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Theatrical US referees

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  • Theatrical US referees

    Harvey Dock is following the US tradition of high profile, egotistical referees such as Mills Lane, Joe Cortez and Kenny Bayless who think they deserve to be part of the show. Far too involved with far too much to say. Dock at least seems not to have developed his own catchphrase yet.

    This is partly cultural. We see similar with US newsreaders who report with an obviously contrived theatrical style which is often inappropriate. (E.g. the "blow by blow" reporting of the man who had self-immolated outside a court.)

    Anyway, as to the fight. It was entertaining but looked like a sloppy, domestic level scrap to me. Lots of swinging and missing, holding and gassing. Jack Catterall is far more skilled/composed than both at 140. Amazing what a social media presence and/or loudmouth father can do for one's reputation.
    Oracle01 Oracle01 likes this.

  • #2
    American refs love getting all in the video that's for damn sure
    dan-b dan-b likes this.


    • #3
      You’re giving him too much credit right now, he’s pretty quiet and serious. He just ****** ass last night, looked like he was there as Haney’s bodyguard. Otherwise he’s okay, and I don’t see him as being in the way. He should’ve been MORE involved. Like warning Haney for holding and taking a point away if it persists.

      He was involved but only to officiate one fighter.


      • #4
        Originally posted by -Kev- View Post
        He was involved but only to officiate one fighter.
        Your confirmation bias is possibly leading you to view it that way. He warned Haney for some legitimate body punches in the mid-rounds.

        Referee just looked out of his depth.


        • #5
          Bumped for satiev1


          • #6
            Dock has never given me Jack Reiss vibes. I think mostly he was more overwhelmed with his job last night then anything else cuz there was a lot of lil dumb sh^t he had to or felt the need to get involved on.

            There was a ton of holding. Devin never wants to fight on the inside & Ryan can't fight on the inside so they got clinched up far too many times & neither guy was down for working their way out of the clinch very often.

            The most glaring issue it seemed was the point deduction. Which to me was more of a coulda went either way thing. You'll rarely see a move like this, but you'll also rarely see a cheap shot like this when a guy has his opp hurt. So to me this felt like a unsportsmanlike cheap shot pt deduction for that hitting on the break situation.

            When both guys are cool & its some marginal hit on the break thing its a whole other thing than when one guy is diminished after a KD & its a blantant hit on the break. I had no problem with it for that reason, but I'm a cat who thinks they don't move quick enough to pt deductions & this you get 2 free nut shots per fight minimum before you lose a pt sh^t is ******. But I see why many would disagree cuz its not usually the standard.
            dan-b dan-b likes this.


            • #7

              it was flat out corruptness plain n simple.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Regge View Post

                it was flat out corruptness plain n simple.
                I think you're being influenced by your confirmation bias. He warned Haney for some legal body punches in the mid rounds.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by -Kev- View Post
                  Like warning Haney for holding and taking a point away if it persists.
                  I thought there was a fair amt of holding on both sides. Neither guy was trying to fight on the inside much so Dock had to work overtime on this but it was both of them most of the fight.

                  I agree when Devin was hurt, I believe in the 7th most clearly, was when he got too excessive. Thing is for whatever reason refs almost never take a pt for holding.

                  As a long time fan it seems like you get 2 free nut shots & 2 hits on the break, minimum of course, & near unlimited holding before you'll get a pt taken by the ref. I've even heard refs say they like to see a hurt guy holding cuz it shows they got their head together enough to continue still. Popeye Ray Corona gots a podcast where he talks about sh^t like that thats insightful at times.
                  Last edited by Eff Pandas; 04-22-2024, 01:32 AM.
                  dan-b dan-b likes this.

