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In ten years time, where to you see Mayweather and Pacquiao???

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  • #61
    Originally posted by D4thincarnation View Post
    Pacquiao/Martinez will KO Mayweather which will put an end to Mayweather's career. He will not have the heart to comeback and will become a recluse, with only Ellerbe and Ms Jackson (Curtis Jackson) visiting him at his compound. He will spend his days ******** which will get him in financial difficulties. His sham relationship with Shantel Jackson will unravel as she finds love with another. Floyd will be furious and in a savage attack he hospitalises Shantel, who is lucky to survive the brutal attack. Floyd will be sent to prison doing 25 years for attempted murder, where he will get constantly attacked and beat up on and and his only rest bite from this is when he gets put in isolation.

    Pacquiao will be a huge boxing icon even in his retirement, to rival Ali, his political career will go from strength to strength with him being the President of the Philippines, he will make reforms to the country that take the vast majority out of poverty and more prosperous on a whole.
    He ain't gonna be president, I assure you... but gk for the imagination.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Pacdbest View Post
      Boxing iq, maybe!! But business IQ, I doubt it! Floyd got no endorsement! He got no real investment! Mayweather Promotions got sued for not paying rent! He spend so much money in luxury cars, some of them got repoed!

      He spend so much money in his legal problems. Lawyers will suck his riches! He gambles a lot!

      Pac spend most of the time in the Philppines! $$$ there goes a long way! Ms Jackson will cost a lot more to maintain than Jinky and 4 kids!
      Mayweather estimated worth 100+ mil the 20s last we heard...

      Obviously, he's doing something right if he fights much less lol.

      Floyd is notoriously smart outside the ring and most of his trouble has seemed to be exaggerated. Isn't Pac the one who keeps being sued for financial reasons? And you might think Ms Jackson will be more expensive, but we all know Jinkee gunna leave Pac's ass and take half lol. Arum will bleed Pac dry before it's all said and done. He's doing it now..

      Endorsement deals are hilarious of you to bring up. Pac has to sell another brand, Floyd only sells his own brand, which is himself...and that seems to be working perfectly fine for him. Any elite athlete can get endorsements. Dont forget there was an issue about Pac being endorsed for peanuts (very little money) before. This was due to his "team" begging for endorsements like telemarketers. Hence change in personnel (Hennessy ftw. THATS a nice, gentleman's endorsement, even if it kind of goes against his image.)

      I genuinely dont want to see Pac screwed over. He deserves any money he gets..but he's going about everything the wrong way imo by involving Arum in too much, including his foundation now. He needs to distance himself like Floyd did and make his own brand instead of representing others. Pac is much more than that.
      Last edited by NearHypnos; 04-17-2012, 06:08 AM.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Dempsey-Roll View Post
        PBF will probably become broke with all that ********. and with that he'll start up trouble again with security guards and his future gfs. then hit with more lawsuits again.
        then some unknown boxer seeks him for training, and he accepts then he began to train possibly the next P4P king in that era. and then PBF will become the best trainer in that era and will somehow redeem himself by being a trainer.

        Pac will still be in politics but realized how politics can get pretty corrupted and shady so he tries to fix it up but that somehow got him assassinated. he will be remembered as a true P4P on his burial.
        little did we know, he has faked his own death because he is tired of fame, tired of fortune, tired of publicity, tired of tabloids and paparazzi etc etc.
        he has secretly gone to live alone in a remote island somewhere in the philippines and started doing deep meditation and eventually reaches inner peace.

        alternate ending:
        seeing his boy win again and again made PBF think that he cannot die happy unless he finally meets his eternal rival and to defeat him in a boxing match.
        he ventured into the philippines and realised he was too late.
        PBF was standing in front of Pac's grave. he refused to believe such a fighter like him would die easily, but he slowly accepted the fact and prayed in front of the grave.
        "hes not dead" said a familiar voice.
        floyd turned around and saw a fattier Buboy.
        he then explains to floyd that pac has faked his dead and has been living in secret on one of the islands.
        without hesitation, floyd went out to search for him.
        buboy has given him some hints which island he could be in, so with that, floyd assembled a 40 man crew, bought a ship and set sailed to find the ex-congressman.

        news has spread like wildfire as the world slowly learned that pac has faked his own death and had every boxing fan in the world ****ting brixs.
        live streams and vids from floyd's ship had fans watching his quest to find pac.
        a couple months passed, and floyd was sure he found the right island. as his ship approaches the island's beach, he can see a man meditating at the shore.
        the crew on the ship ran towards the deck and was straining their eyes to see if it was really Pac.

        floyd got off the ship and resumed by boat with a 3 person camera crew broadcasting the footage live to floyd's website.
        every fight fans in the worlds are glued towards their monitors as they see floyd walking towards the calm meditating man.

        "pacquiao? is that you?" floyd said to him.
        "ive been waiting for you ployd" said pac.
        he stood up from his meditation and turned towards floyd.
        "are you ready to take the test?" pac said.
        floyd smirked.

        every crew member on the ship starred in awe. every person glued to the live stream on floyd's website also starred in awe.
        the world was about to see the best boxing/street fight the world would forever remember.
        LOL nice story line, bro.

        Jim Kelly should star as floyd and Bruce Lee as Pacman.

        EDIT: green K BTW.


        • #64
          Having accounts on BoxingScene, where they constantly argue under the account names of Yesir and Check_Hooks in the Mayweather/Pacquiao Master Thread.

          And Bob Arum will still be saying the fight will happen next year.


          • #65
            Originally posted by CHOWWOKKA View Post
            Most people who sell never use...

            ~Don't get high on your own supply~

            Pacquiao will be dead in 10 years from liver failure....WONDER WHY?

            most people who sell drugs didnt learn how from a biggie smalls song

            to answer the OP:

            i can see floyd taking a year off to do whatever (probably spend an inordinate amount of money,) and then heading into business

            if you are motivated, surrounded by the right people, and go about it with intellegence, you can be successful in business

            hopkins is looking to be the most successful businessman in phili

            floyd shoud head into business. if he's serious about promoting he's in for a TON of hard work. he's a motivated guy. i see no reason that he cant become a successful promotor if he's willing to learn and surround himself witht he right people and make the right connection.

            and pacquiao could very well be the president of the phillipines

            his star has gone down a good deal here, but i have no idea about the Philippines.


            • #66
              Originally posted by New England View Post
              most people who sell drugs didnt learn how from a biggie smalls song

              to answer the OP:

              i can see floyd taking a year off to do whatever (probably spend an inordinate amount of money,) and then heading into business

              if you are motivated, surrounded by the right people, and go about it with intellegence, you can be successful in business

              hopkins is looking to be the most successful businessman in phili

              floyd shoud head into business. if he's serious about promoting he's in for a TON of hard work. he's a motivated guy. i see no reason that he cant become a successful promotor if he's willing to learn and surround himself witht he right people and make the right connection.

              and pacquiao could very well be the president of the phillipines

              his star has gone down a good deal here, but i have no idea about the Philippines.
              Bro, only arum and roach believe that pac would become the president of our country. We pinoys feel insulted for such insensitive statements, we ain't fools, man.

