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Comments Thread For: Insider Notebook: Floyd Mayweather, Drug Testing, More

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  • #21
    Now that Arum finally said "NOW WE AGREE"I'm wondering where are the pac fans with thier videos and claims they agreed years ago. Where are they saying that now the USADA can be trusted but now they are unorganized. My guess is that he preparing for if pac fails he can say somryhing like "well the nevada commission test passed so who do we believe". More smokescreens from team pac


    • #22
      Originally posted by WESS View Post
      "We have NOW" said, not 2009, not 2010, but "NOW". "We have NOW", not then, but "now"... not then but "now" (2011).... WHEN? "NOW"!

      When? "NOW"! "We have NOW (2011) said there are NO issues"... not 2009 or 2010.. but NOW in 2011.

      One more time:

      So "NOW" you know and knowing is half the battle bytches..... We can all thank team Pac for FINALLY "NOW" (not then) having "NO ISSUES" "NOW" that it's been 2 years!


      • #23
        Originally posted by ALG United View Post
        Come on, do you really have to be lyrical about it, so Bob have to hire somebody to check his grammar on every interviews ha.... Didn't we all supplied you already with numerous interviews from Manny and Arum, even way before the Maragrito fight, them stating that OST is no longer an issue for them... You really don't have to question when did Manny and Arum agreed finally to full OST coz obviously it was in late 2010, it's really a question of when did all the *****s ACKNOWLEDGE that Manny and Arum did say those things???... Maybe only NOW??!!!
        "we"? Who you and the pac brigade?
        "even way before the Margarito fight"? EPIC FAIL!


        24 July 2010: Manny Pacquiao looks to fight (the banned) Antonio Margarito in U.S.

        Pac vs Margarito took place on November 13th 2010 at catchweight for a vacant WBC JMW belt.
        Now lets fast forward to 2011 shall we?

        "Pacquiao's promoter Bob Arum said in a recent interview with Yahoo that his fighter was open to unlimited random testing, so long as that the USADA wasn't the testing agency involved in the proceedings".

        "Pacquiao's adviser Michael Koncz then said in a separate interview a day later that the fighter's stance was unchanged from the original negotiations in that he would still want a cut off date for any Olympic style testing"

        ---------------------ROAD BLOCK!----------------------

        So now Leonard Ellerbe had to say this about Bob's "recent" claims that the USADA are biased towards the Pac.
        "Where were these concerns when Bob Arum said they allegedly agreed to all terms last year"?

        Where were these concerns? Where were they? where? lol

        Read below and it will all make sense.. just remember, "NOW" (2011), not 2009 or 2010 when USADA were "biased".

        Originally posted by WESS View Post
        "We have NOW" said, not 2009, not 2010, but "NOW". "We have NOW", not then, but "now"... not then but "now" (2011).... WHEN? "NOW"!

        When? "NOW"! "We have NOW (2011) said there are NO issues"... not 2009 or 2010.. but NOW in 2011.
        So it's 2011 and they "NOW" agree, not 2009 OR 2010! But hey, at least the truth is out.... Now carry on! We all know Bob Arum and Pac have held this fight up with excuses. However, THANK GOD the USADA is magically not biased anymore.... "Now" say thank you and carry on....

        Originally posted by IMDAZED View Post
        Gotta love Arum.
        Following Berto-Ortiz: Floyd will never fight Ortiz! He's scared of a young hungry, hard-hitting southpaw!

        After fight is signed:
        Easy fight for Floyd, Ortiz is not ready.
        Bob is known to flip flop. When Floyd was under Top Rank, he was the greatest thing since Ali, SRR, SRL! Now that Bob can't milk him, he's a bum.

        Originally posted by MrRolltide91 View Post
        yesterday i was lying, today im telling the truth
        Bob has an agenda and when HE is ready to make the fight, he will make it happen. He's been making fights for decades. How any Pacterd thinks FLoyd can stop Bob from making a fight that HE wants to make is unbelievable. Gullible little guys. I feel sorry for them.
        Last edited by WESS; 09-15-2011, 01:34 PM.


        • #24
          Originally posted by ALG United View Post
          I made it more complete for you, i think Arum is just questioning how disorganized the current blood testing procedure they have for the Floyd/Ortiz fight. The test results came in so much delayed than expected, how can you catch a cheater if the results came in 2months delayed.. Arum stated, if this test has to be done for the Floyd/Manny fight then it has to be done right...

          Article Link -
          This is a legal waiver. By copying and using the material from this article, you agree to give full credit to or provide a link to the original article.

          "It has to be done under the jurisdiction of an athletic commission because the athletic commission has to supervise and the reports have to go to the athletic commission because otherwise you've got this testing group that's functioning outside of the regulatory scheme of boxing and that's not going to work.

          "And Mayweather can't be ******. He or his people have to realize that this has to be structured."

          Arum said the United States Anti Doping Agency can still be used, but in conjunction with the given athletic commission.

