Naoyas stock certainly has gone up with his A+ performances, its going to be really interesting to see his weight ceiling in a near future. Even the Monster gotta have a limit.
They have an ancient Japanese traditional medicine that's said to work wonders. It will increase the size of your manhood by over 100% , while making you rich , taller , a witty conversationalist , and irresistible to women.
You will need to procure the ingredients. The left side penis of a mature Great White Shark , they have two of them , but only the left one will do. You will need two testicles , one from a Wolverine , and the other from a Sun Bear , again the left nuts only will do. Next , add the dried skins of seven bullfrogs , and the oldie but goodie , EYE of Newt three pinches of that. Put it all in the blender with a cup and a half of lard , and top the blender off with hot water. Drink it , leaving just enough to smear a bit behind your ears and forehead.
According to legend , which is better than those overrated medical journals anyway , it's also good for curing the common cold after a week of daily use.
They have an ancient Japanese traditional medicine that's said to work wonders. It will increase the size of your manhood by over 100% , while making you rich , taller , a witty conversationalist , and irresistible to women.
You will need to procure the ingredients. The left side penis of a mature Great White Shark , they have two of them , but only the left one will do. You will need two testicles , one from a Wolverine , and the other from a Sun Bear , again the left nuts only will do. Next , add the dried skins of seven bullfrogs , and the oldie but goodie , EYE of Newt three pinches of that. Put it all in the blender with a cup and a half of lard , and top the blender off with hot water. Drink it , leaving just enough to smear a bit behind your ears and forehead.
According to legend , which is better than those overrated medical journals anyway , it's also good for curing the common cold after a week of daily use.
LOL, the guy just say canelo was big and everyone has an opinion.