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"Real" Boxing Fans?

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  • #61
    most ppl on this forum are not real boxing fans, there are several ways u can tell.

    most commonly there are ppl who are fans of a single fighter rather than the sport itself. they dont watch boxing cuz of the sport, they just care for a few fighters. and they dont understand the sport so they just back that fighter up with things that dont make sense half the time and at the same time bash others.

    the fighters they like can do no wrong and the fighters they dislike are always wrong. for example most of the pac fans on this site would be crucifying floyd if he was the one who was aginst testing, and in a similar way most of floyds fans would be making the same excuses pac fans are currently had the tables been turned. the fighters who are mainstream stars tend to have more non boxing fans than others.

    other ways to spot a fake fan is ppl who simply **** up and show they dont know jack **** about boxing, like baracuda trying to tell me defense isnt a criteria for scoring a fight

    they just slip up and show how little they really know.


    • #62
      I dunno man. Who cares about who knows what. This is a public forum and as long as you have an iota of appreciation for the sport then you have the right to post here. Only posters I personally disregard are the *******s - who there are way too many of these days.


      • #63
        Originally posted by S.G. View Post
        I dunno man. Who cares about who knows what. This is a public forum and as long as you have an iota of appreciation for the sport then you have the right to post here. Only posters I personally disregard are the *******s - who there are way too many of these days.
        that's pretty well put ...


        • #64
          Originally posted by S A M U R A I View Post

          "Real" Boxing Fans?

          What exactly are they?

          Boxing fans surprise me. In a sport mainly based on primitive violence that many would class as thuggish and neanderthal, it's strange to see stuck-up, snobby attitudes held by people who appear to have some kind of superiority complex. If you have been following the sport for only 3 weeks, apparently you are not a "real" boxing fan, you might possibly be spoken to as though you are worthless scum. If you have been a fan of the sport for 30 years, yet you support a fighter who someone else doesn't, apparently you are not a "real" boxing fan. If you have only 10 posts on a forum and joined yesterday, apparently you don't know anything about the sport and your opinion is irrelevant. You may support the world's #1 boxer, acknowledge his accomplishments, the fact that he is one of the greatest fighters who ever lived, and feel blessed that you are witnessing something special that only comes around once in every lifetime.... no, you're not a "real" boxing fan.

          Anyone who tells someone else they are not a "real" boxing fan without really knowing anything about them, in my opinion, truly isn't a real boxing fan.

          Let's say you like watching Floyd Mayweather. If you do, you might feel as though those who don't particularly like him are not "real" boxing fans. Even if you appreciate the skill level but don't actually enjoy watching his style, to some this is simply unacceptable.

          Does it really matter how long someone has been a fan, or what/who attracted them to the sport in the first place? Should we not welcome anyone, no matter who they are, and if they show ignorance, try to educate them?

          My view on it is like this:

          Boxing is not a special club where only one type of fighter and one type of fan is welcome. Boxing is made up of many different types of fighter. It needs it's face-first brawlers, it's slick counter-punchers, boxer/punchers, unorthodox fighters, journeymen, "bums" (note: I will never use this word to describe a man who puts his life on the line to feed his family and keep a roof over his head), and everything else in between. Boxing is a much bigger picture than many people here seem to think. Just like anything else in life, be it cars, clothes, the people we sleep with, the music we listen to... everyone has different taste and different reasons as to why they support their fighters. To me, anyone who thinks boxing should be one way and everything else is wrong, is a *******. I'm sure everyone can agree that the world would be incredibly boring if we all thought the same. Forums for discussion would be pointless because we would all be saying the same thing, and all fights would look the same, with both fighters using the same style on each other and basically getting nowhere, there would be no excitement. You wouldn't see a wicked leaping left-hook from the legendary Roy Jones Jr. that makes you say "damn! where did that come from?", because it's not "real" boxing, it's too unorthodox.

