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Usyk got knocked out in his last fight

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  • Usyk got knocked out in his last fight

    There's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise.

    W1LL W1LL likes this.

  • #2
    Clear body shot

    ref says belt line is fine, plus he had his shorts high. anyone can see from the video or pics that it's to the body.

    That shot is perfectly fine 99% of the time.

    AJ landed a good body shot on him and he faked a low blow then too, it was a perfectly good shot.

    Let's say it's down to the discretion of the referee whereabouts on the beltline is considered low, either way you're look at it, that shot was in the area of the body and not the nuts but he was crippled for five minutes because it's evident he can't take a body shot.

    If people want to say it was low, then they can't say it was more than 1 or 2 cm low, which isn't a different part of your anatomy.

    so he was basically crippled by a body shot whichever way you look at it. Just because the ref says the belt line is low, it doesn't mean the shot didn't land to the body which, we can all see it did.
    Last edited by deathofaclown; 05-16-2024, 08:04 AM.
    fifth_root N/A likes this.


    • #3
      How do you knock someone out and then quit off a jab then?

      How do you knock someone out, then come out flat the rest of the fight?


      • #4
        It was a borderline shot - some refs would've called it a low blow whereas others wouldn't. However, Usyk definitely MILKED it but I think he could've easily gotten up had the ref started counting. After all, he was perfectly fine for the rest of the fight and stopped Dubois shortly after.


        • #5
          Poor souls grasping at straws to discredit Usyk. The denial/anger stage is taking so long.. it's all good though, acceptance will come eventually. He beat every HW in their backyard and laughing all the way to the bank
          Zaroku Zaroku likes this.


          • #6
            I thought it should have been ruled a KD. Now let's see if Fury can hurt him.
            fifth_root N/A likes this.


            • #7
              Utterly embarrassing for dimwit Daniel then who had numerous rounds to finish the job but then got battered himself.


              • #8
                In real time, watching live, I thought the shot was legit and Dubois got robbed of the HWT title. Was a raging debate in the RBR thread.

                Dubois ended up quitting so I guess it doesn’t matter.


                • #9
                  ON the belt is almost always a legal shot with how high everyone wears their belts now. That was 100% a legal shot and if ruled as such I dont see how Usyk gets up and even if he barely beat the count he was not in condition to fight he would be stopped.

                  Usyk got KO'd and should have given Dubois a rematch.,

                  even worse the ref kept warning Dubois telling him he was going to DQ him or take points if he kept up with his legal body shots, taking away his one tool that was working for Dubois, that ref was a ***ing disgrace and changed the result of the fight.
                  fifth_root N/A likes this.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post
                    In real time, watching live, I thought the shot was legit and Dubois got robbed of the HWT title. Was a raging debate in the RBR thread.

                    Dubois ended up quitting so I guess it doesn’t matter.

                    it matters because the ref changed the results of the fight. Usyk shouldnt be champ.

                    Then the ref forbid Dubois from any more legal body shots warning him every time he landed a legal body shot. Nobody is saying Dubois is great, he would have been a one hit wonder like a Douglas. When the ref took away the only thing working for him yeah he gave up in frustration, you would have to be an ultra elite fighter to have a plan A, B, C that all work with Usyk, he was robbed of his moment to be champ.

                    Look I want Usyk to be champ and I want the unification to happen with Tyson this weekend, I just know what I saw last fight and I hate how corrupt boxing is, there was no money for Dubois to be champ or to delay the mega fight, Dubois' role was to be a stay busy fight for Usyk and that is how the ref treated it.
                    Last edited by elfag; 05-16-2024, 10:24 AM.

