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What If The Impossible Happens?

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  • #61
    It won't happen, and Im the kind of guy who actually pulls for the underdog in alot of fights.

    This is clearly a favor to Mosley for the payday and thats about it, Pac has been on a roll so its very hard to see Mosley win this.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Comediaи View Post
      haha I thought he was joking for a good 3 min. Its all good though, I was just happy to see random people interested in boxing.
      naw if he was actually interested in boxing hed do some research before saying dumbass **** like that...


      • #63
        Originally posted by BreWall View Post
        He's a die hard Floyd fan. What do we expect? He's trying to justify that a Pac-Floyd fight is still possible even if Pac losses to Mosley. Why would you opt for a figther who's just coming off a loss? Doesn't that go against the grain of being a real boxing fan? What a moron. It's clear as night and day with these Floyd fanboys. They want it both ways. Of course, their idol will forever be blamed for ducking the fight the whole world wants to see. He denied them of seeing it.

        haha, when was I trying to make a case for Floyd-Pac if Pac lost to Mosley? Your dangerously low I.Q stops you from understanding my statements. Im simply saying that if Pac loses to Mosley It shouldn't take away from his past achievements in the sport of boxing. And Casual fans will call Pac shot and jump off the PacMan bandwagon if he does lose. I hope my simple logic isnt giving you a mental brain freeze since you obviously seem to have the intellect of mentally handicapped 3 year old.


        • #64
          Originally posted by BreWall View Post
          He's a die hard Floyd fan. What do we expect? He's trying to justify that a Pac-Floyd fight is still possible even if Pac losses to Mosley. Why would you opt for a figther who's just coming off a loss? Doesn't that go against the grain of being a real boxing fan? What a moron. It's clear as night and day with these Floyd fanboys. They want it both ways. Of course, their idol will forever be blamed for ducking the fight the whole world wants to see. He denied them of seeing it.
          Yep. It's very obvious. Deep down with these fanatics they want
          Pac for Floyd. They are terrified of Martinez. Funny thing is they
          keep dumping all kinds of roadblocks for Pac. What clowns, indeed.
          Things like upsets happen in boxing. That's why if this Pac-Floyd
          fan has to happen, it should happen ASAP. Otherwise...........

          Real boxing fans my azz. Real ****ng streamers. No wonder Marquez
          barely makes money. Real ****ng streamers want everything for free.


          • #65
            Originally posted by JoeMan View Post
            Yep. It's very obvious. Deep down with these fanatics they want
            Pac for Floyd. They are terrified of Martinez. Funny thing is they
            keep dumping all kinds of roadblocks for Pac. What clowns, indeed.
            Things like upsets happen in boxing. That's why if this Pac-Floyd
            fan has to happen, it should happen ASAP. Otherwise...........

            Real boxing fans my azz. Real ****ng streamers. No wonder Marquez
            barely makes money. Real ****ng streamers want everything for free.
            I see you and him are on the same short bus.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Comediaи View Post
              I see you and him are on the same short bus.
              Yep, as soon as the judge learns that Pac-Floyd won't happen,
              Floyd's destination would be in jail. Ask Floyd Sr. Haha...
              I have to wonder why Floyd keeps postponing his court dates.
              He's probably realized that he needs Pac to win his court battles.
              What a pu$$y. He'd rather go to jail than face Pac. LOL.


              • #67
                Originally posted by JoeMan View Post
                Yep, as soon as the judge learns that Pac-Floyd won't happen,
                Floyd's destination would be in jail. Ask Floyd Sr. Haha...
                I have to wonder why Floyd keeps postponing his court dates.
                He's probably realized that he needs Pac to win his court battles.
                What a pu$$y. He'd rather go to jail than face Pac. LOL.
                Another ******ed ass response that has nothing to do with the discussion.


                • #68
                  First of all if it can happen, its NOT impossible, there goes your logic. We all know Sugar is old and Pac is fast, zzz. This is professional boxing, anything can happen. Upsets can happen, however unlikely you may think it is. And to deny this only proves you know nothing of boxing at all and should hold your opinions for casual conversations with your bandwagon friends wallowing in your ignorance. Pac is a clear favorite but I hope for an upset, not because i favor Sugar for any reason becasue I am not a fan of him per say but the influx of *******s has soared so high I went from being a Pac fan to only wanting to see him lose so his half ignorant fan base will wake the fck up and realize he like any boxer, can be beat ( he already has been beat, its like people don't check there history or choose to ignore facts). **** blocking my hopes to see him lose are the disgusting match ups they hook him up with but that is the business sadly.
                  My money is on Pac for this one but I hope Shane gets a terrific upset.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Comediaи View Post
                    Im died serious. I thought dude was just being sarcastic the whole time, but he was seriously going into depth about Pac using his angles on Mike and being to fast for Mike to catch. I was speechless. We didnt even talk about Mayweather-Pac because he probably would have told me Pac would turn Super Saiyan and use a spirit bomb.
                    lol casual fans talking about angles?


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Squizz View Post
                      And Shane Mosley beats Manny Pacquiao? I mean, where does Manny go from there? He'll have been beaten by a 40 year old fighter who's clearly past his prime. Obviously, I don't think it will happen, but I also don't think it's out of the question. Mosley clearly had Floyd reeling in round two of their fight, and if he'd put together some more punches, quite possibly could have put Floyd away. Shane has a sturdy chin. We all know that. If Manny tries to mix it up with Shane on the inside, (like he normally does with most opponents) and gets caught with something huge, and can't recover...........and somehow LOSES. What's left of Manny Pacquiao? I mean.........where does he go from there? Quite frankly, I don't see it happening in a million years, seeing as Mosley signed with Top Rank for this fight, and will most likely throw the fight. (I hate to say it, but that's just the way I feel.) But if he does somehow show up and fight, and WINS..............where does that leave Pacquiao? I mean, I know he still has a MASSIVE fanbase, and will draw no matter who he fights..........but will he be regarded as a p4p fighter after losing to a 40+ year old fighter? Seems like this is a nothing to gain, and everything to lose type fight for Pacman, IMO. If he wins, it doesn't really do much for him. And if he loses (somehow) it basically ruins him. What do you all think?
                      That would be terrible, unlikely but not out of the question. Shane not sure he is showing up to win I think hes just happy to get a last huge payday to be honest.

