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New: Mayweather seeks House Arrest: Link inside

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  • Originally posted by DE100 View Post
    And no reason he deserves unfair treatment. 3 Months of 23 hours a day of solitary confinement is not what misdemeanor offenders who are on good behavior get. Thats the problem here, and they are going have to address it.

    [Keep in mind I think this is a ploy, but its a legit complaint that can be made]
    yea throw floyd into general population and have him share a cell with another grown azz man. unfortunately he's being treated "unfairly" by having his own cell, so throw him with the rest of the inmates!


    • Damn that sucks they should make him live with his dad lol he'd really go crazy then.

      But no really they should let him train if not send him home he'll go crazy being there 24 hours a day.

      I just heard a story about Floyd getting in a fight before in went to jail so I don't really feel bad


      • I wouldn't read too much into this. I just think they are trying to make things easier for him because as people have pointed out, a 23 hour lockdown is seriously challenging and a bit extreme. I think he will be okay. He strikes me as a very strong individual which we have seen many times in the ring. He goes in there with 80% of the arena booing him and cheering his opponent and still always manages to rise to the occassion and come out on top regardless. So I think he will be relatively okay in there and when he gets out, at least I certainly hope so because the sport of boxing desperately needs him. And i'm sick and tired of people acting like he deserves this when people get punished for crimes they didn't commit all the time and zero evidence has come out regarding this. No pictures, no videos, no audio, nothing. If he beat her, there would be evidence. It just goes to show you that when your rich and successful and also outspoken, there's automatically going to be a ton of people doing anything and everything that they can to tear you down and make you feel bad. All we can do is hope for the best and send him our letters of encouragement, which should help him cope. I already have and I think that every other Mayweather fan should be doing the same thing. Considering everything that he's given to the sport and the fans over the years, which is an awful lot, it's the least that we should give in return.
        Last edited by JK1700; 06-12-2012, 01:40 PM.


        • Originally posted by RL_GMA View Post
          People get much worse than him. They're not throwing him into population, and it's not as if county jail has hotel like cells for inmates who make over $350,000 a year. That was the the term of his sentence before he stepped foot in jail. He's simply experiencing it for the 1st time and not liking it. He's not randomly getting beaten, harassed, or anything more than him not being able to watch tv or exercise, or eat McDonalds at random times.
          Thank you for not dispelling anything I said.


          • push ups and sit ups is your bestfriend right now floyd.. and better start shadow boxing LOL!! floyd will still be able to work out and train.


            • Originally posted by Evol View Post
              push ups and sit ups is your bestfriend right now floyd.. and better start shadow boxing LOL!! floyd will still be able to work out and train.
              Stop posting. You're exposing your IQ


              • Can someone please send Floyd a set of Insanity DVD's.


                • I was saying it since day one, prison would have been better for Floyd. County sucks, it's like adult day care with too many rules. In prison Floyd could have worked out half the day and chilled the rest of the day. But whatever, it's only 3 months with good time can turn into far less.


                  • All that money but can't get even a house arrest.


                    • Originally posted by Russian Crushin View Post
                      Lol you seriously believe his lawyers?
                      Why wouldn't you?? It was stated that medical personnel came in and stated he is also losing muscle tone.... Dried mucus membrane etc.

                      You have to remember it would be very easy to prove if his lawyers were lying, but if he is literally locked down for 23 hours a day and has x1 hour to exercise, but limited caloric intake, these are the symptoms one would fine.

                      "After examining Mr. Mayweather, Dr. Voy was concerned with Mr. Mayweather's dehydrated appearance, his lack of muscle tone and his dry mucus membranes," the motion stated."
                      He can eat all he wants, but if he doesnt exercise properly, then that's even worse. Try consuming 4,000 calories a day for years and then being restricted to 800 or less, your body has toxins coming from the fat and it literally feels like you are dying. Why do you think he exercises so harshly??

                      Look at the contestants from the biggest loser for proof...

                      Its because he does in fact eat alot of food and burns it off....

                      I mean in all honesty, he wont do all the time anyway, as he has to get out early on good behavior by himself, but the drastic changes in diet, as well as proper food, not that processed shat etc.. Inability to exercise for a gym rat could be career ending, and at most he wont be fighting at all in 2012 when he gets out. It takes a lot of work to do what he does, hence hes always talking about hard work dedication.

                      Further more, he can buy all the food as he has money, but if they have him on 23 hr lock down, then explain why they would let him buy what he wants when he wants, and wont even let him exercise like the general population?? Even Tyson who went to jail for ****, was allowed to exercise... He has not even been convicted of a felony either.....