          Just to make it clear, this post is not an attempt to **** on any one particular fighter or his fans, although I myself have been told several times that I'm not a "real" boxing fan, and since it came from Mayweather fans, I am using them as an example. The fact that I first watched boxing as a little kid in the late 70's (Ali) and have followed it through until now, it's just not good enough for some people. Regardless of the fact that some of these people are teenagers who have been following the sport for one tenth of the time I have, they get on their high horses and tell me I know nothing.

          Well, I never claimed to be a know-it-all. I wouldn't even want to be, because if I knew it all my level of interest would decrease. I would rather keep learning. Nobody really likes a know-it-all anyway.

          This isn't about me, though, so I'll wrap it up. I just needed to get this off my chest. It'd be nice if we could be a little more accepting of others and welcome them as a supporter of the sport we love. Share the knowledge. Next time you accuse someone of not being a "real" boxing fan, just stop and think for a second. 99% of the people on this forum don't really know anything about each other. For all we know, Floyd Mayweather himself could have written a post or two, shared his opinion, and been told he knows nothing. The most technically slick fighter in the world was just told he knows nothing about the sport? Yes, it's very possible.

          Guys, let's cut the bull****. We really need some changes around here because the forum is constantly being flooded with garbage by people who think they know better than you.

          You and me are not really better than the next man just for the fact that we like a particular style or support a particular fighter. That's all there is to it.
          post of the year!!!!


          • #65
            Originally posted by KrisSilver View Post
            Essentially the last few posts have been completely meaningless and if anything proving the sentiments originally outlayed as true. If you can't realise that your a thick as poo. Just more subjective this is that, your this, which could be said in every thread, so why bother?

            I tell ya what, I'm a fooker for being pedantic and corrective at times, and there's no doubt a lot of people feel the need to post if they're feeling is negative, rather than positive. There's a key problem.

            Let's at least try **** sandwiches, i.e.

            -I think that's rich (aren't we all tho)

            -Your right we should all celebrate eachother loving boxing more otherwise we'll put off more potential fans keeping this sport alive (er yeah)

            -I don't like you.

            All three are true, it's just on a forum, the first and third i.e. the bread in this scenario, are fucking pointless.

            Focus on the filling.



            • #66
              This thread is full of flaws. I just don't know where to start critisyzing.


              • #67
                Originally posted by #1Assassin View Post
                most ppl on this forum are not real boxing fans, there are several ways u can tell.

                most commonly there are ppl who are fans of a single fighter rather than the sport itself. they dont watch boxing cuz of the sport, they just care for a few fighters. and they dont understand the sport so they just back that fighter up with things that dont make sense half the time and at the same time bash others.

                the fighters they like can do no wrong and the fighters they dislike are always wrong. for example most of the pac fans on this site would be crucifying floyd if he was the one who was aginst testing, and in a similar way most of floyds fans would be making the same excuses pac fans are currently had the tables been turned. the fighters who are mainstream stars tend to have more non boxing fans than others.

                other ways to spot a fake fan is ppl who simply **** up and show they dont know jack **** about boxing, like baracuda trying to tell me defense isnt a criteria for scoring a fight

                they just slip up and show how little they really know.
                All on its own it isn't worth jack **** without the counters or offense of some kind to back it up.

                Running= defense technically and I would love to hear someone justify giving someone a round because they defended from an opponents offense by going no where near him.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Spray_resistant View Post
                  All on its own it isn't worth jack **** without the counters or offense of some kind to back it up.

                  Running= defense technically and I would love to hear someone justify giving someone a round because they defended from an opponents offense by going no where near him.
                  If they land more punches by doing that technique they win the round though.


                  • #69
                    i am a real boxing fan...

                    that is why i usually stay out of NSB...

                    i try to make comebacks in here but i always wind up dissapointed by the conversations that ensue

                    but i figured i would rep a Samurai thread if i had to post in here


                    • #70
                      if all you do is post in floyd and pac threads, I don't consider you a "real" boxing fan.

