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CBS Sports:No way to sugarcoat this: MAYWEATHER FEARS PACQUIAO

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  • #21
    Originally posted by LupinIII View Post
    why are writers refusing to acknowledge that Pac isnt agreeing to the terms Mayweather wants for the fight?
    Bingo my friend... Floyd was rite this whole time.. They are trying to build a fighter that can beat him, they cant do it straight up....


    • #22
      Originally posted by LupinIII View Post
      why did manny waste his time asking then?
      because it was warranted floyd failed to make weight vs marquez. but since the fight is taking place at 147 it wasnt really a concession for floyd.


      • #23
        If all roads lead to mayweather I guess everyone is heading on vacation.


        • #24
          Originally posted by Buck Nasty View Post
          because it was warranted floyd failed to make weight vs marquez. but since the fight is taking place at 147 it wasnt really a concession for floyd.
          congressman logic

          thanks pac for wasting everyones time


          • #25
            Some of Chicken boys excuses:

            PAC is on PEDs
            A-side METH, bullets bouncing off
            A year or 2 off
            No Negotiation
            Uncle Roger’s Lawsuit
            Income Tax
            Not Interested to Fight at this time
            If You Take the Test, you know where to find me
            I’m Hiding (on vacation) in Miami with Don King
            I’m not Desperate


            • #26
              Originally posted by LupinIII View Post
              congressman logic

              thanks pac for wasting everyones time
              you are a boxing fan right?

              which fighter tried to make fight?

              which fighter is on vacation?

              which fighter wanted to retire after being asked by a make a wish kid about fighting pacquiao?

              which fighter said he's not desperate when asked by dana white about the pacquiao fight?

              thanks for wasting boxing fans time floyd.


              • #27
                Originally posted by Buck Nasty View Post
                dont forget sports illustrated, pti, around the horn, fox sports & jim rome....

                nothing big really. just a buncha bloggers...

                I missed that much????? Damn, WTF is wrong with me? and who the **** are they anyway?????


                • #28
                  Originally posted by kadyo View Post
                  I missed that much????? Damn, WTF is wrong with me? and who the **** are they anyway?????

                  people who dont know about sports & boxing & whose opinion dont matter.

                  unlike nsb posters.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by Buck Nasty View Post
                    No way to sugarcoat this: Mayweather fears Pacquiao
                    July 30, 2010
                    By Mike Freeman
           National Columnist

                    He is possibly the best pure athlete today. Yet, despite his great physical prowess, he looks scared. He looks like a frightened man.

                    Floyd Mayweather usually appears gorged with bravado and his perpetually functioning ego can power a thousand cities, but these days his courage could seemingly fit neatly into a pair of a girl's dancing slippers as he continues to dodge Manny Pacquiao.

                    There's no other way to say this. Mayweather has a chance, directly in front of him, to make grand history. He can shut up doubters, display true mastery and etch his place into boxing lore by staging one of the great sporting events of all time. Instead of running to this opportunity, he's scurrying away from it.

                    Over the last several days I've had conversations with various people within boxing and no one understands why Mayweather is avoiding Pacquiao. His tactics outside the ring are as dumbfounding as they are in it.

                    What many in boxing believe is that Mayweather is nervous about Pacquiao and Mayweather is also enjoying his fame a little too much.

                    Mayweather is becoming Strayweather, a fighter more concerned about the arid glitter of celebrity than fighting the best possible opponent. He's a ship at sea and doesn't seem to care that there are numerous ports in sight.

                    The closest thing to a pseudo-defense of Mayweather I'm hearing is that ducking Pacquiao is part of an elaborate plan by Mayweather to increase interest -- and subsequently the money -- surrounding the fight. That, of course, would not be atypical Mayweather behavior. No one plays the media and boxing public for bigger dupes than him.

                    Yet the overall opinion in boxing seems to be Mayweather's concern is Pacquiao's smart brutality is an even match for his skilled quickness.

                    Who are we to say that a man who fights for a living is, well, afraid to fight? But Mayweather is leaving even his most strident supporters speechless with his recent game of running.

                    The irony is I think Mayweather would win and it wouldn't be as close as some believe. Mayweather's hand speed is still daunting and though Pacquiao is a solid boxer, he's mostly a slugger. Pacquiao is red-fanged but Mayweather would out-technique him. Apparently, I have more faith in Mayweather than Mayweather does.

                    Mayweather's refusal to fight Pacquiao runs contrary to everything we know about professional athletes.
                    Imagine the New Orleans Saints getting to the Super Bowl but refusing to play Indianapolis because they feared the Colts? Or Kobe Bryant not wanting to beat LeBron James? Or Mary Ann thinking she wasn't prettier than Ginger?

                    What Mayweather is doing remains one of the most unusual stories in sports today. It *****s Pitino, T.O. and almost all other summer silliness because we're seeing an elite athlete refuse to be great.

                    Most in boxing thought we'd have a fight set by now, particularly after Pacquiao reportedly agreed to more stringent performance enhancing drug testing. There have been charges and counter charges about who is ducking who, but it's clear now that Mayweather is the one doing the running.

                    Pacquiao has moved on and will fight someone else in the fall while Strayweather runs in the opposite direction.

                    Many of history's great fighters didn't duck other greats or if they did, they didn't for long. Sugar Ray Robinson had 200 fights, sometimes with numerous fights in one year. Mayweather is proving more the exception to this rule.

                    Mayweather is also proving to be something I never thought I'd see.


                    More bull**** from people who don't follow boxing and have no freaking clue what they are talking about. Did this clown write a column in January saying that Pac was afraid of Mayweather after he turned the fight down. No! His ****** ass said, just like everyone else, that Mayweather didn't want the fight. If Floyd didn't want the fight, he simply would have said so and never engaged in negotiations. Instead, he offered a compromise that Pac turned down. Now, Mayweather is afraid of Pac because he didn't take Arum's ridiculous offer. Pac is fighting bums and absolutely nothing is said. Mayweather turns down a bad offer for whatever reason and he is afraid of Pac. Bull****! No-way-to-sugar-coat-this-this-writer-is-an-idiot-who-doesn't-know-a-damn-thing-about-boxing-or-Floyd-Mayweather.


                    • #30
                      All yall clowns doing is putting ya ugly ass toe in ya mouth. Cause when Floyd fight and beat him, all of yall aint gonna have nothin to say. So I advise you to stop talking ****

