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Comments Thread For: Floyd Still The Straw That Stirs The Drink… And Emotions

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  • #51
    The funny thing is all these people backing Floyd saying he's just keeping it real but I bet if someone else would have made that comment but switch Asian to black and all these people will say its racist!! Just keeping it real u can't Say Anything using the word black or these people will say ur being racist. But Floyd and his people can make all the comments they want calling roach a white boy and that white boys cant train but imagine if roach say black people can't train damm LA riot all over again.
    Last edited by PACsmash; 02-14-2012, 10:31 AM.


    • #52
      Originally posted by SpeedKillz View Post
      even to the ******ed minded people he is a douchebag, but luckily for him, hes the best boxer on the planet with genius marketing ploys, so I dont think he cares what you think about him, or me, or anyone else...
      I think you meant to say..."I don't think...he thinks"


      • #53
        Originally posted by SpeedKillz View Post
        clearly his ignorant antics worked, didnt they? do I condone racist comments as a way of getting attention? absolutely not, but does it work in the case of floyd mayweather? HELLZ YES! its wrong I agree, but the man is makin millions of you haters, so what else can be said. so yep, you're still being laughed at, just as much (if not more) than the actual fans. every equation must have balance young grasshopper
        Yeah they worked. Made him look more ignorant. More racist. And more hated. It got him the wrong attention. He is so ****** that he dont know you can make more money when people love you rather than hate you. When you do good more people will want to see you PAY to see you. Hes a dumbass` plain and simple. And a very bad business person for this reason. lol to think that being racist PAYS mossy is insanely funny. No..i didnt work.


        • #54
          The truth is, Floyd, is insecure and it bothers him that not a lot of attention is paid to him, comparable to being the best in other sports, like Kobe or Lebron. Sports Illustrated isn't knocking down his door to write a feature, neither is 60 minutes, nor any of the other big networks. Floyd's story isn't at all compelling. A black kid who grew up in the hood, then grew up to become an even bigger a$$hole, throwing up money like a douche, riding on Segways with rappers, acting "gangsta" aka going full ******. That act is played out and NO one, except other hood stars give a ****.


          • #55
            Originally posted by switchsouthpaw View Post
            Wasn't that bad? Please. This guy is a race baiter and uses it as an excuse in every interview he's given. It's not bad to YOU maybe, but to most reasonably minded people, Floyd, is a ****** douche bag of epic proportions.
            How did you feel about all comments made by race baiters no matter their race?


            • #56
              Originally posted by PAC-BOY View Post
              Yeah they worked. Made him look more ignorant. More racist. And more hated. It got him the wrong attention. He is so ****** that he dont know you can make more money when people love you rather than hate you. When you do good more people will want to see you PAY to see you. Hes a dumbass` plain and simple. And a very bad business person for this reason. lol to think that being racist PAYS mossy is insanely funny. No..i didnt work.
              not one thing in this statement is true. the heels, the villains, they're the ones that get the most attention and make the most money, cause of naive fellas such as yourself wanting to see them fall, and paying lots of money to see your dreams come true, and they never will, but you'll keep truckin and shellin out dough just praying and hoping, but it'll never happen little buddy. you're in miami pal, enjoy the weather, enjoy the b!tches, enjoy MIAMI!! stop getting so stressed cause floyd mayweather is better than your favorite fighter. thats nature, it wont change. regardless of how upset you are, floyds marketing ploys DO work, as is evident from the thousands of posts over the past 10 hours. have a beer buddy, go to the beach and chillax or somethin...


              • #57
                Originally posted by tredh View Post
                How did you feel about all comments made by race baiters no matter their race?
                Point me to those comments, then show me a pattern like Floyd has presented on numerous occasions with respect to race. He's obsessed with it. I could tell you the truth as to why a large number of people don't like Floyd or his "type", although you might not like reading it.


                • #58
                  Originally posted by switchsouthpaw View Post
                  I think you meant to say..."I don't think...he thinks"
                  no, I meant to say "I dont think he cares..."

                  I'm pretty good with grammar and sentence structure, or so I was told by my teachers in school


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by switchsouthpaw View Post
                    Point me to those comments, then show me a pattern like Floyd has presented on numerous occasions with respect to race. He's obsessed with it...
                    I am talking about any race baiting comments you have read in your life time no matter the race of the person who said it. How did it make you feel and how would you describe those people and their comments? John Rocker's comment years ago I am sure you have seen those is an example. What I am getting at is not about a pattern that PBF has shown with respect to race. Race is important to him and I don't have problem with anyone who feels race is important to them.
                    Last edited by tredh; 02-14-2012, 11:05 AM.


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by switchsouthpaw View Post
                      Point me to those comments, then show me a pattern like Floyd has presented on numerous occasions with respect to race. He's obsessed with it. I could tell you the truth as to why a large number of people don't like Floyd or his "type", although you might not like reading it.
                      Oh please do tell. I could careless about who likes PBF and who doesn't that doesn't pay my bills or take care of my family. I have read many things in my life I didn't like and I have read many things that I liked. So whether I like it or not does not matter.

