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Does Anyone Really Think Hopkins Is Going To Beat Taylor?

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  • #21
    lets just hope taylor wont get ruined like tito did


    • #22
      Not only do I think he is going to beat Taylor. I think he is going to stop him.

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      • #23
        I agree with the post above mine.


        • #24
          Originally posted by dansweeney
          taylor is gonna come out swinging, its his only shot, i see taylor's aggression working against him and see his corner throwing in the towel in the 8th round to preserve his career
          Absolutely. I think you hit the nail on the head. Taylor will try and use his supposed "Youthful" advantage on Hopkins, and will get too hasty. He was able to use his jab against smaller fringe contenders, like William Joppy. The 3 time champ put up a dreadful performance, and was outgunned by Taylor's reach. The same can not be said for the 6'2 hopkins, who has an advantage on Taylor.

          Lets not bring up the inside game either. Taylor's only chance, like you to get inside and somehow land power shots. My Idea is this:

          He WILL get inside, because Nard is going to go toe to toe with him the entire fight. He wont run from Taylor. Ill bet millions of points on that alone, and He is going to **** the body, and give Taylor hell when he isint able to land power shots. Hopkins' toughness and courage will be on display once again in this fight, and the haters will be looking for another reason to dog him out. I cant ****ing wait.

          Roughhouse tactics from the rugged pro are to be expected.

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          • #25
            I'm willing to bet all my points (which is a lame amount, I know), that Taylor wins (not predicting KO or decision).

            It's not really that I think Taylor will win, but he has a chance. I like hopkins but I'm ready for a new (and more exciting) middleweight champ. I think lacy would destroy hopkins if they ever fought, and my hope is that Taylor comes at Hopkins the way I think Lacy would, and KO's him.

            I'm half drunk though, and I was way off in the PBF/Gatti fight...I just want to bet on an underdog in a big fight, hehehe.

            No disrespect meant to Hopkins...he's hall of fame all the way IMO.


            • #26
              Originally posted by scap
              I think this one is going to be boring as well.

              LAcy are guys that would get in NArds grill and throw 60 punches a round and in some rounds vlow that out of the water...

              i agree this fight will be boaring but what hopkins fight is not??? its his style he wins this fight by UD hopkins only has a couple of fights left and i don't think that he would take a fight with a guy that he feels can beat him taylor is just to inexpirienced ....i also agree that lacy would be alot tougher match up for hopkins he has alot of power and strength good stamina and volume punching every rnd..


              • #27
                I get sick of this bull****. Brawling ****** fans say **** like "oh its going to be boring." You're not real fans with that kind of attitude. This isn't directed at everyone, but damn, I get so sick of **** when its like Mayweather fighting or Winky Wright or Hopkins and people say ****** **** about how it'll be boring. No it won't. Ruiz puts on boring matches because he's so ****ing inactive in there, he goes in and gets into those gay ass clinches, those "silent contracts" as Atlas calls them.

                Hopkins is a master boxer. He uses skill, technique. Boxing isn't about knockouts, its about imposing your will over your opponent. Hitting and not getting hit. Yes, I prefer a knockout, but if it doesn't come, I'm not going to sit there and say "awww, that was so boring" like some sort of ***** ass ******. Go watch the Rocky movies or some **** then, don't bother watching the fight. What is so boring about a good chess match?

                Brawls, its usually just whichever unskilled guy gets lucky enough to be the one to land first and hardest wins. And I'm not saying those fights aren't exciting, they are. But that **** isn't real skill usually. People complain when they get treated to a real display of technical skill, yet they have the nerve to come on here and say they like boxing. No you don't, you like punks hitting each other. There is a difference.

                And this isn't directed at anyone specific, so don't go taking a lot of offense. Just an angry rant by a fan of the technique of boxing, the truly sweet science.
                Last edited by masterdirector; 07-01-2005, 10:22 PM.


                • #28
                  [QUOTE=masterdirector]I get sick of this bull****. Brawling ****** fans say **** like "oh its going to be boring." You're not real fans with that kind of attitude. This isn't directed at everyone, but damn, I get so sick of **** when its like Mayweather fighting or Winky Wright or Hopkins and people say ****** **** about how it'll be boring. No it won't. Ruiz puts on boring matches because he's so ****ing inactive in there, he goes in and gets into those gay ass clinches, those "silent contracts" as Atlas calls them.

                  Hopkins is a master boxer. He uses skill, technique. Boxing isn't about knockouts, its about imposing your will over your opponent. Hitting and not getting hit. Yes, I prefer a knockout, but if it doesn't come, I'm not going to sit there and say "awww, that was so boring" like some sort of ***** ass ******. Go watch the Rocky movies or some **** then, don't bother watching the fight. What is so boring about a good chess match?

                  Are there brawls where technical skill is on display...absolutely.

                  Are there brawls where it looks like amatuer night...absolutely.

                  Are there fights where it is awesome to see 1 fighter impose his will over the other weather it be by speed, power, defensive skills or whatever...absolutely.

                  Are there boring fights or fighters besides Jonny Reez...absolutely.

                  Master I really respect your post, I can tell you are a fan and that means alot because there are many on this site (not naming names just like you) that arent fans, or maybe I should say aren't cult fans which is just fine not everyone is going to be a cult fan.

                  You said that you dont like Ruiz fights because he is so inactive in the ring...I agree with you 100%-this is when I call a fight boring is when the activity level is down by both if 1 fighters activity level is up you then can look for a reason why, most likely the reason would be that 1 fighter is in someway imposing his will over the other man-it is just not as apparent as other times.

                  Now, where I have a problem is when both men are inactive to a point where lulls in the action actually become the fight-they define it. I have never seen a Winky Wright fight I did not enjoy, I have never sen a Floyd Mayweather fight I didn't thouroughly enjoy but I have seen fights where a great like a Bernard Hopkins has imposed his will on another man and I have still walked away saying hhmmmm that fight was boring.

                  Am I not a real fan for thinking or saying this? **** maybe I need to turn in my cult membership card...but then again I really dont think so...there is no way I will miss a classic like JL Castillo vs. Diego Corrales, or a shocker like Simon Brown vs. Terry Norris and in the same breath just like I wont miss a snoozer like Hopkins vs. Eastman or Haugen vs. Camacho...Im addicted to this sport as if it was crack ******* and the sport has highs and lows great fights and boring fights and that will never change...

                  Are there boring fights, **** yes there are...would I miss them for antything, no ****ing way!


                  • #29
                    He'll beat him with his craftiness and experience. Hop knows every trick in the book and always comes prepared to his fights. Taylor is going to have a very rough night.


                    • #30
                      Taylor is being fed to the lions prematurely. he does not have the experience to be in there with a bernard hopkins. As Hopkins always does he will slowly pick him apart and wear him down as he does everyone else. Not only does he know every trick in the book but hopkins comes into the ring with a plan a,b ,c,d, e, f and g. and if those dont work he goes to his philly ring war craftiness. (Watever veteran tactics are necessary to stop you) The only chance taylor has is that he is young and hopkines is very old. other than that Taylor has no chance.

