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African-American ESPN senior writer wants harsher punishment on Mayweather's racist r

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  • #31
    Originally posted by SekondzOut View Post
    dont be so shallow and big and deeper.....the kiddy hour is about to be big boys about to come through so make those rebutals a lil' more mature
    On my next missionary trip to Africa, I'll ask you to join me. After our excursion, I will give you the option of staying.


    • #32
      Originally posted by LARRYX P4P#1 View Post
      what do ya'll want??him to be lynched???paddled??what do you mean harsher punishment??what ever happened to freedom of speach??

      So are you okaying what Floyd said? what about freedom of speech.. Look what happened to Dom Imus and Michael Richardson...


      • #33
        Originally posted by Gutz View Post
        So are you okaying what Floyd said? what about freedom of speech.. Look what happened to Dom Imus and Michael Richardson...


        • #34
          Originally posted by SekondzOut View Post
          so you prefer to be called BLACK?...if you are what you say you are then why would you prefer to be called BLACK instead of AFRICAN AMERICAN?!?....I'm confused my dude .....gather your thoughts, and halla back....and if you are who you say you are....from ya first sentence I can tell you was raised WRONG.....African American is no way shape in form equal to lack pride.....don't worry, I can send you the names of some nice literature in a PM to help you identify accept and be proud of ya heritage....learn HOW to respect ya ancestors...halla at me youngin
          Yes I prefer to be called black cause that is exactly what I am. I am not from Africa that is where my ancestors are from not me. Not even going out on the limb to say that probably 98% of black American people can not even tell you what country in Africa they ancestors are from let alone what tribe they come from.

          LLS at you as well as anybody else in this world who thinks I lack pride in my people and ancestors. You should know about A$$uming things since you want to call people youngin. Send me a pm of the books though I like to read.


          • #35
            Harsher punishment?

            Was Floyd punished?

            I think this whole thing has blown over...the media covered the rant for that day and has stopped talking about it since Floyd apologized"

            Casual fans don't care about what Floyd's doing unless its fighting Pacquiao...


            • #36
              Originally posted by tredh View Post
              No disrespect to you but that is bull**** and I as a black man has never and will never refer to myself as African-American. The term "African-American" is the equivalent of "Negro" and "Afro-American" basically what white people feel is socially acceptable to refer to black people as without it seeming racial. The term "African-American" will change over time just like the others did.
              I call black people Black and White People WHITE, Asian people are Asians and Indians are brown, i dont see all the ****** old white people trying to be as nice as possible and not OFFEND ANYONE. They are making it way worse than it should be.

              "OH YOU CANT CALL THEM THAT YOU HAVE TO CALL THEM AFRICAN AMERICANS!" << Usual old white person.

              Everyone is racist! whites hate whites blacks hate blacks more than anyone else! look at the black on black crime and the white on white crime!

              all my black friends hate black people more than anyone else! like they would say gdamn nword!


              • #37
                Originally posted by SekondzOut View Post
                so you prefer to be called BLACK?...if you are what you say you are then why would you prefer to be called BLACK instead of AFRICAN AMERICAN?!?....I'm confused my dude .....gather your thoughts, and halla back....and if you are who you say you are....from ya first sentence I can tell you was raised WRONG.....African American is no way shape in form equal to lack pride.....don't worry, I can send you the names of some nice literature in a PM to help you identify accept and be proud of ya heritage....learn HOW to respect ya ancestors...halla at me youngin
                Do you walk around with a Malcolm X t shirt with a black glove in the air spouting nonsense?

                If you read history the ****** that were freed in the USA actually went back to Africa and made ****** out of the locals, that's why all the countries there are so screwed up at the moment cuz (we wanna b kingz an shieet) Read it up.

                In usa/canada most blacks are actually from the Caribbean and not African ancestry. The term African-American is just ****** because they are so far removed from their lineage that white people could call themselves African-Americans too because if you look long enough you will see the links going back to Africa at some point.

                Black people who were born in the USA and their parents were born there are AMERICANS who just happen to be black. Stop trying to make everything so politically correct and RACIST, its people like you stopping the progress and everything moving on. Nobody even cares about racism anymore but dumb groups like the NAACP play the racist card ANYTIME someone doesn't agree with their views and its hurting America.

                Nobody views blacks or asians as different we all live together. Sure there is racist people out there but they are black,white,asian, etc.

                Im sick and tired of the race card being played by these ****** groups who come up with ****** names. They are basically bringing up the past which everyone has gotten over already. Its like Telling the ***s about the holocaust every day for 1000 years. I mean was your Dad a slave? NO Was your G-father a Slave? NO so stop playing the ****ing racist card and look at what the ****** did once they got their freedom, they went back to africa and ENSLAVED the locals.

