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Will Jermain Taylor's Confidence Defeat Him?

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  • Will Jermain Taylor's Confidence Defeat Him?

    Saturday night, Jermain “Bad Intentions” Taylor is not only fighting Bernard “The Executioner” Hopkins but is fighting to prove that he’s the true undisputed middleweight champion and that his controversial split decision win over Hopkins was won by him and not the boxing establishment that Hopkins feels robbed him.

    This past August, I met seven-time Olympic gold medalist Mark Spitz in Richmond, VA. He was in town with his family attending the JCC Maccabi Games, a tournament designed for ***ish teens from 13 to 16.

    From the moment I met Mr. Spitz, one of the most striking things about him was the aura of extreme confidence that surrounded him. If he had told me right then and there, at the age of 55, that he was going to swim again and win his eighth gold medal, I probably would’ve believed him. That’s how confident this man was about himself and his abilities.

    But confidence, reality and common sense don’t always go hand in hand.

    Jermain Taylor (24-0, 17 KOs) also now carries that same supreme confidence inside himself after defeating Bernard Hopkins this past July, winning all four middleweight belts.

    “If I don’t knock Bernard out, I’m going to win every round,” Taylor says of the upcoming rematch. “I’m not losing.” [details]

  • #2
    taylor not losing hes gonna win this bout with a decision..... if he knocks bernard out that would be better but it wont be easy


    • #3
      i think b-hops skills will defeat him but his confidence will help b-hop defeat his undeserving ass.. he'll have his time after b-hop's era..


      • #4
        he's confidence wont defeat him... B-HoP will


        • #5

          Again we have another example of the press licking Bernard's balls. "Will Taylor's confidence defeat him?" What the **** kinda bull**** question is that? Taylor needs confidence. Stop with all this psycho babble and analyze the fight like real reporters should do.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Super_Lightweight
            Again we have another example of the press licking Bernard's balls. "Will Taylor's confidence defeat him?" What the **** kinda bull**** question is that? Taylor needs confidence. Stop with all this psycho babble and analyze the fight like real reporters should do.
            yo Super Lightweight i kno this is off topic but how u made that banner that **** is u kno sumone who can make one with miguel cotto and trinidad and ivan calderon??? that **** would be hot

            i still say jermaine all tha way by UD he knos what to do to now ever since tha 1st fight he gonna be extra cautious he jus gotta keep dem hands up

            Super Lightweight try and hook me up if u can iight???


            • #7

              The man you want to talk to is Tony Blitz, but he charges 10 million points and since you're new my bet is you got a long way to go before you get that. Sometimes ppl beg for points in the Boxing Scene Lounge but when you beg you run the risk of getting negative replies and bad karma. Gotta be smooth. Just contribute and be smart and make good threads that will get ppl thinking (or arguing) and you can get points.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Super_Lightweight
                Again we have another example of the press licking Bernard's balls. "Will Taylor's confidence defeat him?" What the **** kinda bull**** question is that? Taylor needs confidence. Stop with all this psycho babble and analyze the fight like real reporters should do.
                Exactly, Taylor isn't acting any different than B-Hop did in their first fight. I am still predicting a UD for B-Hop though.


                • #9
                  I too believe Hopkins will win. He seemed lazy in July and didn't seem up for the fight. If this version of Hopkins can get a split dec, a hungry Hopkins and get a UD!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Super_Lightweight
                    Again we have another example of the press licking Bernard's balls. "Will Taylor's confidence defeat him?" What the **** kinda bull**** question is that? Taylor needs confidence. Stop with all this psycho babble and analyze the fight like real reporters should do.
                    GD.. if you took the time to actually "READ the article", which im positive you didn't, you simply looked at the title and proceded to *****, you'd see that the writer looks at many different outcomes of the fight, and not just in Hopkin's favor. The fact is that, believe it or not, this guy has an opinion too and in this case, he probably predicts Hopkins to win. I've read other articles where the writer predicts Taylor to win (example Rusty's article,, it's called an O-PIN-ION.

                    And holy ****, could you please tell me that it's alright with you, Super, that the media/press let's everyone know that one of the top 15 middleweight greats of all-time is having his last real major fight of his career? If not, I desperately apologize that not everyone is kissing Taylor's ass for winning a championship at his young age, unconvincingly at that. It's a travesty that HBO couldn't have him just strickly interviewed by HBO reporters to make him feel more special.

                    The fact is whether i like him or you like him, HOPKINS is the favorite to win on saturday, he's the instant HOF'er out of the two, and he's the bigger talker than Taylor, which makes him typically more 'media friendly' cause people always want to hear what he'll say next. STFU and get over it!
                    Last edited by restless_438; 12-01-2005, 04:41 AM.

