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Comments Thread For: The Athlete's Voice Calls for a Change in Fighter Safety: 'Hopefully We Can Save a Life'

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  • Comments Thread For: The Athlete's Voice Calls for a Change in Fighter Safety: 'Hopefully We Can Save a Life'

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  • #2
    There's no changing this sport. It is what is is, and will only become more corrupt as the years go on.

    No one cares about boxers until they are on the ring on fight night, and after the fight is over, no one cares again.

    It's sad, but whatever. Make your life choices and be okay with them.


    • #3
      This is part of the sport. It's unfortunate because some fighters are blessed in that they don't get permanently injured no matter how many wars they've been in or punches they've taken, while others are either hurt badly, killed, or showing cognitive decline sooner than later.

      Some fighters could go years without any serious injury because maybe they're that good at not being hit, yet they don't even know how susceptible they are to a damaging blow if one were to land.

      I think or Marco Barrera often when I think of fighters and great chins. The dude went through wars (nearly 75 pro fights) and came out of it fine. Then you got other guys who get put in a coma in their 10th bout or less. I think it actually has to do with their biological DNA. There is the liquid in the brain and thickness of the skull. How thick and how much liquid between the skull and brain? I feel like fighters where the brain is allowed to bounce around more within the skull (on impact) are more susceptible to a concussion or brain injury vs those where there is less movement. Obviously you can't get better with this. You either have it or you don't. These are things nobody would even know they have until disaster strikes. As long as you have combat sports where folks can be punched in the head and it causes this movement of the brain, there is always a chance of injury.


      • #4
        Want to keep boxers safe ?
        Regulate roids

        Not once
        Not ever
        Has a roider done damage to his opponent.

        On the other hand....
        List of deaths due to injuries sustained in boxing

