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Official: Vitali Klitschko vs Derick Chisora & undercards RbR Discussion Thread

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  • This slap doesnt prove Chisora isnt scared. I think it was pretty funny but he avoided the staredown he would lose with that slap. He knew he wouldnt win the staredown so he was looking for an way out.


    • Originally posted by OG Wenger View Post
      My Lithuanian friend reckons the accent sounds Russian? Definitely not an African accent like you're implying.
      Sounds like "nikker." Russian has a very strong pronunciation of 'g', especially for ni**er. And it is pronounced "negr," too. Should be the same for Ukranian I think. Plus it sounded like it was coming from close to the camera, Vitali's team was all the way on the other side.

      Besides, that word is not as taboo in Europe and elsewhere as it is in America. Many people use it to describe black people without any negative connotations. We would use it when talking about just some black guy for example, without meaning anything bad. It does mean black in Spanish, after all, and has just become a descriptive noun like people use Brit or Yank, for example.


      • Originally posted by Dirk Diggler UK View Post
        Del had to lose to Fury to get one of the Ks to step to him. Real talk.
        "real talk"?...Please try and make your sentences coherent. I only speak English and not pig latin. LOL!


        • Originally posted by Tobi.G View Post
          This slap doesnt prove Chisora isnt scared. I think it was pretty funny but he avoided the staredown he would lose with that slap. He knew he wouldnt win the staredown so he was looking for an way out.
          Someone who gets it.... he joked to get out of the previous staredown the other day by claiming Vitali blinked... he was making a funny to hide his discomfort. Perhaps he was putting Vitali at ease with all the handshakes & chumminess making it seem to Vitali that all was good.

          He most defintely preplanned that..wearing a mask to the weighin... he couldn't bear the thought of Vitali intimidating him with 24 hrs to go before the bout & therefor did something to conceal his fear & nervousness.... no animosity whatsoever means no justifiable cause or any type of retaliatory action taken by Chisora.. This was strictly to pump his own confidence as it was getting depleted right before the bout.... I feel he's banking on the crazy more than on his actual skills to see him through.

          He thinks that him being crazy makes him special & he will conquer all because of this.. It's fake belief. Vitali has gotten himself into tremendous shape... knowing that Chisora is going to be a wild swarmer.. This might have all the feel of an upset in the making... but the difference in most other shocking upsets is that Vitali is not being dismissive of the challenge... is actually overrating Chisora instead of underrating him.. The only thing I could see disastrous happening is if Vitali somehow loses his footing & his knee gives thing Chisora has done is make Vitali more astute of him where otherwise he might've had a chance to lull Vitali into taking it easy on him.

          There'll come a time in the fight where both will be trading heavy shots. Chisora thinks that's to his benefit.. we will see if Derek is ready for Vitali's wrath.


          • Originally posted by New England View Post

            i seriously cant believe he's got that much balls. he must be out of his mind.

            this should be fun
            Hard to believe anyone capable of doing something like that to Vit without FEAR of retaliation... esp. knowing how emotional & angry he can get. The thinking here is that Chisora got to see the friendly side of VK throughout the prefight hype & that lulled him into a false sense of security AS IF TO SAY to himself..." Vitali is not going to hit me back because he expects something like this from me.. Well... Derek.. he's going to hit you back in the ring. Last Brit who thought he could take it to Vitali (Danny Williams) got bounced around like a ping pong ball in the very first rd... do so at your own discretion...... all i'll say is that Vitali LIKED ALL 45 of the fighters he faced before stopping 40 of them.... do the math here.. Chisora & you'll find your likely outcome. Vitali was shocked.. who wouldn't be but your shock will come in the ring when you realize the ONLY THING hELENIOUS & Fury have in common with Vitali his how much milk they drank as a baby.


            • Originally posted by Superflo777 View Post
              Holy shit, I didn't think he would go that far. But as of now, Dereck Chisora is a dead man.
              Walking. He's liable to commit a foul to get out of the fight when he's being beatdown... Vitali now knows if he's capable of doing this.. then he's capable of more infractions... As soon as Derek is slightly wobbled.. we will see the Vitali who phocked up Kirk Johnson & believe you me... guys if Vitali has him hurt... the ref will let Vitali get in an extra shot or two to finish him off.


              • Originally posted by paul750 View Post
                Vitali is one of those people who is a lot more dangerous when he's angry because it's controlled aggression. He won't just go out there and explode - he's far too experienced and intelligent to do that. But he could well give Chisora a brutal beating.
                Nice post!


                • Originally posted by LoveForBoxing View Post
                  I couldn't care ales weather he will win or not the fact is other boxers will see this and think where is this raw aggression that made vitali who he is no man stands and takes that kind of slap without retaliating vitali isn't the big bad brute hes made out to be.
                  I'm tellling you right now... Chisora's health will be on the line tomorrow. Vitali knows everyone is questioning why he didn't get him back.. It's the blatant disrespect itself more than the slap. He's right now... thinking to himself... how can this guy slap me & not worry that he'd get phocked up in return.. This is what VK is thinking.. so in his mind.. he's going to be going in with someone who's actually afraid of him but at the same time doing & saying things to overcome that fear...

                  I want Vitali to destroy him but you never know... when someone who's perceived as Invincible by all his opposition is NOT showing respect despite Cowardly actions taken by Derek.... WE've seen it time & time again where fighters who wern't scared of the big destroyer s like Ali vs Liston & Foreman.. He slayed not just ONE BADDEST MAN ON THE PLANET.. he did it twice with self belief.. then you had Holyfield & Douglas vs Tyson. Those fighters weren't scared of the normal outcome of others before them. Who knows Chisora might be onto something emulating Ali RIGHT DOWN TO PREDICTING RDS. Vitali is wondering how this guy is going to ko him & now the slap.. all i'm saying is i can't wait!


                  • Originally posted by paul750 View Post
                    Did he just stand there though? I haven't seen the rest of it.

                    It doesn't matter anyway, Vitali will either KO him or make him suffer and need a visit to the hospital.
                    What happened was he was momentarily stunned & was moving towards Derek & someone from Vitali's crew pushed Derk back.. so they were quickly separated. Vitali didn't try to force his way to Chisora & it was quickly broken up. Going **** & flatout brawling probably crossed his mind but he thought about it & will get him in the ring where it counts.. Trust that the retaliation in the ring will more than makeup for the lack of response. Vitali chalked this one up to Chisora being a nutjob.. The Dr. will have CHISORA'S medicine waiting for him.. hopefully Derek won't die of an overdose.


                    • when I saw jimmy posted in this thread I knew he was gonna be really mad...when I saw he posted in it like 5 times in a row I completely

