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Comments Thread For: Gatti Consulted With Divorce Lawyer Before Death

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  • Comments Thread For: Gatti Consulted With Divorce Lawyer Before Death

    MONTREAL — Former welterweight champion Arturo Gatti consulted a divorce lawyer two months before his su****ious death — a tragedy that would set his widow up with a $3.4-million inheritance.

    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    prenup *****, dont let an ex-stripper change ur will


    • #3
      Three things I learned in life...1. Never play cards with a guy who has the first name of a city 2. STRIPPERS DON'T ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT YOU!!!! THEY JUST WANT YOUR MONEY!

      It is too bad this guy was thinking with his ****head and not his brain. It cost him his life. Now lets stone the whore in the town square in Montreal after the court case, Shariya style.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pullcounter View Post
        prenup *****, dont let an ex-stripper change ur will


        • #5
          Still mad how this all went down. Everybody knows she had something to do with this.


          • #6
            its hard to endure these articles, difficult to watch a warrior go like this and

            to think this woman had something to do with it......


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pullcounter View Post
              prenup *****, dont let an ex-stripper change ur will
              real talk!!!


              • #8
                Hindsighti is 20/20, which is why Gatti didn't realize he was being setup to be murdered.

                Assassins were probably paid, to make it look like a suicide.

                They did a lousy job, resulting in this woman being arrested for murder.

                Corruption led to her release, and a fabrication by the Brazilians of an absurd scenario. The nature of this corruption is unknown, but probably involved pay offs, as well as (if that shill who use to post here exclusively in threads on the topic of Gatti's death, each and every post of which was directed at the defense of Amanda Rodriguez is correct) the Brazilian authorities would never favor a foreigner over a Brazilian. .


                • #9
                  Also, I forgot to mention that the investegating officer disapeared apparently. Other posters on this site (or people who've posted before) can offer more info, but I don't believe he ever turned up again, the guy apparently was disappeared (an archive search of this site on gatti topics would turn up info, if anyone is interested).


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Nodogoshi View Post
                    Also, I forgot to mention that the investegating officer disapeared apparently. Other posters on this site (or people who've posted before) can offer more info, but I don't believe he ever turned up again, the guy apparently was disappeared (an archive search of this site on gatti topics would turn up info, if anyone is interested).
                    There are too many questions. The Brazilian authorities closed the book on this case way too fast. And I really don't like the way they're dismissing the U. S. investigators' findings.

                    Gatti's wife claimed Arturo committed suicide because he thought she was leaving him. This is counter-intuitive. If Gatti was that despondent about his wife leaving him, he would've at least waited until she was actually gone to do himself in. Then the fact that Gatti consulted a divorce lawyer a couple of months before his death is revealed. The man clearly wanted to get out of the marriage. His wife knew it, because Arturo's attorney reached out to her lawyer. This alone throws su****ion on her theory as to why Gatti killed himself.

                    With a questionable suicide and a multi-million dollar estate involved, you have a matter that, of necessity, requires deep investigation. This whole thing stinks.

