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Comments Thread For: Hearn Says Eubank vs. Benn Talks 'Underway' for Potential December Fight

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  • Comments Thread For: Hearn Says Eubank vs. Benn Talks 'Underway' for Potential December Fight

    Promoter Eddie Hearn says he would be "surprised" if the long-discussed fight between Chris Eubank Jr. and Connor Benn fails to materialize by the end of the year.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    Will Jr. have to slim down again?


    • #3
      This is ******. Jr isn't young anymore and he's had a great last fight in avenging his loss. I'm not saying he's a world bearer but if there's a time to be World Champion it's now and Benn isn't going to giving him that. Jr should concentrate on the World Champions. I'd rather see him in there with Saunders rematch to avenge that loss if he's going to be fighting for a non-title than Benn.
      Goatintheboat Goatintheboat likes this.


      • #4
        tell hearn and his druggie fighter 164LB 70/30 take it or leave it


        • #5

          Benn still isn't licensed in the UK.

          Hearn and Benn are pulling the wool by saying he's cleared to fight, technically he's not in the UK. They've not had a hearing with the British boxing board and has no license.

          Must be in the middle east unless Benn gets cleared by the BBBoC..


          • #6
            Use the momentum and the new found love from the British fans and go fight for a world title. You should get Smith's ranking with the WBO and Janebik hasn't fought a mandatory yet so unless GGG resurfaces you should be next in line for it. Clearly it'll be less money than Benn or Brook but those fights will still be there win or lose. Get a MW title and then push for a Canelo fight. He loves Eddie and if he really wants a UK fight there's no one else.


            • #7
              Isn't the Wilder talks underway as well .Hearn is a complete clown . Benn is still under a massive cloud where HE put himself and still has to come clean as to WHY he failed TWO separate drug tests . Eubank Jr...well! ... battered by old little Liam and then battered little old Liam .. sooooo what! Benn and Jr. deserve nothing and are just freeloading in the name of boxing.

