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Comments Thread For: VisionQwest Head Responds To Team Pacquiao Jab

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  • #11
    I thought you midgets claimed that this wasn't a boxing story?


    • #12
      Originally posted by Russian Crushin View Post
      VQ wanna sue pac for firing them?

      Can u do that
      I should think that they could be terminated at any time, unless they had a valid contract specifying that they were employed for a stated length of time and at a specificed rate. I think this is extremely unlikely since they would not know how long except vaguely, and MP wouldn't want to tie himself in irrevocably with a company he really didn't know.

      I don't think that accounting firms work like that. Usually you hire them and they do the work. You don't know how well until it's over and/or you've hired another firm to check over their work.

      I would suggest that he might have had enquiries made about them AFTER he hired them, and didn't like what he heard. Or he just realised that he needed a more expert, top class, specialist firm, since it seems that his IRS work is in a mess too.

      I had thought, at first, that Arum being a former tax lawyer, although many years ago, might have been paying him a certain percentage "off the books" to save tax, so neither of them might like to draw much attention to it. But it looks as if I was wrong, since Arum seems quite unconcerned about it, showing it's really not his affair. I would assume that everything will be above board with Top Rank. Even if Arum was disposed to skim a bit, he wouldn't take the chance of it being discovered as it eventually would be, thus bringing Top Rank, the biggest and best promoters in Boxing history,to exposure and shame.

      I think all the crazies, who just go nuts about conspiracies, and especially the lower mental types, who like to jump on Arum, because he, like all the other promoters, about 20 years ago was forced to pay a bribe to get his fighter ranked. Why don't they jump on the other promoters who did the same thing. Arum told the truth when he was put under oatn, which ismore than could be said for many others. And, as far as I can tell, only Oscar and Mayweather have walked away from Top Rank with malice. Many other fighters have said that Top Rank has treated them well.

      I believe that Forbes last year named MannyP as one of the World's top earning athletes, with over $60 mill. ranked i think around # 6 or so. I would be more than surprised if he actually WAS short of money. Perhaps a temporary cash flow shortage....... He's into lots of well earning activities as well as good sponsorships etc. Boxing is only a part,I'm guessing bout 60-70% of his earnings, and he's fighting every 6 months or so, I think.

      So, about Arum. As for the "lying yesterday but today it's the truth" thing, that also was 20-25 years ago when he was tipsy, drinking with a few newsmen, said a little too much to one or two of them "off the record"......which they printed. So when taxed with it in an article the next day, although it had been only a trivial thing, he gave his famous response. He was probably half kidding.

      Marvelous Marvin Hagler spent his whole career with Top Rank.

      Anyway back to the topic.....I believe that MannyP can hire and fire VisionQuest as he choses.


      • #13
        Hi Bob Arum! Welcome to BoxingScene.


        • #14
          Originally posted by edgarg View Post
          I should think that they could be terminated at any time, unless they had a valid contract specifying that they were employed for a stated length of time and at a specificed rate. I think this is extremely unlikely since they would not know how long except vaguely, and MP wouldn't want to tie himself in irrevocably with a company he really didn't know.
          1) You don't seem to know very much about the accounting business. At all.

          2) They can sue for services rendered. Your illiterate congressman has not paid them. If The Illiterate is claiming that they did not deliver the work they were supposed to, then he should say that. But notice Koncz did NOT say that.


          • #15
            Originally posted by edgarg View Post
            I should think that they could be terminated at any time, unless they had a valid contract specifying that they were employed for a stated length of time and at a specificed rate. I think this is extremely unlikely since they would not know how long except vaguely, and MP wouldn't want to tie himself in irrevocably with a company he really didn't know.

            So, was it smart or ****** of Manny to hire VisionQwest? It has to be one of those. Which one?

            *prepares to gloat*


            • #16
              Originally posted by Sybian View Post
              Who gives a Faaaaaaawwwwwkkkk????
              pac should if he's getting ripped off


              • #17
                This is getting interested. Just goes to prove no one handles your money and looks out for you better than you. Boxers should spend the time to handle their own finances, take an accounting class or something between fights.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by edgarg View Post
                  i should think that they could be terminated at any time, unless they had a valid contract specifying that they were employed for a stated length of time and at a specificed rate. I think this is extremely unlikely since they would not know how long except vaguely, and mp wouldn't want to tie himself in irrevocably with a company he really didn't know.

                  I don't think that accounting firms work like that. Usually you hire them and they do the work. You don't know how well until it's over and/or you've hired another firm to check over their work.

                  I would suggest that he might have had enquiries made about them after he hired them, and didn't like what he heard. Or he just realised that he needed a more expert, top class, specialist firm, since it seems that his irs work is in a mess too.

                  I had thought, at first, that arum being a former tax lawyer, although many years ago, might have been paying him a certain percentage "off the books" to save tax, so neither of them might like to draw much attention to it. But it looks as if i was wrong, since arum seems quite unconcerned about it, showing it's really not his affair. I would assume that everything will be above board with top rank. Even if arum was disposed to skim a bit, he wouldn't take the chance of it being discovered as it eventually would be, thus bringing top rank, the biggest and best promoters in boxing history,to exposure and shame.

                  I think all the crazies, who just go nuts about conspiracies, and especially the lower mental types, who like to jump on arum, because he, like all the other promoters, about 20 years ago was forced to pay a bribe to get his fighter ranked. Why don't they jump on the other promoters who did the same thing. Arum told the truth when he was put under oatn, which ismore than could be said for many others. And, as far as i can tell, only oscar and mayweather have walked away from top rank with malice. Many other fighters have said that top rank has treated them well.

                  I believe that forbes last year named mannyp as one of the world's top earning athletes, with over $60 mill. Ranked i think around # 6 or so. I would be more than surprised if he actually was short of money. Perhaps a temporary cash flow shortage....... He's into lots of well earning activities as well as good sponsorships etc. Boxing is only a part,i'm guessing bout 60-70% of his earnings, and he's fighting every 6 months or so, i think.

                  So, about arum. As for the "lying yesterday but today it's the truth" thing, that also was 20-25 years ago when he was tipsy, drinking with a few newsmen, said a little too much to one or two of them "off the record"......which they printed. So when taxed with it in an article the next day, although it had been only a trivial thing, he gave his famous response. He was probably half kidding.

                  Marvelous marvin hagler spent his whole career with top rank.

                  Anyway back to the topic.....i believe that mannyp can hire and fire visionquest as he choses.


                  • #19
                    You dudes are ******. Asking could they sue. WTF you think. You cant ask anybody to do a job and then when they do it you don't pay them.


                    • #20
                      Floyd Mayweather: your own man....

