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Official Jin Mosley-Iceman John Scully round-by-round discussion thread...

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  • #71
    Originally posted by Chups View Post
    What do you expect? She spends $6000 per month on clothes.
    jin spends $6000 on clothes per month?


    for 1/10th of that , bella takes off hers.


    • #72
      Legalized robbery plain and simple. That's one of the most ***ed up things about America, u have ******ed judges basically mugging people of their life's work, and hiding behind their robe and the "law" as if that makes it any better. Shane made his fortune by putting his life on the line, and his wife was "awarded" that fortune for preforming the brave, selfless act of "spreading her legs"...

      If any woman ( or man for that matter ) comes into a court room and says they need hundreds of thousands ( if not millions ) of dollars a year in child support, they should lose custody of their children immediately. Last time I checked kids don't eat gold, and they don't need to sleep on a bed of hundred dollar bills. You shouldn't "hit the lottery" just because you had someone's kids. I understand a father needing to except financial responsibility, but no one needs some ******ed amount of money a month to raise children. That's a perversion of what "child support" means.

      Shane puts his life on the line and wins those belts, and a two bit gold digging whore is allowed to "legally" steal them from him. That's what happens when the masses "fall asleep at the wheel", u wake up and ur country is in the ***ing ditch. We are being "lead" and "ruled" by ***ing idiots. **** like this happens everyday, we all know its complete bull****, and we just laugh about it and it keeps on happening.


      • #73
        John didn't get owned. He said what most of us are thinking, while Jin just looks even worse.

        The biatch is a self centred hoe, who I recall on here complained that she looked after 3 houses or something.

        Well biatch, why do you have 3 damn huses then.


        • #74
          Im suing over the title of this thread LOL...she just talks alot of angry NONSENSE...shes upset and gets bordeline illiterate with her rants...Shane has been flaunting his EXTREMELY pretty new GF at fights, etc and Jin is feeling scorned...fine..but getting his belts "so their kids will have them"? How PHONY is that? Come on...Shes "owning" herself by showing eevryone how she really is...


          • #75
            Originally posted by ICEMAN JOHN SCULLY View Post
            Im suing over the title of this thread LOL...she just talks alot of angry NONSENSE...shes upset and gets bordeline illiterate with her rants...Shane has been flaunting his EXTREMELY pretty new GF at fights, etc and Jin is feeling scorned...fine..but getting his belts "so their kids will have them"? How PHONY is that? Come on...Shes "owning" herself by showing eevryone how she really is...

            exactly...who says Shane can't give those belts to the kids himself?

            i can't speak for Shane but im sure he'd rather just give those belts to the kids instead of Jin

            and if they're so 'cheap' to replace, then Shane should get the replacements, give those to Jin and he gets to keep the ones that HE EARNED

            i understand the Cali buddy is going thru the same **** right now...she doesn't HAVE TO keep the belts


            • #76
              Originally posted by ICEMAN JOHN SCULLY View Post
              Im suing over the title of this thread LOL...she just talks alot of angry NONSENSE...shes upset and gets bordeline illiterate with her rants...Shane has been flaunting his EXTREMELY pretty new GF at fights, etc and Jin is feeling scorned...fine..but getting his belts "so their kids will have them"? How PHONY is that? Come on...Shes "owning" herself by showing eevryone how she really is...
              Wish I could change the title but can't, just couldn't wait to get the thread on and that's what I came up with. I think the most shameful part about this is name dropping her children, when that is clearly not the true reason. It's a brilliant strategy b/c no one will ever say to a mother to not do something for her children. However the reality is she's not doing this for her children. She sucks and this whole debacle just proved it.


              • #77
                Originally posted by DrewWoodside View Post
                Wish I could change the title but can't, just couldn't wait to get the thread on and that's what I came up with. I think the most shameful part about this is name dropping her children, when that is clearly not the true reason. It's a brilliant strategy b/c no one will ever say to a mother to not do something for her children. However the reality is she's not doing this for her children. She sucks and this whole debacle just proved it.

                thread tools -> advanced tools?


                • #78
                  As if Marriage isn't already damaged.....Jin definitely puts more bad rep on it.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by -MAKAVELLI- View Post
                    exactly...who says Shane can't give those belts to the kids himself?

                    i can't speak for Shane but im sure he'd rather just give those belts to the kids instead of Jin

                    and if they're so 'cheap' to replace, then Shane should get the replacements, give those to Jin and he gets to keep the ones that HE EARNED

                    i understand the Cali buddy is going thru the same **** right now...she doesn't HAVE TO keep the belts
                    There was an episode of "Married With Children" where a character who was recently divorced was devastated not that he lost half his money in a divorce settlement. But that his wife made a point to take his baseball cards in the settlement. And how they are just paper to her but the world to him. It's just like that, it's one last jab. Except it's legal.


                    • #80
                      ACTUALLY for the record, TBH, her and I became FB friends around 4 years ago after I met her and Shane at a fight in California...we talked for a while, she was cool enough, etc...we chatted a bit shortly after on FB and that was it...earlier today I looked at recent postings and saw that someone posted on her page about how wrong she was for getting the belts...I agreed with the guy, I wasnt nasty at all, I was very civil but obviously in favor of Shane keeping HIS belts...then she came to my page and got very ignorant...and now we have what we have now...