          "What's happening now in the Ortiz fight is idiotic, idiotic," Arum said. "They're supposedly testing and so forth. Who are they reporting to? Nobody knows. None of it makes any sense. And once you try and bring some sense into it, then the demigods take over and it's, 'Oh, you're hiding this,' and, 'You're hiding that.'

          "No, but you gotta do things in an organized way."
          2 years or so later and we now have a new reason for why they werent agreeing to OST.

          If its so unorganized and pointless just ****ing do it and get the fight over with. Unless of course they dont want the fight, that couldnt be the reason though. No way that could be it...


          • #25
            Would you bet your mother's life on the words of Bob Arum; a known liar and media manipulator? This guy just came out a few weeks ago and said that Pacquiao had agreed to testing as long as it was not performed by USADA and that WADA (who doesn't even perform testing) is the agency that he and Pacquiao would prefer. He didn't even know what the hell he was talking about. He was just pulling something out his rear end to string the media and the public along. And now that I guess he realized how foolish he actually sounded he has come up with some new diversion and it's that the aren't getting the test results to the commission in time. If the commission really mattered when it comes to the tests then they would have tried to support the adaptation of this more strict testing into their rules for conducting such a sporting event in their state under their jurisdiction. But they didn't, so its obvious that they don't care about the results of the tests that they didn't even approve the usage of under their own testing procedures that they (the commission) conducts themselves. This is another smoke screen in the mirror room that the circus conductor himself (Bob Arum) blew from the corner of his crooked mouth. How many more excuses and lies are Manny Pacquiao's fans going to absorb before the veneer of denial begins to fall and fade away?


            • #26
              Originally posted by BIGPOPPAPUMP View Post
              By Robert Morales - Promoter Bob Arum certainly has not given up on a fight between his Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. But that fight would lose a lot of luster off its shine if Mayweather were to lose to Victor Ortiz on Saturday or Pacquiao were to lose to Juan Manuel Marquez on Nov. 12.

              It was therefore no surprise to hear Arum handicap Saturday's fight minutes before he played host to a news conference last week in Beverly Hills promoting Pacquiao-Marquez III slated for MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

              "I think Ortiz is a good, young fighter," Arum said. "But he's really inexperienced and in fighting Floyd he's fighting a guy who really knows boxing. So I don't give Ortiz much of a chance to beat Mayweather.

              "I mean, he's going to try. But I just don't give him a chance."

              Arum makes sense. And that's exactly what he wants if and when he sits down again to try and successfully negotiate a fight between Pacquiao and Mayweather - common sense. [Click Here To Read More]
              Keith Kizer and the NSAC are in Bob Arum's pocket. Kizer stated that they had lunch together a few weeks ago. They discussed how they can manipulate the drug test results/reports when Pac tests positive in the lead up to a Mayweather/Pacqauio fight. That is why Arum suddenly wants the boxing commission to supervise the testing procedures when, a few weeks ago, he wanted WADA to supervise the procedures and before that they were still demanding cutoff dates. Now, Kizer is saying that the NSAC can provide the random blood tests if the promoter requests it and pays for it. That is the exact opposite of what he said when this issue was brought up after the failed negotiation in 2009. This sudden change doesn't pass the smell test."peeleft:

              Does this sound like a ridiculous conspiracy theory?

              This is exactly what the Pac worshippers would say if they read a story that said that Mayweather's promoter had lunch with the NSAC commissioner and read what the commissioner said. It's definitely no worse than the bull**** that the *******s put on this message board every day.

              If I were on team Mayweather, there is no way in hell I would agree to allow the NSAC to exercise authority over the USADA's drug testing of the two fighters. The USADA knows what they are doing and they damn sure don't need the NSAC looking over their shoulders. This whole thing stinks worse than the garbage the *******s post on this message board every day.


              • #27
                Originally posted by LeadUppercut View Post
                What an absolute arsewipe Arum.

                FACT: USADA testing was no problem whatsoever for Mosley or Ortiz.

                Just another roadblock from the bobfather that will be happily endorsed by the ***tards.
                Read further down the article and Kizer confirmed Mayweather's random testing is full of ****.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by Gino Ros View Post

                  Kizer is talking about drug testing over lunch with Arum...and the commissioners will structure testing to a fighter's demands.


                  Floyd making big things happen.

                  But did you read any of Frauds team at the meeting(ellerbe, hayman, or any of the GBP promo team) - you know the people who started all the accusations at the meeting? Nope. Kiezer even said that USADA did not give them any information to when the blood/urine was drawn/collected, or any results of said collected specimens. Only that as stated by USADA, if there was any positive results you (NSAC) would here about it. IMO, NSAC should be notified when the sames were collected and be the first
                  To know of ALL RESULTS both positive and negative. B/c they are the governing body, not USADA - and definitely not team mayweather.


                  • #29
                    bob arum's a scumbag

