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Dawson trainer John Scully, breaks down the fight...

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  • #21
    hmmmmm.....well, this is interesting..I was just talking to a friend from Philly and I mentioned Nazzim and he asked what was up....I said "well, we were out in LA and..." and he cut me off and said "He acted like he didnt know u now, right?" I said "YEAH, How did u know that???" And he said "Because I know how Naazim is, thats why"


    • #22
      Originally posted by ICEMAN JOHN SCULLY View Post
      hmmmmm.....well, this is interesting..I was just talking to a friend from Philly and I mentioned Nazzim and he asked what was up....I said "well, we were out in LA and..." and he cut me off and said "He acted like he didnt know u now, right?" I said "YEAH, How did u know that???" And he said "Because I know how Naazim is, thats why"
      did he give any reason why naz does that ****


      • #23
        Originally posted by ICEMAN JOHN SCULLY View Post
        It's been suggested to me by several people over the last few days that Naazim may have not wanted Bernard to know how much time I had actually spent around him, etc...because at the press conference when I said something about having been with them in Philadelphia, etc Bernard spoke soon after and he said something like, "You know you just got Nazzim fired, right?" Now he said it in a joking way but, come on, why would it even be an issue? Anyway, here's me and Nazzim's sons (with CHAD DAWSON, TOO as a matter of fact) at the go-cart track in Marquette, Michigan in 1998...

        @ Rock and Chad....they still look the same though....suprised to hear Naz not being real....probably something you should have a talk with him about but on a private stage....maybe signals got crossed or something and all this could be a big misunderstanding.....maybe Naz didn't want B.Hop to know


        • #24
          as far as I can tell its one of two things...either Naazim has turned into one of the biggest jerks on this planet and fame and success have gotten to his head...or there is some medical/mental issue that is causing some memory issues...I had someone from Philly email me and say "don't take it personal Ice, hes been that way with a lot of people" I dont know if that means hes doing it on purpose or not...but there is no doubt about one thing, IT IS 1000 PCT CLEAR...he's changed as a person and I don't like this version of him at all. Not even a little bit.


          • #25
            Iceman you are a cool dude...It's great having people that are active in the sport come on these forums and converse with us fans.


            • #26
              Not to be rude, but am I the only person in the world who see's ****m for who he is?

              A nobody racist who tries to sound smart but comes off as a condescending ass? He will say good morning and smile to your face and once you turn around he will shoot you in the back.

              He sucks as a trainer, he doesn't know anything about boxing and he just talks about some BS Metaphors where he tries to sound smart. I have been saying this for a long time, this dude is a wolf in sheep clothing, wouldn't be surprised if he was a member of some extremist Black Panther group.

              He is as fake as it gets, everything about him. Im a good judge of character, ****m always rubbed me the wrong way with his "nice bs". He is not a nice person, I rather be friends with a bad person as long as he says upfront that he is a bad person, instead of someone who will smile at you and stab you in the back the minute you turn around.


              • #27
                Originally posted by ICEMAN JOHN SCULLY View Post
                as far as I can tell its one of two things...either Naazim has turned into one of the biggest jerks on this planet and fame and success have gotten to his head...or there is some medical/mental issue that is causing some memory issues...I had someone from Philly email me and say "don't take it personal Ice, hes been that way with a lot of people" I dont know if that means hes doing it on purpose or not...but there is no doubt about one thing, IT IS 1000 PCT CLEAR...he's changed as a person and I don't like this version of him at all. Not even a little bit.
                man, that's pretty whack.

                i would be insulted myself. fame might have gotten to naz's head. hope it works out for you guys


                • #28
                  funny u say that because that has ALL crossed my mind...he is a "five percenter" from what a reporter who has interviewed him yesterday told me and, well, my one dealing with a 5 percenter ended with this female telling me that -basically- she couldnt associate with me anywhere but at work because 5 percenter men are not fans of my race. Basically.


                  • #29
                    I was also told it may be that he is doing this only to appease Bernard because Bernard might actually fire him if he knew I had visited them in Philly, hung out with the kids etc...

                    which may really make sense because as soon as I was done talking, Bernard got up and said, "You know u just got Naazim fired, right?" He said it as a joke but a joke like that would have to be connected to some truth for it to be even remotely funny...why would Naazim have to be fired because I had been to the house and taken the kids to the movies????


                    • #30
                      MEDVED, thats the word Ive been trying to think of...METAPHORS...I feel u 10000 pct. on that assessment...he uses the metaphors to sounds smart...I agree exactly 10000 pct...he did it in the interview, talking about street fighting in relation to fighting rough and if you've never been a street fighter than you can't teach a boxer to fight rough...which is EXTREMELY IGNORANT by the way. Also, under his thinking he should quit as a trainer because he never fought pro or even amateur from what I've heard so how could he be able to teach a guy to fight if he didnt do it himself?? He wants to have his cake and eat it too. But guess what? If that was a a street fight with Chad and Bernard, who would u say won? I'd say the guy laying on the ground in extreme painand unwilling to even try to get up lost the street fight, no???
                      Last edited by ICEMAN JOHN SCULLY; 11-04-2011, 02:33 PM.

