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David Haye would knock the **** outta Wlad

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Steelhammer2010 View Post
    I was born in Ukraine, moved to Vancouver, Canada when I was a very young kid. I'm Half Ukrainian/Half Russian.
    A good reason to root for the Klitschko brothers.

    No reason to diss their opponents, though. At least Chambers, Arreola, Chagaev, and Peter entered the ring. Not like Valuev or Haye.


    • #32
      Anyone who doesn't think that Haye has a decent chance is kidding themselves. He's the only threat to the Klit's and gojng on and on about how the previous fight's broke down doesn't change that.
      He has a good chance against Vlad with his skills, speed and power, but he can't underestimate him. Vlad is a good heavy weight in a very poor decision, a tad robotic but definitely efficient in what he does. both have the power to end the fight early.
      Haye against Vitali is something else though, Vit has 10 times more heart than his bro and Haye would be a massive underdog imo unless Vitali becomes "old" very quickly.


      • #33
        Haye definitely has the footspeed and movement to get inside of Wlad's jab and put him under pressure. But Wlad has awesome power and great ring generalship and Haye would need to be very careful to not over commit himself and walk onto solid punches.

        In my opinion, Haye has too much speed, variety, and power for Wlad to handle. Therefore I predict a Haye stoppage before 6. I very much doubt Wlad can handle Haye's level of power. However, if the fight goes past the mid way point, Wlad could gain the upperhand and would inevitably land something big maybe knocking Haye out cold.


        • #34
          Originally posted by BrooklynBomber View Post
          This fight is a lot like Mayweather/Margarito. Everyone understnads Floyd will knocks seven shades of **** out of Tony, but some guys are fantacizing. Same as this, Wlad consistently showed that he is heads and shoulders above everyone else, but kids pic a new "savior" to beat him and then overemphasize one quality that he has that will make him the winner, although Wlad showed on consistent basis that no one good thing could beat him.

          Haye would be too fast for Wlad, he would counter punch him


          • #35
            Originally posted by street bully View Post
            Arreola and Chambers are both better than Haye by the way.
            HORSE****. Are you serious? They ain't even in shape, they look like off duty construction workers.


            • #36
              I'm a Brit, so I'm bias. Nevertheless Haye wins. Fighting Valuev was more dangerous than fighting wlad would be.

              He knows he has got the reach and the movement, the latter allowing him to stay away from the iron left jab from klit.
              Haye will end up knocking wlad out from the 9-12th round.


              • #37
                i would love to see wladimir vs haye, if haye grows balls the fight could still happen this year.
                i think haye has a better chance than any of wlads previous 10 opponents, but i wouldnt bet real money on this fight.
                haye is athletic, is boxing since he is 10, and has solid punching power.
                whoever lands the first bomb will win this fight, thats my prediction.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by tehMatrix View Post
                  you heard it here first
                  What i love about these threads is if your right you will bump this like the messiah but if your dramatically wrong you wont dream of bumping it.


                  • #39
                    Wlad gets gassed and has panic attacks or something when pressured.

                    Haye will pressure and make wlad exert himself.. I actually see haye boxing for the first 5 rounds then hitting the gas pedal. He has enough height and size to **** when necessary, it wont look like a kid reaching for his lollypop.

