think cause Floyd didn't deliver on making her a superstar like she wanted, that was their agreement she would be his fake girlfriend or arm candy in return he would help promote her career and get her a reality show, so far he hasn't lived up to his end of the deal.

                      But 50 cent looks uncomfortable around Floyd too, at one point when that pretty white girl came in to take a picture with 50 cent, Floyd was standing next to 50 cent and 50 cent taps Floyd telling him to move basically saying he doesnt want Floyd in the picture with him and the girl.

                      Floyd looks like the kid brother who is hanging around his big brother, thats how I see this friendship. Floyd doesn't know that 50 cent will drop his ass soon, Floyd isn't the owner of TMT its 50 cent who got the promoter license under his name and all the business papers are under his name, if the boxing promoting blows up 50 cent could toss Floyd to the curb once he losses just like he did to his loyal friend

                      Check this foul **** 50 cent did to his boy young buck he recorded him crying on phone and released it, young buck was apologizing to 50 on a man to man call and 50 cent releases this to humiliate him and enjoy it

