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Funny thing happened at LAX

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  • #21
    Originally posted by RicDaRula

    Originally Posted by jsfd26

    So Mares is not a superstar cause you didnt recognize him...? Makes sense.

    Posted from App for Android

    no he ain't a SUPERstar cuz he aint a superstar...not cuz of his talents but he hasn't had the main stream's not like I was the only kat at the airport with them.....NO ONE else was even looking his way.....most kats who are so called boxing "fans" wouldn't even know who he was even after hearing his name...

    that is still no excuse for me though I still felt like a bum after....true story
    Ahh I can see where youre coming from. Its actually a cool story tho lol. So he had shades on? Thats probably why you didn't recognize him.

    Posted from App for Android


    • #22
      Originally posted by RicDaRula View Post
      Ok right off the back let me tell you if your gonna ask for pix your assed out cuz I didn't take if your one of these "pix or it didn't happen" type kats (like me) then don't waste your time and stop reading now............................................... .................................................. .................................................. ..

      ok now that they are gone....

      ya'll ***ers ain't gonna believe this **** im at LAX waiting on my flight...and I happen to be watching Rocky III on my phone while I wait....atta the corner of my eye I see this little kat who is kinda looking my way...he has some white Reyes gloves w****d around his neck...when I looked up I saw him and he kinda sort of smiled like sayin...."ah **** this guy just recognized me".....but I was like.....whateves son....don't know who you are so im going back to my movie....(trust me im ashamed of this for sure but it gets worst) I go back to my movie (yes Rocky won the fight) and when it was time to board the plane it just so happens I got in line right behind this little kat and some old mexican heavy set dude...there was a third younger dude with them....

      so while we wait to get in they start talking boxing....when I heard this I jumped in on the convo...we were all shootin the **** talking bout how Khan was coming up on his fight and should be ez work...and how he got his belt back...and about these kats testing positive left and right....basically bull****tin boxing all the I ask the little kat with the gloves You guys train?? (yeah I know I know) and he kinda looked at me and said...yeah we train a little...

      then they get on Victor Ortiz topic...and the little dude with the gloves says something like...can't believe he quit....can't belive it....then the old mexican dude says in spanish....nah man his saw was saw the pic!! then I was like...what pic?? the old man takes out his phone and he shows me an xray pic of a jaw that was 100% completely was literately detached from the rest of the skull...they were so bad and gruesome that I called them fake or Photoshopped... he got real serious like and he says...."my nephew works at the hospital where he (Oritz) was taken and he sent me these straight from his file" so I was like...hmmm....must be legit then.....

      by now the two younger dudes got a bit ahead of us heading inside the plane so I asked the old dude...these your boys?? you got them in boxing classes or something?? and he looked at me with a half smirk on his face as we finally make it to the door of the plane and he says to me they are both pro boxers....and he is a world champion....

      who where these kats I was yappin boxing with for like 20 min???

      by the time he said who he was I was like.........nooooooooooo***** that is him...he told me they were on the way to Mexico City to talk to the Mexican Olympic team heading to London....they were sitting pretty far back behind me...when we got to Mex I got out way before them and I had a connecting flight to catch so I had to take off quick....I did keep an eye out though so I could try to grab a pic or two if I saw them but they were I know Abner is no SUPERSTAR in the game...and Carlos Molina is a up and comer but dude I felt like an ass not knowing I was talking to a WORLD champion....that made me feel like a bit of a world chump....true story!!!!!!
      hahaha Don't feel bad. I wouldn't have recognized Mares either, even though I've heard his name a thousand times on this forum. I just don't watch him, but know who he is to a certain degree.


      • #23
        You tell a good story. Thanks for the post.


        • #24
          haha ths a good story bro. i can see were your coming from and i cant lie but the whole shades situation wouldve probably thrown me off too


          • #25
            Originally posted by RossCA View Post
            hahaha Don't feel bad. I wouldn't have recognized Mares either, even though I've heard his name a thousand times on this forum. I just don't watch him, but know who he is to a certain degree.
            I guess that's what gets me even more pissy is that I know who he is...I know what he looks like....and I still didn't recognize him....I keep saying...the dude looked so small next to me that it just NEVER crossed my mind that he was a pro boxer.......


            • #26
              Originally posted by RossCA View Post
              hahaha Don't feel bad. I wouldn't have recognized Mares either, even though I've heard his name a thousand times on this forum. I just don't watch him, but know who he is to a certain degree.
              How can you not watch Mares? He's one of the more entertaining technical fighters in the game right now.


              • #27
                Originally posted by 2501 View Post
                How can you not watch Mares? He's one of the more entertaining technical fighters in the game right now.
                your likes is another persons is what it is......


                • #28
                  In 1966 I was travelling around Italy on a 6 week buying trip, and travelled fom Rome to Ancona, on the Adriatic, where I had to change trains. Whilst waiting for a couple of hours, I was looking around me. There was a group of what obviously must have been ballet dancers. They were soooo slim, tiny, and narrow, like lamp posts, with such made-up painted faces, and haircuts that I didn't know if they were all women or not. Some had to have been men. A bit gruesome for a sporting guy like me. The way they moved around........

                  Then a small group came on to the platform a few minutes before the train came in. They were all short, very swarthy, and most had battered noses. There was one little guy who took my attention, built like an oak tree, with a well massaged nose, and very beady little black eyes that bored right through one. He was a couple of inches shorter than I but seemed less than that. They were obviously boxers, they had that look, you all know what I mean. So I asked, in my fractured Italian-English lingo if they were. The beady eyed guy was Sandro Lopopulo the 140 lb world champion, and they were going to a training camp. Didn't have time to find out much more.

                  Some time later I was staying in Catania, Sicily, with Mt Etna looming above.
                  Whilst sitting in a barbershop hair in a little shop which had no front, opening right on to the central square, I eyed a couple of beautiful girls just sauntering by. The barber noticed, and wagged his finger, and shook his head. "No, No", he said must not look. I asked him why, and he made a throat cutting gesture, and said that one girl was the daughter of the local mafia boss and they watched her all the time. He said that I mustn't go near any local girls, it was dangerous. He spoke very good English, he'd worked in America. I'd read about Italian customs and in Rome had actually seen men pinch women's behinds. So I paid attention......

                  But all in all, a memorable trip. As for the haircut.......
                  Last edited by edgarg; 08-08-2012, 01:38 PM. Reason: typo


                  • #29
                    Crazy story man. Knew Ortiz's jaw was messed up.


                    • #30
                      glad to hear rocky won

