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Comments Thread For: Can Betting Motivate Boxing to Clean Up its Iffy Officiating?

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  • Comments Thread For: Can Betting Motivate Boxing to Clean Up its Iffy Officiating?

    Can Betting Motivate Boxing to Clean Up its Iffy Officiating?
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    Is this article a joke? Can betting clean up boxing? It’s quite the other way around lmao.


    • #3
      In baseball ******** became a mortal sin after the Black Sox Scandal of 1919, in order to preserve the integrity of the game.

      But now betting is going to motivate boxing to clean up its act? I don’t think it works that way.
      LAchargers373 LAchargers373 likes this.


      • #4
        the rolly romero protection racket was put to a halt lol



        • #5
          Hilarious. I saw a documentary once about a nba ref who was caught fixing games with his calls or lack of calls. He blew the whole thing wide open, how they all do it and how a couple calls can change the outcome of a game.

          We all joke about judges being paid to score a certain way. It happens, and refs are in on it too.

          Next you'll be telling me that flash mob theft will make stores lower their prices, so thieves will shop there instead of stealing their stuff.
          _Rexy_ _Rexy_ Smash Smash like this.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BustedKnuckles View Post
            Hilarious. I saw a documentary once about a nba ref who was caught fixing games with his calls or lack of calls. He blew the whole thing wide open, how they all do it and how a couple calls can change the outcome of a game.

            We all joke about judges being paid to score a certain way. It happens, and refs are in on it too.

            Next you'll be telling me that flash mob theft will make stores lower their prices, so thieves will shop there instead of stealing their stuff.
            Scott foster is STILL fixing games in NBA today lol
            BustedKnuckles BustedKnuckles likes this.


            • #7
              The thing with betting helping catch fooked up sh^t in sports is when 2 + 2 = 5 too often in most sports its an easy sign of something sketchy going on.

              In boxing there is almost always 1 judge whos adding 2 + 2 & coming up with 5 so idk how betting would help much in boxing.


              • #8
                I bet all the time and nope judges still suk


                • #9
                  boxers are an investment, some make more money for u than others & some make no money for u at all, which will u protect as hard as u can?


                  • #10
                    Judges need to be seated in high tennis referee type chairs. There's no way they can clearly see what's occurring at the other side of the ring away from them while seated at canvas level. Put them up high. Common sense.

